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Joyce M. Giangarlo, Steven S. Sivulich

Leadership and Mentoring Award

            The Joyce M. Giangarlo, Steven S. Sivulich Leadership and Mentoring Award was created to recognize and reward individuals who have created and actively maintained a mentoring relationship that has produced an enhanced value to the Collegiate Experience.

            The Award seeks to recognize one student and one university staff, administrative or faculty member that exemplify development through mentoring.  A student’s enthusiasm to search for, and grow within, a mentoring relationship as well as a mentor’s willingness to go ‘above and beyond’ in the development of an individual are the measures for this recognition.

            We appreciate your application for this award and ask that you always remember to realize the value that a true mentor provides.


AWARD             $500.00 to Nominee (Mentor) and $500.00 to Applicant (Student)

            The Applicant and the Nominee chosen by the Selections Committee as the Award Recipients will each receive $500.00 in the form of a check to be presented shortly after the committee has made their decision.  The Applicant and the Nominee will be contacted by the Award’s Committee Chairperson when the decision has been made.


            All applicants have been asked to complete the electronic application on-line by following this link.  If you have difficulty accessing the website or completing the on-line application please contact the award administrator at:  Please refer all questions to this email address.  Individuals who have difficulty completing the application online can receive a paper copy of the application by requesting one via email.

APPLICATION DEADLINE:         March 19, 2003