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A Lil' Bit About Me!!!!!

First off, I know you are wondering who that cutie is in the picture. Well, that is my son Andrew. He is 3 years old. Andrew was born 16 weeks early weighing only 1 pound 4 ounces. He is truly a miracle. He does have some medical problems, but we are dealing the best we can!

Well, let’s see. I was born on Friday the 13th (13 Nov. 1981) I’m a pretty laid back person. I got out of the Marine Corps in January 2008. I spent my time as an aircraft mechanic and I managed and maintained a large computer data base and my squadron’s technical manuals library for the first 2 1/2 years; I spent my last year and a half working with Toys for Tots. I miss being active duty, but it was time to move on with my life. I met some great and not so great people while I was in. Some of those that I served with have lost their lives in Iraq and some have made a lasting impression on me. Now, along with my Mom, I provide low-cost daycare out of our home.

I’m also back in school as a nursing student. I’m finishing up some courses at Bucks this semester and I start LaSalle in the spring for my BSN. In addition to getting my degree in Nursing, I already have an associates degree in Criminal Justice, I'm a certified phlebotomist, and I have enough military course work and experience to get a degree in military science (pending I take 2 more classes in that area)

While I was in the Marines I experienced one of the best yet scariest things in my life; I got pregnant with twins in February 2005. Unfortunately, I lost one child early on. However, on July 26, 2005 I welcomed my baby boy into the world. He was 16 weeks early and weighed 1 pound 4 ounces at birth. He spent 3 months in the NICU at Abington Memorial Hospital. During his stay there I met some other NICU parents, that I can now say are some of the best friends I have. Nothing brings me more pleasure than watching them play together; seeing each of them thriving in their own ways. They have all come down such a long road. Andrew has had a very tough time since he was born. He had open heart surgery when he was 1 month old, and has endured 17 other surgeries since. He has been in and out of the hospital with respiratory, GI, kidney, and weight issues. But, he is a fighter and overall a happy kid.

Andrew is a wild child, he is hyper and active even more so than a typical toddler. I just wish he would sleep more than 4 hours a day. I think it is so cool seeing his personality develop….he is big into Star Wars, Transformers, Grease,Little Einsteins and lots of other awesome things.

My son Andrew is my life. I put him before anything. I am raising him on my own. He is proof that miracles happen and that the greatest gifts in life come in small packages. He has taught me the true meaning of strength and courage, what it means to be a fighter, and that life is easiest when you take it one day at a time and He is my hero.

Check Out These Military Links

The Few,The Proud, The Marines!
Accelerate Your Life In The Navy

Go Blue With The Air Force

Be An Army Of One

Hey Hit Up These Sites!

The Official Site Of The Phillies

Bucks County Community College

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