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I'm Matt Flaschen, though if you don't know who I am already then I doubt that you're at my web site. As you can see by my list my favorite activity is surfing the internet. Right now I'm in 11th grade at Harriton High School. Check back for updates, or else!!!

Check out my 8th grade health project

My Favorite Activities

6 Links You Should Check Out

  1. Google, the best search engine ever
  2., a great HTML tool
  3., the definitive HTML web site
  4. Marvelous eBay
  5. My Computer Camp (click Matt to see my page)
  6. UltraBar, an awesome toolbar for Internet Explorer

Also, check out UUEncode, a binary to text convertor. The zip file linked to also includes UUDecode, which converts text to binary.

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