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Simple Words



Without You

Non-Hockey Fics


Updated 2-27-05: Wow, I suck. Alot. Anyways, hoo boy, lots of updates. New section on the site, non-hockey fic. I put all my baseball ficlets in there, plus the OC!fic I wrote for James' birthday a couple of years ago. Also in there is a brand new fic, Hanson!slash (yes, I know. Haha. Shut up.). Give it a try, if only because I'm proud of that fic. Also are some updates in the Short Works section. Three new fics added in there, "Cherry Lipstick," "Clean Shaven," and "Don't Miss You At All," plus a bunch of RPG-inspired ficlets. Enjoy all the new stuff! And thank James for kicking my ass around so that I finally did this. *grin* As always, feedback makes everyone happy, let me know what you think by emailing me. Enjoy, and thanks for reading!

A Note from the Author: This is my horribly unattractive little place for my fics. Don't tell me that I have format issues, I'm completely aware of that, and I will fix it all...eventually. As of right now, I just want to get the site going. Thank you all for visiting.

DISCLAIMER: All fiction on this site is mine; do not steal it, please. If you would like to use something, please feel free to E-mail me and ask. More importantly, the content of the fiction of this site involves slash (male/male relationships), and mature topics at times. If you have problems with that, or if you are too young in your area to read things of an adult nature, LEAVE NOW. You have been warned. Do not complain to me later. If you read something you deem inappropriate after this warning, it is your own doing, not mine. Also, while I use real people as characters, all of the events described in these stories are fake. I have made them all up. I am not implying anything about the people named, and I am not affiliated with any company, team, league, etc. that is mentioned. Any song lyrics used are sole property of the band/artist who wrote them.......I think I covered all of my bases there....

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