Lindsay's Page :)


fun times this weekend...Thursday night "porn session" with the castle boys...going on a 3AM cheese run...Friday Macaroni Grill with nutter and the heinz girls...the hot vegetarian waiter ;) then a fun night chillin' with Nutter :)... saturday, Bosstones concert, of course that was a good time...dinner at Hibatchi, bitching with laura, finally make the ETD and good times the rest of the night :) Laura, you are the Little One, Kate i hope your mouth feels better soon...Jen and Bridge, we were crammed behind the bathroom curtain for a good half hour while you gave me "advice" hahaha you guys rock. Amanda, try to keep your mouth shut, and Claire, thanks for keeping things under control ;) "me and my roomates are sluts and there's nothing you can do about it!!"-bridgets away message that she doesn't remember writing....

A Little Bit About ME!:)

My instant messanger name is PINKERTON510 amd my email address is!

My name is Lindsay and I am an 18 year old female attending ARCADIA UNIVERSITY~ (used to be BEAVER college), which is located in the little town of Glenside, PA, near PHILLY. Although I don't like to admit it, I am originally from LANCASTER, Pa. (it sucks there). I am 5'7'', REDHEAD, with blue eyes.

I am a biology/pre-nursing major, and I'm involved with Students Against Drunk Driving, Student Programming Board and Student Government here on campus. Since I am told that I run like an idiot (laura), i don't play sports, but I like to watch 'em, 'specially baseball.(BRAVES!) I love MUSIC, it is a very big part of my life. I listen to just about eveything, though weezer is my FAVORITE. For all the =w= fans, here's a little something just for you:) :
I was also a BAND GEEK (with Laura:) for 3 years, I play french horn and I have been singing and acting since I was about 9 :)

The Fam :)

My family consists of my mom, my dad, my sister-Christie, who is 21 and a senior Theatre Major at Wilkes University, and Robby, who is 12 and in 7th grade. There is also my 16 year-old kitty cat, Brandy, whom I love dearly :)

People that deserve some recognition

DAD: I coudn't possibly tell you how much you mean to me. THANK YOU for everything you've done for me this past year. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

~Megan, Kristen, and Laura- thanks for all the awesome times this summer! From "bar hoppin" in Harrisburg, to the =w= concert, to the BEACH ("Anthony...where's my clarinet?"), to freaking out over oldschool videos, to the pool party, it was the best summer we've had :) I'm so glad that I spent it with you girls! love ya's :)

A special hello to all my pals here at ARCADIA

CLAIRE/LAURA/MCGRATH/HELEN/LC:Whatever I decide to call you, you are the best! We went through 4 years at CATHOLIC together, and now we have 4 more ahead of us here at college :) Never forget the "bushes" and fatty mcgee and HOBIE and turtles and such ;) I love ya.

Col- thanks for being the awesome girl that you are! (and the best roomie:)) I love ya no matter what, and i promise to always be here for you!!!

Manda, Mini-me, and Claire- thanks for the many, many good times. Be sure to hike your butts up the walk of pride to come visit me this year!! ("kinda makes you wanna cause a disturbance...") haha

Julie- my OL partner! you're the best! thanks for always being there for me when times get rough :)

Lindsay- i will miss you not having you around :( I really hope everything works out for you, you deserve it!

NATALIA! this semester will not be the same without you, but have fun in Africa :) we'll miss ya!

**other people: the boys in the quint-you guys are so much fun!, laura keller-my new roomie! I miss our fun times in Justice together!, and any time i need a laugh i think of you in the video on that rock- "I claim this land in the name of mianus!", u know we are so alike, anytime you need to talk, i'm here for ya! kate, bridget, and jen- YAY FOR THE CASTLE!!:)you girls have been SUCH awesome friends to me this semester, and i will always cherish our fun times from partyin, mardi gras, the DINER and the sleepover :) "I have to race like a piss horse" HAHA, ivan-Thanks for the naps and the backrubs...if you have a bad dream this year, just run to the other side of the castle- i'll be there. hahahha.


my random quotes
Check out the band OZMA- they rock
Take my QUIZ! :)
My fav. lyrics
my favorite band WEEZER's official site
