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Lily Dideban - '02-'03 KCI Trustee Lily Dideban - '02-'03 KCI Trustee

"Listen, Link, and Lead with Lily"

The time has come...
**Meet Co-Prez Jen**
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Welcome to the UNofficial site of Lily D the trustee !

This is the Official site of the Lily D fan club!!

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Lily D, the trustee hails from Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. Oh, how we love the PA District. For all you newcomers to this little site, we are paying homage, to our friend and trustee.......... Lily D!

Lily D ran for trustee at the 2002 Key Club International Convention in Anaheim, California. With her mighty rappers, Lily D, went through caucus after caucus, giving it her all. On Saturday night, after the votes were tallied from the House of Delegates voting that morning, it was announced that Lily D had been elected as one of 14 Key Club International trustees!!!!!!!!! All hail the mighty Lily D.

Lily D is liasion to the Districts of Ohio and Utah-Idaho!! Congrats to those Districts for getting to work with Lily D the trustee over the next year.

January 19th, 2003: I would just like to rub it in the face of everyone, that I, one Hershey High School Key Club President, got to speak with the one...the only LILY DIDEBAN INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEE this evening. I think I'm going to print out the convo, and frame it. In Lily D Fan Club news, if anyone can think of any Lily D cheers, please let me know, we need to start working on that for convention. And oh yes, the trustee said I was special, which is a load of crap, because I'm not.

January 9th, 2003: Okay people this is really starting to get irritating! Over 1000 people have visited this site, and we have only 6 pages worth of messages in the Guestbook...and I think six are from me. This is the link to the guestbook... THE GUESTBOOK! PLEASE SIGN IT!!!! Anyway, fellow fan club officer Melissa T, Lily's home club (Elizabethtown) President Erika and I had the pleasure of chillin' with the trustee tonight at this coffee shop in Lily D Fan Club land (Hershey). It was decided that Erika and I need to go all out at this year's International convention in support of Lily D, so if you're going to international this year, give us a holla! We will most likely host a lil Fan Club get together or something in one of our rooms, so we can gather and talk about how wonderful Lily is! 'Til the next time, key club your heart out!!

January 8, 2003: Okay I admit I did visit the Lily site 3 times today in order to see the counter thing at the bottom hit a 1000, and let me just say WOW! This website started on August 20, 2002, and today is January 8th, 2003. That averages to 7.92 visits a day!!! (Thank you to that .92 of a person that visits everyday!) Very many thanks to Lily D for giving us a reason to make this site...Congrats on an awesome year Lily, now that you're trustee what are you going to do now...we hope continue to lead, link and learn the way you have been, because you are changing the world with your service.

January 5, 2003: Lily D T-shirt mania is sweeping the country!! So far we have 17 interested persons for Lily D t-shirts, from the districts of Utah-Idaho, Pennsylvania and Ohio!! This is awesome, but so many more people could have t-shirts, so tell your friends, and anybody who is thinking of going to international!! And don't forget to sign the guestbook, the guestbook is KEY. 'til the next time, lead the Lily way.

January 1, 2003: Lily D has been working hard over the past few months. She visited Utah-Idaho in November, and had a ball. The countdown begins until International in Indy!! The fan club will be getting t-shirts made and possibly other odd assortments of clothing to be worn in support of lily d at co-prez Jen, if you would like to be on the wearing.

October 1, 2002: Lily D was elected the 2002 Elizabethtown Homecoming Queen, so that's wayyyyyyyyy exciting!!! Congratulations Lily D!! Ltg. Cara from Ohio sent me the pic of her and Lily from the Ohio Fall Training Conference and Rally, which Lily went to, and spread some Key Club cheer!! I hopefully wil have more pictures up later. 'Til then

September 19, 2002: Fan Club Co-President Jen, will be traveling to K-EAST along with Lily, so hopefully at that point we will get a nifty little Question & Answer Section up on the Website, of course with numerous pictures from KEAST.

September 18, 2002: Lily D has been elected to the Elizabethtown Homecoming Court. YAY!! Lily D!!! More details and pics will follow.

September 15, 2002: Added a link, so that you can im President Jen (if she's online). I don't know if this will work for AOL users, bc I was signed on to both AIM and AOL when i added the link. 11 Days til KC Weekend

September 9, 2002: Hey Lily D fans across the country! Many new things have happened to the website, and many more will happen as soon as I finish my roll of film, and get the pictures put on a Kodak picture cd!! Amy N. and I chatted with Lily D. on 9/5 over very tasty Mango italian ices and misto shakes. The trustee says hello to her fans (hopefully we will have an official greeting to the fan club from Lily D. in the upcoming weeks)...that's all for now, 'til the next time, Happy Key Clubbing!

August 29, 2002: 6 out of 14 KCI board members have responded to our request for info!!! Thanks to President Thomas, and Trustees: Abnour, Boyer, Strauss, Shaw, and Werner! The fan club has our own e-mail now - Lily D fan club We are going to try to get more links n' pics as they become available up on the site, so give us a just a lil bit more time!!

August 23, 2002: Ladies & Gents, the site is coming along very well. Hopefully by next week, we'll have a bit more info on the members of the KCI Board. 'Til then Happy Key Clubbing!

August 20, 2002: The Lily D the trustee website is born. Special thanks go to Lily D fan club co-presidents: Amy N & Jen G, and fan club treasurer, secretary, Mary Kay supplier, and bucket lemonade maker: Melissa T. Keep watching the site for more updates into the life & times of Lily D, the Key Club International Trustee

**** Contact the Lily D Fan Club ****

days 'til Lily's Birthday!!
days 'til PA District Convention!
days 'til International Convention and LILY D MANIA!!

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

The official italian ice of the Lily Dideban Fan Club

All About Lily

The official photo album of Lily D the trustee
Lily D the trustee's platform
Lily D the trustee's experience & Qualifications
Odds n' ends
KCI Board
Lily D is liasion to the Ohio District
Lily D is also liasion to the Utah-Idaho District and as soon as their website is up and running we will add a link.

Link with Lily

The official home of the Pennsylvania District of Key Club International
Key Club International
Where to find Lily
Elizabethtown Area High School (home of Lily D)