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A Lil Bout' Me

I am in the Red Faction clan PLuS....Phools Like Us. Check us in the links page.

I'm 22 and female. I love to watch, draw, and, collect anime. I also like to play video games. As far as PC goes I am currently playing Red Faction, UT2K3 and a lil Solider of Fortune 2.

I started riding Flatland recently. Its tough but it keeps me occupied. ~_^ Not a lot of Flatland riders in my area so I am gonna try some Street, this should get interesting! Learn more about Flatland, Street and other types of BMX riding at the BMX links located on the Links Page.

I am thinking about making an Anime Fan Art page. If you have any submissions and would like them on the page let me know. The email addy is below. Also, include the name of your submission with your name so I can give you credit. ~_^

Hey all its the day after Christmas and I finally got off my lazy ass!! Ok not really I have been werking mad OT. Lil update... hmm I had the usual Christmas, Eve at my moms house and Day at my dads. Gotta love the big D. I got a new bike or so my brother tells me he has one for me so I can ride street and I don't have to make my beautiful Quamen bike a flat/street bike. hee hee. New games I am playing: UT2K3 & WC3. Thats about it for now. I am starting to build my own computer. Soooo, hopefully I won't be stuck on this shitty Gateway much longer.

Well, I finally built my computer and its up and running, thanks to the magical install and setup m0dz of Pic0o. I also aquired Pic0o's old case Blackie... lets talk about fan holes here for a min.... I bet you have never seen so many :P Of course mad props go out to J0k3r for hooking me up with the majority of the parts in my computer. I am finally begining to become one with Windows XP Pro, although, it will never replace W2K Pro. hee hee ~_^ I updated my page today because Shim pointed out that I am no longer 21 and at the top it still said that I was..... notice how much I update this thing... :p Well, its getting dark and I rode my bike here so I am off to pick up my car across town.... more updates to come ~_^

Update time!! Started playing Red Faction again. Its starting to be a lil more fun thanks to the vigilant upkeep of servers. Mainly J0k3rs servers. Modders are taking care of pretty much immediately and it makes me happy!! I got asked to play a lil 2v2 match for fun and here is the outcome ~_^

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Linky to caffeine goodness...

Hackers, Coders, Geeks - Get your Clothes, Stickers and Caffeine


Anime Pics
My Art work
Image Creation
