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BJ's Decorated Cakes

Here are some cakes I've decorated. I taught myself to decorate cakes when I was 14. I've been doing this for 22 years now and charge the lowest rates around. I make cakes according to the wishes of the people ordering them! They're all free-hand.

Cake for Staff Meeting

The tradition at Lajes in my flight is if someone is late for staff meeting, he/she has to bring in sweets of some kind to the next staff meeting. I was asked to make this for someone who actually didn't show up! B.J.

Cake #1 For Christmas Party 2001

This is one of 2 cakes submitted to our squadron's Christmas Party for "Best Looking Cake". I didn't win this category but got something a heap better--a large wooden chest. B.J.

Directly above is the second cake submitted for the Best Looking Cake Contest at Lajes Field, Azores, Christmas Party, 2002.