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Random Stuff

Yeah I'm still working on this page...
The Challenge of the Bra
Ok I've got a question for you. Is the bra mechanism really all that complex? I mean it's probaly about the simplest design possible. I think a latch on a gate is more complicated. It's a little loop and a hook. Hook goes through loop. To unfassen: hook goes back out through loop. I swear it's not that hard. I can do it with one hand! I could probably do it with my foot! Or with no hands! You'd figure a god damn dog would be able to comprehend this unbelievably simple tast.
I've decided that guys should have to go to school for it. There should be like a one week training course the summer after 8th grade or something and then refresher courses every 2 years. It'd just be a bunch of guys and they'd each be given a bra. The a girl (since we are the only freaking ones that can figure this out) would come in and for like 5 hours a day help them practice.
Teacher: "Ok now boys, hook goes through the loop"
Boy: "But how do i get it undone!"
Teacher "Hook goes through the loop"
Boy: "I just don't get it!"
Ok so maybe training camp wouldn't work.....

"they start getting all excited, "oh my god, I'm gonna get away with it, she's gonna let me take off her bra.... holy shit, I'm gonna see her breasts" and then they lose all complex motor function." -Courtney Chandler- "how come only my coments about sex, breasts and masturbation end up on people's web sites?"

11/26/01 I think it's really funny that thanksgiving break screwed everyone up so much. Now no one knows where home is! HAHA! We're all so messed up we can't even figure out where we live. I just came back home from home! stupid world. Am I home or not damn it I just don't know! I can't decide which bed I like more. I think when I decide that I'll know which place is really home. You can't have two homes can you? College is designed to make ME go insane!
Quotes...HAHA I have more than three quotes now!
"By the way, I think your 'If you can't join 'em, beat 'em' strategy for making friends is brilliant." - AW

"oh yeah, it's like the third bolga of hell in here for heat. Even WITH fans on in the middle of November... " - Catherine's Web Page WHY THE HELL IS IT SO HOT HERE??? I DON'T UNDERSTAND! I think they are trying to cook me alive!

"Further, negative feelings such as despair, self-loathing, and hopelessness are three times a common among go-nowhere lowlife losers than among normal people who have worth." From The Onion, "Depression Hits Losers Hardest"

I feel like quoting myself
"There are all the losers and freaks, and then then there are all the sluts and whores and then there's me...right in the middle with NO FRIENDS!" - me to kirsten and kristin at our happy thursday (so what if it was friday) reunion. EVERY DAY IS HAPPY THURSDAY WHEN YOU'RE NOT AT SCHOOL AT...lets call it University of Va. No that's too about U. of Virginia.....
War of The Nerds (Natasha 1, Jenn 0) tashbash7 (11:45:50 PM): hey, i am specially adapted to my habitat, you however were just a genetic mistake who happend to survive
Emails...ok Email
An Email from DJ, on why I shouldn't be depressed in response to my web page when it was even more depressing then it is now (hard to believe isn't it?
1) Because I just sent you an e-mail
2) Because you know tae kwan do
3) You go to a great school
4) You can ride horses
5) You are the devil, which comes with a wide array of special powers
6) You are the devil, which means you have evil minions to control
7) You are the devil, which means that you have worshippers, and thus, friends
8) Because this is number 8
9) Weekends suck, and you are one of the people that know that
10) You have a dynamic and much talked about website that has had two visitors in the last hour.