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The Unofficial Warhammer 40k Costume and Prop Archive

Site Information

Name: War Lord
Location: Unknown
Materials: "The ubiquitous boltgun, or bolter, is commonly associated with the legendary Adeptus Astartes, however its variants are used throughout the armed forces of the Imperium. The boltgun is a mid-range weapon, between the lighter bolt pistol and heavier heavy bolter, and is easily carried by any Space Marine. It works in the same way as other Bolt Weapons and in massed ranks produces such destruction as to easily frighten any enemy advancing into oncoming fire. For the Adeptus Astartes and Adepta Sororitas the Boltgun is a holy symbol of the Emperor's wrath. Each Marine carries a weapon hand-crafted by an artificer in either the Chapter's own forges or on a Forge World and at each step of its construction the proper rituals must be observed, and sacred oils are applied. The Marine's maintenance of his weapon therefore carries a degree of religious ritual, as well as being part of the dedicated daily rituals of the Space Marine"

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