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Jakob's Running Journal 2016+

 Humdinger Trail Races 
 March 5, 2016 

 RTRS Spring Fever Trail Races 
 April 2, 2016 

Night of the Quantum Sugar Bats

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Saturday, July 23, 2022

Time for an update. This journal reached the end of its natural life six years ago, it seemed, when Jakob left home for college. Since then, has been running to stay in shape, not training for anything in particular, but going out fairly regularly, except perhaps when the bitter Wisconsin winters were throwing too much at him. Now he is at home for the summer, eager to make a move and strike out in a new direction. Meanwhile, a plan was hatched: he resolved to run at least 10 miles every day for one week. Why? Well, someone has to, I guess. Today he wrapped it up with 14.1 miles up and down Catawissa Mountain, bringing his total for the week to an insane 79.2 miles (127.46 km). This is an estimate since he only wore a GPS watch once, but he knows his routes and the estimate is very likely accurate to within a few tenths of a mile.

It will come as no surprise to readers of this journal that he chose his running destinations for their rugged beauty and relative remoteness, not for ease or proximity. For example, on Wednesday he ran 11.4 miles at Rickett's Glen, where just the Falls Loop itself ascends about 1000 feet. And he guesses that the climbs on today's run at Catawissa Mountain were even more daunting.

Last night, we did 10 miles together at Montour Preserve. We raced there in April 2016—see the entry for that date below; see also April 25, 2015.

Thursday, August 24, 2016

This journal was started on August 19, 2005 and now we have reached the final entry.

Jakob has left home for college.

We awoke at 5 AM so there would be time to run before breakfast. Leaving early for Lehigh. I had my coffee, Jakob stretched. He thought it would be appropriate to end things the way they began: on our much-travelled Shawnee 5K course. I biked along beside him and we talked a little, but not much. The air was crisp. Sun came up. He went pretty fast, sprinting up the hills and moving at a nice little clip on the flat stretches, wrapping it up in 22:14.

I do not know what else to say. I will miss this. It has been fun watching him over the years running and hiking. Many of the entries in this journal are mere summaries of mileage and routes, but there are some dramatic accounts of races, trail runs, picturesque countryside, rain and snow, forests and farmland, mountains in North Carolina, a midnight run in Iceland, personal records at distances from the mile up to a half marathon. There are tales of struggle and perseverance. Part of Jakob, of what he has become, is becoming, can be seen in these accounts.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016
The penultimate entry. One more day. Jakob and Iron and the dog drove to Rickett's Glen again. Jakob ran 5.8 miles starting at Lake Jean. He took the Cherry Run Trail and the Mountain Springs Trail, which are tagged as "difficult hiking" in the state DCNR online guide. Iron and the dog went for a walk.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
He squeezed in a 5K before dark. He would have started a little sooner, but Iron was baking a key lime pie. First things first. Tomorrow will be his last full day at home.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Jakob drove to the Shannon Trail and ran 4.9 miles in the wooded part. I asked why he didn't do a full 5 miles, the lazy slug, but he seemed unmoved by the question.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Same as last night: I closed out the day with a short walk and Jake passed me on his way out for a 5K run.
Friday, August 19, 2016
I went for a little walk and Jakob passed me as he wrapped up his 4-mile run on this lovely mild summer evening.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
He is still starting late and finishing after dark. Tonight he ran 5K.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Jakob started a little earlier this evening and ran 5 miles. He seemed in good spirits and told me it was a good run.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
I was on my run, near the end, and I passed Jakob headed out on his on usual 5K. It occurs to me: this journal ends next week...
Monday, August 15, 2016
He logged 2 miles while Iron and I were food shopping.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Jakob ran his usual 5K this evening.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
We arose at 5:30 and drove to Montour Preserve for the RTRS Summer Heat Trail Runs. The same event is held in April, called the Spring Fever Trail Runs. There are three concurrent races around the lake and through the woods at Montour Preserve. The basic loop is 7.5K. You can do one, two, or four loops. As in April, Jakob ran the 7.5K and I did the 15K. This time, he was defending his championship, having finished first overall in April with a time of 31:07. Today he finished first overall with a time of 31:47. Though 40 seconds slower, today's performance must be seen as the stronger, for the heat and humidity were high. It was in the 80s by 9 AM, 90 by 10 AM. Fortunately the races kicked off at 8, but even then it felt steamy.

After 11 years of running and racing, this was the last race he will ever do as a boy living at home. In 12 days, he will be an independent young man at college. Today's event was a good transition point. Or as Jakob put it: "It was a good way to close out an era."

Unusual prize for top 3 M/F 7.5K finishers...

Jakob and Drue Jakob Striking Drue
A few minutes before the race...
Friday, August 12, 2016
He ran 5K again at dusk. I was running then too. We passed each other on Tree Line. Racing tomorrow...
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Jakob ran 5K this evening.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Seems we ran at the same time on the same neighborhood roads, but somehow we did not encounter each other, even though we returned home within a minute of each other. Jakob ran 4 miles.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Iron and I were walking the dog when Jakob came up the hill and passed us on his run. He did 5K.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Jakob was running the Falls Trail at Rickett's Glen at the same time I was doing my Sunday run on the Buffalo Rail Trail in Lewisburg. He was hoping to complete the Falls Trail in less than an hour, but came in around 62 minutes. Still, it was his best time ever for that course. Iron waited in the car, reading, while he ran.
Friday, August 5, 2016
I was driving home from my run at the park this evening and passed Jakob on his run. He was ascending Shawnee hill, end of a 5K.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
He ran 5K after dark. Report: swallowed a bug. Also: swarming bats (meaning he saw them, not swallowed them).
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Jakob ran 5 miles today.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
4 miles in the neighborhood.
Monday, August 1, 2016
He went out for a 5K run, but thunder and rain sent him back after 1.3 miles.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Jakob ran 5K this evening. It's getting darker earlier. This morning we drove to the Lehigh Gorge Trail where they biked for 24 miles while I ran.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
He ran the Shawnee 5K.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Iron had her book club meeting at our house, so Jakob and I left for our runs right before it began. He dropped me off at upper campus for a track workout and continued on to State Game Lands #55, where he ran 4.4 miles.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
By chance we ran at the same time and passed each other where Treeline meets Cherry Hill, at which point Jakob was on the homeward part of a 4-mile run.
Monday, July 25, 2016
While Iron and I were out buying dirt (for the saplings), Jakob drove to the Bloomsburg Rail Trail. He ran 4.2 miles there and on the Steve Shannon Trail. Came back good and muddy.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
This evening Jakob ran the 19th annual Sick Trail Race. Very hot, in the 90s. At 32:09 he was 50 seconds slower than last year, but everyone was slower owing to the heat. He placed fourth overall, his lowest for this race. He was in tight competition for 3rd place, but the other fellow overtook him by a few strides on the final downhill stretch. John Polhill ran too. Iron and I watched and took some photos.

Friday, July 22, 2016
Tomorrow is the Sick Trail race. Tonight Jakob ran 5K. I was doing my run around the same time and we passed each other on 5th Street Hollow.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Jakob drove to upper campus and ran 4 miles there.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Iron and I were walking the dog this evening and we saw Jakob twice on his 5K run. The second time he stopped for a moment and noted the heat. Yesterday, by the way, those two biked 35 miles on Pine Creek Rail Trail about 40 miles north of Williamsport.
Friday, July 15, 2016
I finished my run on Cherry Hill, turned around to walk back to the shortcut up to Gray Street, and there was Jakob on his run, a 5K. He stopped and we talked for a moment, and then he continued. Moon was out but daylight remained. We met at Gray Street and walked back to the house in silence.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
He ran 4 miles at the end of the day.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Iron was vacuuming upstairs and as usual Jakob was driven to distraction. So he went for a run. Sick Trail Race is coming up, so he ran on upper campus, somewhere between 2.5 and 3 miles ... did not have his GPS watch.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
I saw Jakob on Cherry Hill, both of us in the middle of our runs. I was going to run with him for a bit, but he likes to be alone with his thoughts. We passed each other again a bit later on Chestnut. He did 4 miles. Hot afternoon, but we ran at that time since E&E invited us over for dinner at 6.
Monday, July 11, 2016
He ran 4 miles this evening. The only thing to report, he reported, was that on Maple Street a bat swooped down within three feet and startled him, as a result of which he somehow punched himself in the shoulder.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
In the morning, Jakob and Iron drove out past Williamsport to the Pine Creek Rail Trail, where they biked 30 miles. Both were tired on the way home so they stopped in Muncy for food and rest. In the evening, Jakob ran 4 miles in the neighborhood.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Jakob ran 4 miles this evening. I ran at the same time. We passed each other in the gloaming on Cherry Hill.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Jakob ran 5K in the neighborhood.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Jakob went to Watkins Glen early to get there before the tourists, around 6:30. He ran all the way up to the top of the Gorge Trail and back, a little over 3 miles. Hundreds of stone steps. Waterfalls. They returned home in the afternoon. At dusk I was cutting the front yard and Jakob came out for another run, 3 miles this time.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Jakob and Iron are on the road in Watkins Glen, NY. After a long bike ride in the morning, Jakob went for a run in Watkins Glen State Park, South Rim Trail, 4 miles, very steep, turning around at a pavilion near a peaceful lake. Saw a little snake.
Monday, July 4, 2016
Iron cut Jakob's hair and then he went for a run, 3.2 miles. Back just in time to head downtown to see the fireworks. Then to bed, for tomorrow he and Iron are off to Watkins Glen for a biking journey.
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Jakob ran 4 miles in the neighborhood after nightfall. This morning we all drove to White Haven, about half an hour away. Jakob and Iron biked 20 miles on the Lehigh Gorge Trail while I ran 10.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
I drove down to the park for my run and Jakob drove to upper campus. He did 3.4 miles. I asked if he had anything to report and he said that a starship powered by Hawking radiation from a microscopic black hole is a theoretical possibility. As far as I know, that's unrelated to his run.
Friday, July 1, 2016
This time, Iron and I drove with the dog to the Robbins Trail in Danville. I ran for an hour while those two walked, and when we got home Jakob had just returned from his own run, a 5-miler, in the neighborhood.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Today Jakob turns 17. To celebrate, he and Iron drove to Ricketts Glen with the dog. The other two went for a walk while Jakob ran the Falls Trail. Some years ago, we hiked it in two hours and fifteen minutes, so he wanted to beat that mark. His time running was 63:33. He later realized that he had taken a little shortcut not taken on the hike, but in that he would have gained only two or three minutes.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Jakob's final day as a 16-year-old. He ran 4.5 miles in the evening.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
We ran in the evening, at the same time, but not together. However, on Tree Line our routes intersected and we ran for about a minute together before he forked off on his way home. 5K for him.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Jakob ran 4 miles at dusk. Said it was hot. Earlier today, he and Iron took the bikes to the Mainville Trail. It was a nice 10-mile trek, 5 miles out to a long dark tunnel that Jakob explored alone before rejoining Iron and heading back to the car.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
He ran about 2.5 miles in the neighborhood at dusk. Iron and I were on the swing near the apple trees and sand cherry when he came out to go. This morning, those two came with me to Lewisburg, where I usually do my Sunday runs, and they rode their bikes on the trail. Flat, gravel trail through quiet green countryside, mostly Amish farmlands. Good for running and biking. We have a bike rack for the car now.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Jakob and Iron went to Ricketts Glen again, this time hiking the Bulldozer Trail. They ascended to the top but then there was a long grassy span which Iron struck iron and prime tick territory. So back they went. Then they hiked up the Falls Trail to the Waters Meet, and from there it was back to the car, running much of the way. They drove to Grand View Trail for another picnic.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Jakob and Iron drove to Ricketts Glen and hiked the Grand View Trail together. It was a relatively short and, Iron says, beautiful hike, advertised as difficult hiking. It rises to the highest point on Red Rock Mountain (elevation 2449 ft). The mountain laurel was in full bloom. After the hike, they drove to nearby Lake Jean and had a picnic. Later in the day, I was weed-whacking and saw Jakob departing for a run. He did 2.4 miles in the neighborhood.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
He ran at night, Shawnee 5K. When he came back, Iron was on the phone with Sodium, who waiting for Jakob with a story to tell.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Jakob drove to Ricketts Glen with Iron. She read in the car while he ran 3.6 miles.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Jakob ran 4 miles in the neighborhood. He saw me and he saw a skunk. I was finishing my run on Cherry Hill when we passed each other. I do not know what the skunk was doing.
Monday, June 20, 2016
He ran the Shawnee 5K after dark, said he was hot and sticky and sluggish.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
I guess the mountains in NC were not sufficient. Today Jakob drove to Ricketts Glen State Park for a run on the Old Bulldozer Trail. Very hot. The elevation changes dramatically along the trail, so it is quite difficult for running. He did 6.4 miles. I stayed in the car, reading.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Jakob ran our Shawnee 5K on this mild June evening, finishing by coincidence at the exact time and place of my own run's end. The grassy shortcut from Cherry Hill to Gray Street. We talked briefly and then he continued on, walking for a while
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Jakob ran 2.5 miles around the mountain top on our last day in NC.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
No hills today. We found a greenway bordering the Little Tennessee River. Actually, from the parking lot there was a dirt road forking away from the greenway and we tried that first, but it did not go far so we returned to the parking lot and continued according to the original plan. We only ran partway together. Jakob's total was 4 miles.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Thunder and periods of rain in the evening, but Jakob ran during a brief respite. Just a drizzle. 2.7 miles.
Monday, June 13, 2016
No running today — we hiked together for the first time since last year. We were on section 4 of the Bartram Trail, a 100-mile network that hooks up with the Appalachian Trail at two points. It traces the steps of William Bartram, a naturalist who explored the region in the 1770s. Of his father, it is said that "he was plowing his fields one day when his attention was captured by the remarkable beauty of a common daisy. The elder Bartram was inspired to study all plants, eventually gaining the appointment of Royal Botanist by King George III in 1765." Jakob and I planned to hike out to Wilkes Knob. It was a quiet and well maintained trail, climbing much of the way (described as "moderate to strenuous" in the guidebook), and we saw not another single human out there. We did see a rat snake, however, near the waterfall at the trail head. Wilkes Knob turned out to be a disappointment — in fact, there seemed to be no knob nor any other particular feature of note, just a sign next to a bush. But we did make it as far as Williams Pulpit, a great spot for lunch. It's an outcropping just a few meters from the trail. Sweeping views across the valley.
Sunday, June 12, 2016
I did my long run (12 miles) in the evening, when the temperature had dropped into the upper 80s. It did not feel that hot, but the roads are so wavy, with sharp twists and climbs, even when one gets down to the level of the town, that it was a real workout. Jakob ran on his own, 3.2 miles. When I got home, he asked how my run had been. "Hilly," was all I could say. I wondered how his had gone. "And yours? Anything to report?" I asked. "Hilly," he said.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
We're in Franklin, NC, staying in a mountaintop home. Steep winding roads down (and back up). Jakob and I ran down together for a few miles and then split up. He did 4 miles in all.
Friday, June 10, 2016
We spent the night in Abbingdon, VA, checking into our hotel while there was still a bit a daylight remaining. Minna and I went for a short walk while Jake ran 1.5 miles. Not much to see. Near the highway.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Shawnee 5K. Tomorrow morning we leave for NC.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
And he is done. High school is over. To celebrate, he and Iron drove to Ricketts Glen State Park where he ran 7.1 hard miles on the Old Bulldozer Road while she read in the car.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Jakob ran 3.2 miles after dark. It is the eve of his final day of high school.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Today was the Rider Rattler 5K and 10K Trail Race in Lycoming County. The three of us woke up early and drove about an hour to get there by 8:30. It is a small race with
Something happened. Entries between May 16 and June 4 have been lost. Somehow I must have deleted thems, although I cannot imagine how. I tried finding them in Google's Cache View, but at the time of this writing it only goes up to May 15. I will try again in the future. This development is unfortunate because I do believe that otherwise this journal faithfully records all running workouts (and hikes) since 2005.

Sunday, May 15, 2016
Sodium went home and a while after that Jakob ran to upper campus and back, 3 miles.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Jakob did 2 miles this afternoon. I saw him as I was driving home. Sodium is coming to visit tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
2.5 miles before dinner.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Jakob ran 3 miles this evening and then walked around in the dark for a while. When I took the dog out for his nightly pee, we all met near Gray Street and walked home together.
Monday, May 9, 2016
5K before dinner. Nothing interesting to report, he says.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
They drove to State Gamelands 55 where Jakob ran 4.4 miles.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Jakob ran 4 miles at dusk.
Friday, May 6, 2016
5K again in the neighborhood. He ran while Iron and I were out with E&E.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
I was pleased to hear from Jakob that he finally feels like he is returning to form after that little stretch of forced downtime. He ran a variation of our old Shawnee 5K this evening, finishing up in the dark and in good spirits.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
We started at the same time but did not run together. Wednesday have become my days for track workouts, so I run to the track, do some 800s, run back; Jake did 2 miles in the neighborhood.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Today he ran 1.1 miles at sundown. I was out for a little walk and we met at the end of his run. Walked around together for about 20 minutes as darkness set in. No words, just walking.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Jakob ran a mile this evening, just to test the waters. It went reasonably well. More short runs to come as he eases back into form.
Down time: Jakob will have to take a break from running for a few weeks.

Saturday, April 9, 2016
Snow on the ground today, first time all year. I was in Lewisburg on business today so I did my Sunday long run on the rail trail there. Jakob ran 3 miles on upper campus, and in fact he drove there alone — his first time driving by himself. He was nonchalant about the whole thing.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Jakob ran 2.4 miles on a rainy evening.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
We ran our first mile together. He turned back on Cherry Hill, doing 2 miles overall, and I continued on my way for my own workout.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
He ran 2 miles in the neighborhood. Nothing interesting to report, except that mild weather has abandoned us for the day. Very cold with harsh winds.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Today we raced together. The event was part of the River Towns Race Series: the Spring Fever Trails Runs at Montour Preserve. Three concurrent races: 7.5K (one 4.7-mile loop), 15K (two loops), and 30K (four loops).

Jakob ran the 7.5K. Paul and I ran the 30K and 15K respectively. Minna came to watch and cheer. It was chilly before the start and rain was threatening, but the skies cleared up and the temperature was just right for racing.

Paul and I ran the first 6 miles together, at which point a small gap opened up between us. By the time I got to my finish line, he was about 45 seconds ahead. But this was good enough for second place overall in the 15K (small race, a cap of 300 participants and a fair number of no-shows). Paul finished first in the 30K. And Jakob... he won his race, too! Here he is crossing the finish line:


The trail meanders through forest (see banner picture at the top of the page, on the right), up and down a few steep but short hills, along the dike for a quarter mile or so, and then down a long grassy stretch to the start/finish line.

There were no age-group awards, but the top three M/F winners in each event took home a little token prize, a memento: a custom metal water bottle on which is reproduced a painting from a local artist, bird themed, a view from the Montour Preserve. The RTRS is hosting the same event in August and we expect to sign up for it (excellent way for me to assess a summer of training in preparation for the Wineglass Half at the beginning of October).
Friday, April 1, 2016
We finished our runs at the same time and the same place (on Shawnee near the house), but we did not see each other until the end. He did 1.5 miles, an easy prelude to tomorrow's race.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
2 miles, maybe more, in the neighborhood. He did not have his Garmin, so the mileage is not exact.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
And 3 miles today. A mild evening.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
He did 2.1 miles in the neighborhood.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Jake ran his Turkey Hill 5K.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Jake did 4.1 miles in the neighborhood. A bit chilly today. He finished without any aches in shins or arches.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Jake ran 1.4 miles in the neighborhood this evening, after dark. Earlier today he drove me to a section of old-growth forest in Jakey Hollow. We walked among beech and hemlock, collected a few acorns.
Friday, March 25, 2016
He ran 3 miles in the neighborhood. Arches hurt. But he's working on that, has a stretching routine.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Beautiful warm day, about 70° Jake ran his Turkey Hill 5K, first time in a while.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
We ran together, accidentally. I was coming up Cherry Hill, he was going the other way. But he was near his turnaround point and he sped up a bit to catch up with me. We continued together as far as the shortcut up to Gray Street, the end of the line for me. He continued the long way home to round out a 3-miler.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Another 2 miles on upper campus.
Friday, March 18, 2016
2 miles on upper campus.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
He ran 1.4 miles in the neighborhood before Paul came over for dinner.
Monday, March 14, 2016
More maintenance running. He did 1.2 miles in the dark.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
And 2 easy miles in the neighborhood.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Jake ran 2 miles in the neighborhood at the end of the day.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Heat wave, seems. 75° in early March. As we did yesterday, the whole pack went off together, this time to the Robbins trails. Jake and I ran, Iron and the dog walked. Jake did 3 miles and then joined the other two while I ran for another half hour. When I had only about a tenth of a mile to go, I passed them going up a little grassy feeder onto the main gravel trail; moments later, Jake and the dog can running after me and we all finished together. The dog was happy to run with the pack. Jake and I were happy to run with the dog. Iron was happy in general.
Monday, March 7, 2016
We, the whole pack, drove to Weiser State Forest, where I often do my Sunday long run, but we parked half a mile up 42 at a spot Jake and Iron found last week. There is a whole network of hilly trails back there. Jake ran for 5 miles while Iron and I walked the dog.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Jake ran 5K on upper campus while Iron walked the dog. When he finished, he introduced her to a few new trails and they took some photos.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Jake raced today. It was the River Towns Race Series Humdinger Trail Run. There are three concurrent races, the Humdinger, Half-Dinger, and Double Dinger. It is a very well organized event, with participation capped at 300 combined for all three races. They start at the Pig Barn in Danville, and proceed along challenging trails through fields and forests. Last year Jake ran the Humdinger, was in first place at the point where the Half-Dingers peeled off, but got lost and ended up losing a lot of time. This year he ran the Half-Dinger, a 4.7-miler. He was in the lead at the four mile point, but shortly after that point another runner, in his 30s, made a move. They both got nice and scraped up on their legs as they ran through a field of brambles. The other guy got the worst of it, with streaming blood; Jake had some cuts and blood, but he was not bothered by it. Iron and I saw these two runners approaching up a hill to the finish line. The other guy was just a few feet ahead of Jake, but it was hopeless: the race ends with an obstacle course; the runners climb up a rope or rope ladder (or regular ladder) into the pig barn and then run down a little slope and sweep around to the building to the finish. The other guy was faster on the ladder. Jake got a nice finisher's medal for his work, but just missed out on the prize for overall winner: a cast-iron skillet, a pig-themed dish towel, and a supply of bacon. But he did enjoy the race and was well satisfied with his performance.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Warm today. Jake ran 2 miles. I saw him finishing up when I was starting out on my own run.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
We passed each other on our runs where Shawnee Road meets Fifth Street Hollow. He was coming down the hill, just starting out on his run, and I was headed up, finishing. He's been enduring aches in his shins recently, so it was just a 2-miler for him today. Drizzly but mild.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Mild weather today. Jake and I drove to Penobscot Ridge, about 45 minutes away, and he ran 6.1 miles on the mountain bike trails. I rand 5 miles on the roads. I would have gone with him, but I needed an easy run since I'm racing tomorrow (6.5M Susquehanna Winter Series). Jake's legs were caked in mud at the end and he had a cut on his hand from a fall.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Jake ran 5K in the neighborhood.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
He ran the Shawnee 5K today. Nothing else to report.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Jake ran 4 miles in the neighborhood before dinner. He saw Iron, who was out there with the dog.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Rainy but warm. Jake ran on upper campus, his Turkey Hill 5K, which must have been a mud puddle.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
We all drove to R. B. Winter state park for the Snow Fest 3.7-Mile Trail Run. Jake ran it, Iron and I watched. Very cold, but not quite as harsh as it was yesterday. He had a good run and enjoyed being in the forest. We could see him coming down the final stretch from a quarter mile away. He finished 7th overall and won a gift card for that. No age group prizes for this race — just the top ten finishers take something home.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Jake ran our old Shawnee mile. Why such a short run? Well, it is chilly. 14°F, real feel 3°F. I ran at the indoor track.
Friday, February 12, 2016
Jake ran 2 miles outside. Low 20s.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
It bitterly cold, but Jake ran the Shawnee 5K at the end of the day. The weekend will be frigid with highs around 15°F.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
We both ran 4 miles today. I ran at the indoor track on the way home because it is snowing and the roads are slushy. Jake ran in the neighborhood outside because it is snowing and the roads are slushy.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Jake ran 5 miles, partly on upper campus and partly in the neighborhood. His shins and arches were feeling better.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Whole family drove to the Riverlands. Jake and I ran 4 miles (not together, except for the first half mile) while Iron walked the dog.
Friday, February 5, 2016
We ran at the same time. This afternoon, just before dinner. I went to the town park and fairgrounds, while Jake ran 4 miles in the neighborhood.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
4 miles he ran. In the neighborhood.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Cold and drizzly day. At the end of the afternoon, Jake did his Turkey Hill 5K.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Jake ran 3.2 miles on upper campus. Ideal running weather: upper 40s.
Monday, February 1, 2016
Jake ran 2.4 miles in the neighborhood.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Jake ran 10+ miles for the first time in quite a while, and it was our first Sunday long run together in a long time. He drove us to Montour Preserve with Iron accompanying. There are trails at the Preserve circling Lake Chillisquaque. I was keen to explore these trails because there is a new race coming on April 2, the Montour Preserve Spring Fever Trail Runs, a part of the Rivertowns Race series. The race is really three concurrent races: 7.5K, 15K, and 30K. Jake is doing the 7.5K, Xenon and I are doing 15K, and Paul is doing the 30K. Unusual distances, and that is part of the appeal. The roads were dry but the ground was a bit slushy, patchy snow still covering the forest floor. Four miles into the run, there appeared a fork by which one could exit the Preserve and come out onto a bordering road. I took that road, happy to be on solid and predictable terrain, while Jake continued on the trail (happy to be slogging through mud and snow). We could see each other for a while, until his path veered off to the left. But before too long I passed a little access road and saw Jake coming my way. He had decided to roam with me. We made our way down (and up) a series of long quiet country roads for the next 6 miles. I had a good time. Jake liked it too, even though he is better off on trails than asphalt. Iron was there patiently waiting for us when we returned just as dusk was setting in. I had a banana, stretched a bit, and Jake drove us back home. We both felt pleasantly tired.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Jake ran in the dark, 3.2 miles. A good run, he said.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Jake and I ran separately and passed each other on Fifth Street Hollow. He did 5 miles.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
We ran together today, out to Tower Road. I was happy for the company, but the roads were unkind to his arches. We got back to the house at the 4-mile mark. He went inside and I continued on for a couple of miles.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
He ran 4 miles on upper campus.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
The roads are still a little icy so I ran at the gym today, and driving home I saw the garage door open and knew that Jake was out for a run. He did 3.2 miles in the neighborhood.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Jake ran 5K in the neighborhood. Slushy roads.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Jake ran 2 miles in the neighborhood.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Blizzard conditions. Jake and I shoveled for 90 minutes this morning, but it kept snowing. Once it stopped, Iron and I shoveled again. Long job. Jake went for a run in the dark on upper campus with Alex. They arranged to meet on Cherry Hill and then run Jake's Turkey Hill 5K route. It was pitch black when he came home. He had a good time, of course, and they talked about running together some more.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Jake came outside for his run just as I was stretching by the oak in the front yard after mine. He did 3 miles. Cold day again.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Jake did 3.3 miles in the neighborhood. Very cold. Snow coming.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
He ran 5K in the neighborhood. Dark and cold.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Bitterly cold. Why does he run after sunset? 2.7 miles on upper campus. He reported that he felt toasty enough, except for his hands, which were like blocks of ice.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Jake ran a bit less than 3 miles on upper campus..
Friday, January 15, 2016
He ran somewhere between 2.5 and 3 miles on upper campus.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Jake ran the Turkey Hill 5K. A little snow remains on the ground. Fairly cold.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
We had a little dusting of snow, first time since last winter. Jake ran his Turkey Hill 5K, which is mostly on grass on upper campus, and he enjoyed the soft snow on the ground, the quiet air, ice crystals still swirling lightly in the air, at least in the beginning, before the wind started whipping it up into a frenzy. He was caked in ice crystals when he returned home.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Jake ran 3 miles on upper campus on a rainy afternoon with heavy winds. It was not too cold. He said, in fact, that it had been a fun run. I could tell he would feel that way judging from the mud all over his legs.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Just as I returned from my run, at dusk, Jake left for his. He ran 4 miles.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
We saw each other outside on Shawnee Road at sunset. He was just taking off for a run and I was doing some intervals at the end of my own. His would end up being a 2.9-miler.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Jake ran the Shawnee 5K. I was out there too, but we did not see each other. As usual, he finished after dark. Very cold tonight.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Frigid. Jake ran to upper campus, totaling a little more than 2 miles.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Jake went out with Iron and the dog just as night set in. He ran 4.3 miles in the neighborhood and those other two walked. Everyone returned at the same time. Jake's hands were like blocks of ice, though he had worn gloves.
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Jake ran about 5K in the neighborhood. I saw him finishing up as I returned from food shopping.
Friday, January 1, 2016
Jake ran his Turkey Hill 5K in 22:21 (7:11/mile). That's fast, considering the terrain. He was feeling good and noticed that he was going a bit faster than usual, which inspired him to try to hold that pace. It was a cold day, but not bitterly so. Gentle swirls of ice crystals, little proto-snowflakes.