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Welcome to Liberty City, U.S.A.
The worst place in America...

Welcome to Liberty City, the worst city in the America! The city is filled with pimps, hookers, crooked cops, and dangerous criminals looking to kill somebody off. You'll have to kill and steal just to stay out of serious trouble. Days and Nights here are scary, the streets are filled with thugs, and gangs. Crime is an average thing of everday life. Enjoy your stay.

Special Features                             

Bored? Do something fun.


Liberty City can be a boring place at times, that's for sure. Want something to entertain you?



Discovering Secrets

There are many secrets in the game waiting to be found, and many rumors- Darkel, Carser City, Maibatsu Monstrosity, and much, much more.

News & Updates  

March 24, 2002
Long time since an update, eh? Well theres not too much to update. Were not getting much news from Rockstar Productions, or Rockstar Studios(formely known as DMA Design). But finally, there is some more news. Zidane found out another new would-be feature while searching through the files of GTA3. I guess a lot of stuff was taken out because of the release date. They simply didn't have enough time to make it all. But Zidane discovered that there were supposed to be female Police Officers, too! They were supposed to have light blue suits, and hair that poked out from the back of their hats. They were also supposed to say "Drop your weapon!", and "What do you think, your going to get away with this?!." The models Zidane found were barely detailed. Looked like Rockstar released the game before they could finish making the model, and the hex-coding. In GTA: Miami, there better be Female Officers and better be cooler officers. :D

WiCkEd x8000


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credit... If you noticed, I used some pictures or information from other sites. I would now like to name and link them. GameSpot, Extreme Felony, GTA3 Warehouse, PC Gameplay, Cyrus