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Grunge The Cat Photo

HELLO! My name is Grunge. I live with my family in western Pennsylvania. U.S.A. Welcome to the hippest feline website on the net! I'd like to share my story with you. Sit back, relax and take a walk with me through my life. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Paw line


This is me attending Rob and MJ's first outdoor cookout. I first found my family in February 1995 when Rob and Mary Jo moved to the house on Walnut Avenue. I was seen huddling next to the tires of Rob'struck to get some of the engine heat. I was living under the porch. My prior family somehow lost me. Rob and Mary Jo started to call me "Grunge" because with my long hair I looked terrible in the cold Winter.

Grunge At The Cookout

Paw line

All that Summer I continued to live under the porch. When the snow began to fall again in December I went to live with Rob's Mom. I could not live inside with my family because Mary Jo is allergic to all my long hair. As you can see I quickly found my favorite chair in my newest home.

Grunge's Favorite Chair

Paw line

Click the photos below to view more pictures.

See My Girlfriend Here. See my girlfriend here
Meet My Brother Cat! Meet my "Brother Cat"
Beware Of The Invader Cat! The "Invader Cat"
The Cousins The "Cousins"
Buddy The Neighbor dog My neighbor Buddy
More pics of me! More of my pics

Grunge the Calendar Cat: Click HERE!

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