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A Message From the Teacher - Ms. Gordon

Tarra Gordon
6th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies Teacher - Sections 602 and 604 -- Room 128
MaST Community Charter School
1800 E. Byberry Road
Philadelphia, PA 19116
(267)348-1100 Ext. 128
(267)348-1100 Ext. 128

Welcome to MaST Community Charter School- Grade 6!

I am looking forward to a successful school year with the help of all. I am committed to maintaining open channels for communication. Your support for this school and your child is demonstrated through your attendance at school programs and parent conferences, monitoring homework, reading and talking with your child, participating in the Parent Advisory Council, and sharing your child's concern for achievement and participation in school activities.
MaST is truly a child-centered community of life-long learners. I believe that all children can learn and that appropriate instruction will guide each student to his or her own individual growth in academic, social, and emotional development. My standards are high for all of my students; I expect their best! I do realize, however, that children develop at different rates, and I must constantly plan and revise my lessons to meet the individual needs of my students. I strive to incorporate a differentiated, multi-sensory approach to presenting materials to our students so that each student may learn in a style and in a speed that is most productive for him or her throughout the year.
As these are my ideals, the staff, parents, and students will join me in saying that, "MaST is a dynamic and fun-filled community of learners!" We are very proud of our school, and we encourage your active involvement in helping us to make it even better!
Let's start LEARNING together!