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"Getting to know you"



Me At The ClubShop Mall

Allow us to help YOU 
build a successful 
online business with 
The DHS Club!
FREE Membership Here!

Did you know? As a FREE Member you can:

1. Take part in our Friends Helping Friends program for Free and sign up other Free Members as well as having our Team place Free Members under you and When they shop, you make a commission! 

2. Refer others (anybody) to the ClubDepot ISP and get paid $1 for every subscription EVERY MONTH. (If you upgrade to VIP your pay increases to $2.50 + CV override)

3. See your Personal Line Report and how your downline is progressing. If you upgrade first, all the members above and below you will be in your downline. 

4. Upgrade to VIP from your personal line report and we will coach you personally, step by step - teaching you everything you need to know to have a Successful Global Online Business with DHSC.

If you don't remember your Membership ID you can look it up here.

bulletWe offer the only consumer and business opportunity of its kind in the world. We are the first to create a genuine Internet buyer's club and pay our Members for bringing people into our Club. 
bulletWe offer excellent teamwork and support. 
bulletWe offer extensive training by making available our exclusive e-Business Institute home study courses. 
bulletHere are just a few of our 250+ Merchants Worldwide:

We work personally with our VIPs and can assure you of our full support and attention when you become part of our Team.



Do you own an off line business??? Would you like to Advertise this business for FREE to every member of the DHS Club which is well over 3 MILLION NOW??? How about sending your advertised specials to every member in your area code??? Just by becoming a Pre-Registered Merchant Affiliate for the NEW Club Bucks Program???

Pre-Register Your Business Today

Contact me with any questions or

concerns you may have:





......Maybe you don't know if you can trust me?... let's face it, there are many unscrupulous marketers on the internet. How can you distinguish me from anyone else? This is not an easy task:-)
To start, I must ask you to trust me, in return I assure you I will not mislead you in any way.
I would like to tell you a little bit about me, and perhaps over time I will have the chance to learn about you. After all friendships form when you have the chance to get to know someone.
I'm A Full Time Employee For A Concrete Block Facility In Northeastern PA.  It's A Good Job However It's Seasonal And During The Long Winter Months I Have to be on A STRICT BUDGET to make ends meet. 
Then one day, I was talking to my friend David (My Sponsor) Over Dinner and with him knowing the status of my employment he began Explaining to me about his experiences in the DHS Club...How he got interested...Opted in...And started receiving great discounts on all sorts of items...All while generating an income...THIS INTERESTED ME and as he explained further details of the DHS Club, my interests grew further and I immediately signed up as a free member and began receiving these discounts.
 after a few days and further discussing the Club, seeing the potential with my own eyes...I upgraded to VIP AND SURE GLAD I DID because now not only do I get Brand name products at discounted prices...I get Pay Increases, Matched Rebates, Cheap Internet Service and literally paid to do nothing. 
Shortly after, I was able to BREAK OUT of the STRICT BUDGET MODE by earning enough CV points to COVER my membership and afford the the items I desired like this guitar...ALL WHILE MAKE  ENDS MEET!!!

I now have given you the readers digest version so far. I know your time is valuable to you so I will keep my DHS Club story short as well :-) 

I appreciate that you have taken a little time to learn about me and a little of my DHS Club experience. I hope You are able to see that I am not a super star, I am nobody special, I never even completed college. I had never marketed online or even sent email. But through hard work and determination I found A Way to make my financial ends meet by Online shopping and following the marketing methods taught by the DHS Club.... I did it, and I know you can too...

Earlier I asked you to trust Me, and I told you I would not mislead you.... If you are not happy with your current financial situation and are looking for a way to make a change, I am here to help you every step of the way

Robert J Peoples

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