Gunpowder, Blood, and Fire: The History of Germany

Welcome to Gunpowder, Blood, and Fire: A History of Germany. This is a non-profit website highlighting the big events in what is now Germany from the days of Charlemagne, to Prussia, to the two World Wars, to the unification and today. This is for educational purposes or anyone (like me) that is just interested in the country with one of the richest backgrounds of it's time. Please do not take any of the information here unless you must, and if you do, then please give FULL CREDIT to Steve Dibeneditto, the webmaster of this site.

First Civilizations
1000 BC to 1200 AD
Medieval Germany
1200 AD to 1600 AD
The Unification of Germany
1861 AD to 1890 AD
The Great War
1890 AD to 1919 AD
Weimar & WWII
1919 AD to 1945 AD
A Divided Germany
1945 AD to 1989 AD
Present Day Germany
1990 AD to Present
The Future of Germany