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This site is dedicated to patient and victims of the dreaded disease Endometriosis.  I have included my own personal story and struggle with the disease and tips & tricks that I have discovered that help ease the pain.  I can only hope that in my efforts, somewhere in this website you find answers to some of the many questions you may have and some of the tip and tricks help ease your pain as they have mine.

This website and its information was done from my own knowledge and research of Endometriosis and it's diagnostic and treatment procedures, I've been a medic for 17 years now, and have read just about every medical book, report, and even web page pertaining endometriosis that is in existence today.  As soon as I finally learned that I was a victim of this dreadful disease I began researching every bit of knowledge I could lay my hands on.  I would, however, like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Niels H. Lauersen, as his book "The Endometriosis Answer Book” has provided me with even more information about the treatment procedures then any other book I have read thus far.  As I have said before I highly recommend any women with endometriosis purchase this book and read it from front cover to back!  I believe you'll find it very informative and very helpful as well.

I would also like to tell you a little about Dr. Niels H. Lauersen, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Lauersen is a Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York Medical College and is in private practice in New York City.  He has written such informative books as: "PMS: Premenstrual Syndrome, and You, Listen to Your Body", and "It's Your Pregnancy". 

 If you do decide to purchase or already own a copy of Dr. Laursen's book I spoke of in this booklet, please by all means consider the option of Yoga as he mentioned.  This is yet another tool I use to battle my endometriosis, it is fantastic at relieving stress.  I've learned that become stressed out actually makes cramping worse also.  So pay close attention to his sections about diet and exercise, this is one doctor that knows his stuff!  Be well and good luck in all your endeavors.


                             Veronica Laster


If you have a story you would like to share with others, click here to submit it. Our new section "Personal Stories" is underway!

We need your help! If you like the site and would like to see more
features and up to date information in the future then we need 
your help! Funding for Endometriosis research has reached an all time LOW.  
In fact with the amount of funding allotted for the research we may
NEVER find a cure or better medicines in the near future. As it stands now,
with funding being at an all time low, the best guestimate for a cure is 50 years from now the year 2053! And there are many out there that just can't wait that long!





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