..::Extremely Dangerous Federation::..

It is not my goal to shutdown the EDF or ruin anything for anybody, especially with everybody working so hard roleplaying and whatever for the return.

However this angelfire account is in my name and I plan to have nothing at all to do with this federation anymore. Thus, this site has to shut down.

Bummer huh? Well you can still roleplay and whatever by going to https://www.angelfire.com/pa5/edf/index2.html

However, on July 31, this site will be shut down. Now then, obviously, the webmasters here know how to view the source on the different pages on the sites, and should know how to keep the graphics and transfer them to the new site. Big pain in the ass though right?

Well guess what, on my own time and with nobody asking me to, I once copied EVERY page and EVERY image onto this site for the EDF. And when I was told the old site had been deleted, I said Surprise! I backed up the site!! And everything was fine. So I considered it hard work and thus, I'm not going to sit here and see it wasted and have my name ruined.

As I said, it's not my intent to ruin the EDF or mess anything up, and that's why I'm giving the webmasters 11 days to get their CRAP off my site. I'm not changing the message boards passwords or anything like that. I won't even be posting anything either unless somebody asks me an intelligent question. I just don't want anything to do with this fed or the owners, and I own the domain "pa5/edf" so I'm taking it back. That simple.

Again, I do apologize for any inconvience to anybody who just joined, I'm sure the owners will have no problem transfering the site over. As I mentioned above, it is a little time consuming going through every page and viewing the source and copy and paste and then going through every image and saving it and uploading it and then having to make sure all the links work and that you named them correctly and all that good stuff. But it is possible, I did it in less than 24 hours and I'm giving 11 days so I'm not being an ass or messing anything up here. Which I think is pretty fair compared to what happened last time when the fed shut down.

Also, when the new site is done, you can post it in the message boards, do not email it to me, as of today, I no longer have any web based email accounts and no plans to make my home account public.

Again, thank you for all the good times and best wishes to all involved.
