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These stupid folks at AngelFire have deleted my site due to exceeding 420MB of bandwidth, when my limit is 1GB. I am thoroughly ticked off, obviously, but I will return. I will be moving to the Bunker Network, but as a hosted site instead of the webmaster of Doom Bunker. Not all of my stuff was backed up, and many, but not all, reviews will have new screenshots and I will be rewritting the reviews of Operation: BioWar and Blood Runners. I'll see you soon at DoomBunker, until then KEEP DOOMING BABY!
UPDAYE 10/21/02- The move is going nicely, a new layout is currently in place, as well as a news script and review comment script coming soon. I wrote up a brand new review of Enjay's Runaway Train and that will be available at relaunch.