My page is dedicated to my grandma, Bonny Varega, who passed away at 8:51 a.m. on Tuesday, January 8, 2002. I love you Grama. I'll never forget you. Rest In Peace.

Hey all! My name's Rhiannon, I'm 16, and a junior at Ringgold High School. I love to dance, I've been dancing since I was like 2. And I've been dancing for Joyce Ellis since I was 7. Now I am a teacher! Even when it gets really difficult, I don't think there's anything else I'd rather be doing. I also love anything with 2 wheels and a motor. Feel free to leave me a message on AIM. My SN is MoonLitDisGuiSe. You can also email me at Well, I gotta get going, so check out the page, sign the guestbook, and come back soon!

"You gotta learn to laugh. That's the way to true love."- John Travolta in "Michael"

Quotes of the Week:
"You know what would makes me happy?" - Me
"What" - Andy
"A chai latte." - Me
"So it's three?" - Andy
"What?" - Me
"Well you said tri latte, so I thought it was three." - Andy

"Moose get over here right now or I'm gonna beat you with the paddle!" - Mallory
"Mallory, you're so abusive. I should turn you into the AARP." - Me
"Rhiannon, the AARP is the American Association for Retired People." - Mom

"Mallory, you're squashing my femur. Get off of me." - Rhiannon
*sarcastically* "You're squashing my clavicle." - Michael
"Do you even know where your clavicle is?" - Me
"No." - Michael
"Do you know where your sternum is?" - Mallory
*points to his crotch* "Yeah, it's right here." - Michael
*points to his chest* "No, it's right here." - Me
"I knew it was something long." - Michael

When asked what my brother would buy Britney Spears for Christmas, he said, "I would buy her singing lessons."

Adam Levine... oh so yummy!

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Walk the path alone and no one will see you stumble.

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