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Rental Apartment in Chipiona, Spain

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Chipiona is a small coastal town located in the heart of Spain's Costa de Luz, the Coast of Light. It is an off-the-beaten path destination that remains unspoiled by masses of tourists. Its proximity to Donona National Park and to larger cities like Cadiz, Jerez, Seville, Cordoba, Gibraltar, Malaga, and Granada make it a great base of operations for exploring the many wonders of Andalucia.

The town's monuments of interest include el faro, the tallest lighthouse in Spain; la Iglesia Parroquia de Nuestra Senora de la O, a 16th century church overlooking the water; and el Santuario de Nuestra Senora de Regla a 14th century monastary still occupied by Franciscan monks.

Chipiona is also home to a number of spectacular festivals. Carnival occurs in either February or March and consists of ten days of city-wide parties and brightly colored parades. The celebration of the city's patron, Nuestra Senora de Regla, takes place September 4-8 during which a statue of the virgin is carried through the crowded streets while the spectators drink local wine and dance a version of flamenco called Sevillanas.

One of the best things Chipiona has to offer is its food. From an abundance seafood and shellfish to fresh fruits and vegatables and local Moscatel wine, Chipiona has a wide variety of some of Spain's best dishes.

For pictures of life in Chipiona click here.
For more information (in Spanish only) about Chipiona and its tourist attractions visit the town's official website

Rental Prices and Availability:

Transportation Information:

The closest international airport is Seville. Transportation is available by bus and rental car.

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