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My Quotes

Hey - this is my quotes area. Most of these 
quotes I got off of - just ones that 
I liked mostly. Hope you enjoy them, and if you want 
to use them in either on your own page, or in a 
profile or whatever, go ahead. Some of them are 
written really retardedly (in my opinion), sry.

Why is it... That I must climb 100 mountains to get 
you...When all you have to do is smile..To get me? 

Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again....skinned 
knees are easier to fix than broken hearts!

If you love someone put their name in a circle not a 
heart, a heart can be broken but a circle goes on 

You laugh because I’m different; I laugh because 
you're all the same

To the world your just one person but to one person 
you could mean the world


When I first saw you I was afraid to talk to you*When 
I first talked to you I was afraid to like you*When I 
first liked you I was afraid to love you*Now that I 
love you I’m afraid to lose you

Last night I looked up at the stars
and matched each one with a reason why I love you
I was doing great, but then I ran out of stars

Milk does the body good but DAMN how much did you 

I ran up the door, closed the stairs, said my pajamas, 
and put on my prayers. Turned off the bed, and hopped 
into the light, all because you kissed me good night

A MiLLi0n Words Would Not Bring You Back, I Kn0w, 
Because I’ve Tried. Neither Would A Million Tears. I 
know, because I've cried

A Memory Lasts 4eVeR never does it Die True Friends 
Stay together And Never Say Goodbye 

Don’t settle 4 the one you can live with...wait 4 the 
one you Can't Live Without 

Nothing is more painful then Realizing He meant 
everything 2 u, & u meant nothing 2 Him


I'm Loved by some, Hated by many, Envied by most, yet 
wanted by plenty

If you’re naughty go 2 your room. 
If u wanna be naughty, go 2 mine 

I always knew looking back on the tears would make me 
But I never knew looking back on the laughs would make 
me cry

God made mud god made dirt god made guys so girls can 

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened

Some day you'll cry for me like I cried for you 
¤ Some day you’ll miss me like I missed you ¤ Some day you’ll need me like I needed you 
¤ Some day you’ll love me, but I wont luv you! 

Love makes life so confusing but without love would 
you want to live?"

Fine guys open my eyes, smart guys open my mind but 
only a sweet guy can open my heart

Girls are like phones, we like to be held and talked 
too, but if u press the wrong button you’ll be 

If you’re nice, you can call me sweetie. If you’re 
sweet you can call me hunny. If you’re hot you can 
call me tonight.

If love isn’t a game, then why are there so many 

*§Somewhere There'§ §omeone Who Dream§ Of Your §mile, 
And Find§ In Your Pre§ence That Life I§ Worth While, 
§o When You Are Lonely, Remember It'§ True: §omebody, 
§omewhere Is Thinking Of You*

~*~One day your prince will come, mine just took a 
wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for 

*You can fall from the sky* 
*you can fall from a tree* 
*But the best way to fall* 
*is in love with me* 

I'M Threw W/ GuYz, ThEy All tell Lies, They Brake youR 
<3 n Make U CrY, LuViN guys is such a SiN, hEy Check 
that guy who just Walked In 

Only little boys who call themselves men say I love 
you, and don't mean it.

Some times your mind doesn’t want u 2 be in love..But 
deep down u know you are....

If You Luv Me... Let Me Know... If You Don't... Then 
Let Me Go... 

*::--;Love is Like QuiCkSanD - dA Deeper u fall in it 
ThA HaRdA iT iZ 2 GeT OuT;--::* 

Ur Hugs N Kisses R Like The Stars U Light Up my Life 
when things get Dark 

*They Say true love hides behind every Corner...I must 
be walking in Circles!!!*

If Your asking if I Need U the answer is 4Ever.. If 
Your asking if I'll Leave U the answer is Never..If 
your asking what I value the Answer is U.. if your 
asking if I love U the answer is I do

what's the difference between boy's soccer and girl's 
soccer? oh ya girl's make it look better!! 

Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me?

*I wanted 2 Kill dA sexiest Person Alive Then I 
realized....oH ya! Suicides a Crime!* 

I’m an angel! Honest! The horns are just there to keep the halo up straight!

an angel is what I was meant to be that’s why being 
sweet come so naturally! 

Friends’ r like stars they come and go but da 1's dat 
stay r the 1's that glow 

~If  I could be an angel, I'd make your every wish 
come true, but I am only human, Just a girl who's 
loving you~

How can you be friends with someone if every time you 
look at them, it makes you want them even more? 

*I wish I may, I mish I might, be the one you wish for 

You never know what you have until you lose it, and 
once you lose it, you can never get it back 

You know you’re in love when the hardest thing to say 
is goodbye.

Love is ... Running into his arms, Colliding with his 
heart, and exploding into his soul. 


guys r pigs ...... n of course I always get the runt 

º°x·:He Holds Me When I Start 2 cry ø´¨`»Makes Me 
Smile With Just His eyes Shares My Hopes Dreams 
Fears«´¨`ø ø´¨`»Wipes Away ALL My Tears I Love him 
without regret«´¨`ø I Just haven’t Found Him yEt·:·xº° 

*spiteful words hurt your feelings but silence breaks 
your heart* 

*If The Only Possible Way We Can Be Together Is In My 
Dreams...Then I'll Sleep Forever*

..When a girl loves a Guy.. ..The Sweetest Thing in 
The world.. 2 Hear Him Admit That He Treasures 

Im sweet like sugar, soft like suede, but unlike 
Nintendo I never get played 

Love is like a butterfly, hold it too tight, it'll 
crush, hold it too loose, it'll fly 

I wrote Your Name In the sand but the waves washed It 
Away,  Then I wrote It In The sky But the Wind Blew It 
Away,  So I wrote It In My Heart and That’s where It 
Will stay


A heart is not a plaything~a heart is not a toy~but if 
you want it broken..just give it to a boy 

*He looked me deeply in the eyes. he lied and said "I 
won't make u cry" and when I thought it was 2 good 2 
be true, he blew me off and found someone new* 

I'm Away Crying I don’t Know What To Do 
My Boy isn’t Home And ALL I Have is you 

you got no reason to be jealous, I've never been what’s it really matter if they’re 
looking, I'm only looking at YOU 

The only guy a girl can trust is her DADDY........ 
guys you have BIG shoes to fill b/c my DADDY will sure 
be hard to beat 

I'm not a blonde!!  I'm knot!  I'm knot!  I'm knot! 

u can say u love me but until u prove it the words 
mean nothing 2 me. 

I smile b-cuz I have no idea what is going on 

A girl and a guy can be just friends, but at one point 
or another they will fall for each other..Maybe 
temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, 
or maybe forever...

*See my halo* *Bright n shiny* *Mess wit me* *I'll 
kick you're hiney* 

°I Do Believe DaT God above° °Created Me For You To 
LuV° °He Picked You Out Among Da Rest° °Cuz He Knows 
I'd LuV You Da Best°   

I can find anyone to -hold- me, what I need now is for 
*YOU* to -love- me 

I don’t need Your Attitude, I Have One Of My Own 

keep the pictures they neva change only the people in 
them do 

You will wonder where he is at night,   You will 
wonder if he's true.   One moment you will be happy,   
One moment you will be blue. .

If you get a chance to see him,   Your heart begins to 
dance.   Your life revolves around him,   There's 
nothing like romance 

Boys never give their hearts away   They play us girls 
for fools,   They wait until we give our hearts   And 
then they play it cool. 

You're only bad if you're caught... So that makes me a 
good girl, RIGHT!?

As part of you has grown in me, together forever shall 
we be, never apart maybe in distance but not in heart. 

I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I'm 
surrounded by angels, but I call them my best friends.

*Don't ever be afraid to come to me n cry* *Don't ever 
hesitate to look me in the eye* *Don't ever be afraid 
to tell me how you feel* *Remember your my girls n we 
gotta keep it real* 

To Say That You Can Love One Person All Your Life, Is 
Like Saying That One Candle Will Continue To Burn For 
As Long As You Live

The opposite sex is the most dangerous and addictive 
drug out there, but the high is unlike anything else 

*Friendship Is Just A word but My Girls give it a 

*Once Upon a Time* *Something Happened To me* *It was 
the Sweetest Thing* *That ever could be* *It was a 
Fantasy* *A dream Come True* *It was the Day I Met 

This time it's over, I'm keeping my heart ,I'm gonna 
be strong & not fall apart .. It'll get better, I'll 
no longer cry.. In a couple of weeks, I wont want 2 
die, I won't want 2 go back, I'll be able 2 sleep, It 
won't hurt so  bad, & it won't feel so deep 

I'm convincing myself, yes I'll find some1 new, I 
won't be alone, & I won't be w/you .. You're waiting 
4me,2crawl back to your side  but no..not this time, 
I'm keeping my pride .. So goodbye 4ever, I'll be on 
my way, It's gonna take time, but I'll be okay

Listen closely to your enemies. They tell you your 

You never lose by loving, you always lose by holding back. 



If you love your man set him free....if he don’t come 
back you know he’s with me!

we told every1 that we are best friends we told 
ourselves we will be best friends for life and we 
promised we never let any person get in our way 
friends till da end 

*I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care,
I'm not supposed to live my life, wishing you were there. 
I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do,
I'm sorry I just can't help myself, I fell in love with you*

When you were born, you were crying and everyone 
around you was smiling. Live your life so that when 
you die, you're the one smiling and everyone around 
you is crying. 

Ociffer, I swear to drunk I’m not God!!!!!! 

if all my girls jumped off a bridge I wouldn't jump 
with them, I’d be at the bottom to catch them! 

''Born with no soul, lack of control, cut from the 
mold of the anti-social.'' 

there Were Moments We Laughed-n-Cried We always Stood 
By each others Side Those Many Days We spent Together 
They Will Stay in my<3 4eVa 

<3*I Don*t WaNnA cry A tear 4 you*   
<3*So 4GiVe Me if I Do* 
<3*I*d Do anything*    
<3*I*d Give U my world*<3     
׺×I*D wait 4eVa 2 Be Ur Girl×º× 

*Some may call it XtC* *Some may call it destiny* 
*Some may call it meant 2B* *But I Just call it *u* -n-

don't promise me the moon or the stars just promise me 
you'll stay under them with me 

whàt ïs løvê ànd whàt døês ït dêfïnê whø's tø sày ànd 
whøs tø dràw thê lïnê ànd wïthïn thïs wørld ànd àll 
ïts fúss whø's tø sày ïf ït's løvê ør à sïmplê crush 

anyone can catch your eye but it takes someone special 
to catch your heart

I see you next to never, how can we say forever.. 
wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here 
waiting for you, whatever it takes, or how my 
heartbreaks, I will be right here waiting for you... 

The more I cry I THINK OF YOU, Every now an then 
that’s all I can do. Memories and pics is all I see, 
but you and me will forever be.. 

until water can’t be boiled, I will always be very 
spoiled !

Too Many Star In The Skies * Too Many Tears that have 
Left My Eyes * Too many Boys out in the Blue * But 
they are Nothing compared to You 

I don’t swim in Your Toilet so Don’t pie in My pool!

*ONLY 10% of MEN go to HEAVEN, cuz if they ALL* *went 
it WOULD be HELL!*

True friends are loving, true friends care, and at the 
end the true friends are always there. 

* I am only ( age ) but I act like 18 and to all my 
friends out there, you know what I mean*

* Us girls 
play around with these things called boyz** But they 
use us girls as designated toys*!!*

Girls are like fireworks there kiss lights up the 
night there hugs make 
everything bright when they get mad they explode when 
they are happy they make everything glow

*tonight, I’ll ask the stars above, how will I ever 
win you're love, what do I do, what do I say, to turn 
your angel eyes my way?* 

For love I'd do anything, for you, I'd do 

There’s a sparkle in your eye that only I see, and 
there’s a place in your heart where only I wanna be 

I look like an angel and act like one too...But u 
Never know what this Angel will do!

Every time I fall in love...I fall for someone 
new...Still I always find myself...falling back in 
love w/ you!!!

~*~ I'm the sweetest thang that you'll ever know.... 
So baby never let me go~*~

If you love me let me know...Cuz if you don’t...I 
don’t know where to go..

*Didn't wanna see this day come, all I wanna do is 
turn and run, didn’t wanna have to cry, now he cant 
even look me in the eye... Well now its his turn to be 
hurt, cuz I wont take bein' treated like dirt! A girl 
will only take so much, and now hunny, your time is 

I loved you once
I love you still
I always have I always will

*Who do you turn too when the only who can dry your 
tears is the one who made you cry*

I asked God for a flower he gave me a garden
I asked for a tree he gave me a forest
I asked for a river he gave me an ocean
I asked for a friend he gave me you

Why does a rose represent love, when a rose always 

Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?

Your village just called, their missing their idiot!

We weren't sisters by birth, but we knew from the 
start... fate brought us together to be sisters by 

girls are so complex, they confuse themselves

I believe in angels because I am one!! 

Everyone gets a chance in the spotlight, you can have 
it when I'm done!

When your X gets ova you in da blink of an eye You 
know it was right to dump him and say Buh Bye! 

~* Big Girls Don’t Cry They Get Even*~ 

curiosity killed the cat but the monkey gets away with 

***Love wasn't love till I met you*** . 

*never say forever coz forever isn’t real*
*forever’s wut u think and forever’s what u feel*
*so if u say forever please promise that you'll try* 
*but never say forever coz forever makes me cry*

*Tears Are Words The Heart Can't Say* 


You can close your eyes to things you don’t want to 
see, but u cant close your heart to things you don’t 
want to feel. 

**Have you ever noticed that the worst way to miss 
someone is when they are right besides you and yet you 
cannot have them.

Its true you don’t know what you’ve got until its 
gone, but its also true you don’t know what you’ve 
been missing until it arrives!!! 

I don’t have an Attitude Problem...Its supposed to be 
like this :) 

"Im not a toy So Don't play w/ me!" 


a break up is like a broken mirror.. it is better to 
leave it broken than hurt yourself trying to fix it 
back together 

I Must Be Wishin' On Someone Else's Star, Because SHE 
Keeps Gettin' What I'm Wishin' For!!! 

*Someday You Will Be Sorry, Someday When You’re Free, 
Memories Will Remind You, That We Were Meant To Be*

Meeting you was fate, Be coming your friend was a 
choice, but falling in love with u was beyond my 

Its not as if Im hard to please, Ur the only one good 
enough for me, Those others just won't do, I don't 
like anyone but U!! 

I cry for the time that U were almost mine, I cry 4 
the memories I've left behind, I cry for the pain, the 
lost, the old the new, I cry for the times I thought I 
had you

At first, I cried because I didn't have you...why do I 
still cry now that I do? 

Sugar is sweet but it rots your teeth The ocean is 
Calming till it sucks you beneath I thought you loved 
me, but you too hurt me

I look at the moon and a single star It's making me 
crazy wondering where you are I reach out and touch 
that heavenly face Open my hand and there's empty 

in some cultures what I do is considered normal 
friends are like stars, u don't always see them but 
they r always there 

if Barbie is so popular....then y do u have 2 buy her 

One day it finally came true, I saw the one I truely 
loved, and that one was you

Even if the voices are not real, they have some good 

if u say I can't u won’t, if u say I quit u lose, if u 
say I’ll try u might just win but u have the power to 

angels are supposed to be y did one break 
my heart?

whenever I see whole body goes 
weak....everything but my heart...

the shortest word for me is I
the sweetest word for me is LOVE
the only one for me is YOU


Called each other names, But we never noticed our 
friendship went down in flames. I didn't know wut was 
going on, Next thing I knew, YOU WERE GONE... 

Roses are red violets are blue 
sugar is sweet and so are you, 
but the roses are wilting, the violets are dead
the sugar bowls empty and so is your head 

If women were made to chase men, 
don’t you think god would have made them worth 

When you and me met the angels whispered "Perfect" 

* I’ve said wut I needed to say *
* I’ve done wut I needed to do *
* Now whatever happens to us.. *
* I guess ill leave it up to yew * 

You hurt me so bad, You even made me cry,
All I ever wanted was for you to love me,
For you to give me a try 

Cross your Heart & hope 2 Die 
Clothes & Makeup Boys & Lies
4EvA there Till Da End
Definition Of : True Best Friends 

*I'm not a DiTz..I just Lack common sense* 

a friend is someone that sees you cry...a true friend 
has a soggy shoulder from it 

I gave u my heart- and u took it with care-
but u played around- so love me...don’t dare-
don’t take my hand- and make me cry-
cause soon enough- your love will die-
and who will be there- to hold me tight-
to help me live- live over the fright- 
of painful fears- that I cant let go-
just give me up- because I love u so 

A Kiss is just A kiss till u Find The one U Love 
A Hug is just a Hug Till its The 1 Ur Thinking 
of A dream is just a Dream Till u Make it come true 
Love is just a Word till its Proven To U!!!!! 

I wrote your name on a paper but by an accident I 
threw it away
I wrote your name on m hand but I washed it the next 
I wrote your name in the sand but the waves washed it 
I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay

If you be sugar, I'll be spice 
If you be fire, I'll be ice
If your cold, I'll make you hot
As long as you give me all you've got 

How come you have enough time to go out and make other 
people fall in love with you, but you don't have 
enough time to pay attention to the one who already 

You made me think you loved me 
You made me think it was true
But now that we're together
I'm already done with you 


if actions speak louder than words....... then what 
are you trying to tell me? 

Frustrated Cuz I Can*t Tell If It*S Real
Mad Cuz I Don*t no How u Feel
Upset Cuz We Can*t Make it Right
Sad cuz I Need U Day & Night
Angry Cuz U Won’t Take My Hand
Aggravated Cuz U Don*t Understand
Disappointed Cuz We Can*t B 2GeThA
But Still I*LL <3 U 4eV

*Ill take care of u and u take care of me..we do that 
4ever and happy we will be*

2 different girls with 2 different faces 
2 people in my heart with 2 different places 

ºRoses Smell Good Yet they die, I Will Be truthful 
Unless u lieº 

~if u luv me tell me its true~
~if u don't I’ll still luv u~ 

I Set My Eyes On Da QTest Guy, Neva Thinking He'd Make 
Me Cry 

This is an inside joke and your on the outside! 

Yew call me dumb, Yew call me stoopid! It’s not my 
fault I like u, its cupids!!! 

I'm not a lie, I'm not an illusion, I'm an angel so 
what’s the confusion??? 


stop honking you’re horns stop calling my name I ain't 
fallen 4 ya game 

(Your Name) You want it but you fear it but you love 
it when you're near it 

I’ve alwayz got somethin' 2 say, u don't like it stay 
outta my way!!!

name is the best 
name is my hunny
all I need is luv ,
don’t care bout the money 

~*` I know you like what you see... but u still cant 
get with a girl like me!~* 

I looked at you a thousand times
but this time when I looked at u 
there was somethin’ new 
how could I be so blind? 

ya'll look at me and say
"girl u've been blessed"
but ya'll can't see the inside 
of my unhappiness


Hi. I am probably home. I'm just avoiding someone I 
don't like. Leave me a message, and if I don't call 
back, it's you. 

They told me all about you 
They told me you were free 
They told me you were great 
The perfect one for me 

Men r not pigs... pigs are cute, considerate, and 

I was here for you so long, now that you want me, I’ve 
moved on, found somebody new, he's even better then you

Computers: freezes up on me, it plays 
games w/me,& I can turn it on w/ a push of a 
button..yah! ~ pretty much call it a guy!! 

my name ain’t Elmo but u can tickle me if u want!! 

You changed my world with just one smile, u took my 
heart with just one kiss.

*All you girls think you're tough...
Well all your stuff ain't that rough.
You think you know the deal... 
But it's me & my girls who be keepin' it real* 

If you hate me why do you always make me the center of 
your world? 

I Know That I Outta Find Someone New, But All I Find 
Is Myself, Always Thinking Of You!!!

Silence is golden...but shouting is fun! 

Beauty is skin deep, but attitude is to the bone

I Think I’ve already Lost You
I think your already Gone
I think I’m finally Scared now 
you Think I’m weak, I Think your wrong 

<3.Baby I know I’ve made mistakes but I wanna make it 
right so please just say you'll forgive me and be with 
me tonight<3 

I cry everynight wishing u were mine, but when I talk 
to you, you make everything fine, You broke my heart 
and that’s a true crime, All I wanted was for you to 
make time!! 

When you fall into love, be prepared for the other 
person to fall out... most relationships DON'T last a 

Some Kiss Behind The Garden Gate Cuz Luv Is Blind, But 
Neighbors Ain't 

Know everyone you love but don’t love everyone you 

I wuz positive I wuz in love with you 
I wuz positive it wuz true 
What the heck am I supposed to do 
You broke my heart in two 

..I know u think I’m cute.. 
..I know u think I’m fine..
..but like the rest of the guyz..
..take a numba and wait in line.. 

100 memories, 200 jokes, 300 great times, 400 secrets 
1 reason.. 

Hearts change--> I know they do! But apart of this 
heart will always belong 2 u!!!

EVIL is just LIVE spelled backwards

You came into my life sent down from heaven,
Now I think about you, 24/7. 

I loved you once ...<3
you loved me not...<3 
I loved you twice....<3
but I forgot......<3 
you never loved me ..<3
you never will...<3 
but even so...<3
I love you still.......<3

I'm gonna smile like nothing's wrong,
talk like everything's perfect,
act like it's just a dream, 
and pretend he's not hurting me. 

~ SMART girls are more interested in having FUN than 
trying to look perfect~ 

Tell me if you love me....
. tell me if It’s true...
Let me be your forever...... 
and 4 ever it will be me and you 

Loves a two-way street and I think your car just died

Cheerleaders are happy, happiness sux
Cheerleaders clap, they look like ducks. 
They think their all that and a bag o' chips! 
Well actually there a bunch o' ditz!! 

`*~Love wasn't put in your heart to stay 
Love isn't love till you give it away~* 

never underestimate the power of blondes especially if 
there is more than one

*If U Love Me Like U Say U Do...
*Prove 2 Me That Ur Love Is True...
*Say U Love Me N Hold My Hand...
*Tell Me That You’ll always B My Man 

To all my friends I luv u so..u give me all the 
strength to grow ...a true friendship will never die 
unless it is all a lie.

Sexy boy you’re so fine, I just might give you a try, 
I put your numba on my hand, Oops I 4got I have a man 

*The sky has lost it's color* 
*The sun has turned gray *
*At least that's how it feels to me*
*Whenever your away* 

**~Boys say your ugly boys say ur dirt, boys say all 
these things and expect them not to hurt, so next time 
u say it remember how we u it may be a 
joke but to us its a big deal!~** 

If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats 
always land on their feet, what happens if you strap 
toast on the back of a cat and drop it? 

2 Y's U R 
2 Y's U B
2 Y's 4 Me 

Life isn't a stop being a hoe!!! 

Birdie birdie in the sky why did u do that in my Eye, 
looks like sugar, taste like sap o my gosh its birdie 

One day we'll wave Hello and wish we'd never waved 

Party hardy, friends 4ever, dance all night, we'll be 
2gether, girls like guyz, dudes like chicks,- HEY- 

*Never give up if u still want to try* 
*Never wipe your tears if u still wanna cry* 
*Never settle for the answer if u still wanna know* 
*Never say u don't like him if u can't let him go* 

When you're arguing with an idiot, make sure that the 
other person isn't doing the same thing! 

Love doesn't make the world go 'round, it just makes 
the ride worthwhile.

I look at u but ur lookin' at her I guess 2 u, now I’m 
jus a blur 

If you treat a woman like an object that is just wrong.
But if you treat an object like a woman that is just 

~1 day u luv me, then u don’t, Then when u finally do, 
then I won't.~ 

*I May B Bad But I'm perfectly Good at it

I'll Risk everything I have. .
I’ll Fight Till I bleed 
Give you my Life . .
if that’s WuT you need 

A girls Gotta Do What A girls Gotta Do,
Buta Boys Gotta Do What A girl wants Him to do!!!! 

I'm 98% Beautiful and 2% Crazy... or is it the Other way around? 

When all else fails, look cute

sometimes you need to run away to see who will follow 

E []V[] [] []\[] E []V[] (just in case you don't get 
it that's eminem written sorta weird)

3 Things In Life Sh0uLd Never Be Broken... Toys, 
Promises, and Hearts.

Guys suck..but they're so DARN cute*! 

its not easy being me..but it sure is funny watching 
people try 

I Cry for You at night, 
I no ur Mr. Right, 
I search for You in dreams,
And I don’t know What You think Bout Me, 
But I'm better than I Seem! 

I called a guy once. He was busy and said he'd call 
back...he never did.
I called a guy twice. He still didn't call back...I know now that he never will. 

if it weren't for boys, I’d quit school! 

I Know Out There There iz a Person For Me ... Then why 
am I So blind To See That You aren*t Meant For Me? 

hobbies: liking guys I shouldn’t like

I’m not Smiling At u !
I’m Trying not 2 Laugh! 

~If you're waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today? 
For if tomorrow never comes, you'll surely regret this 

The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without 
speaking confess the secrets of the heart.

I don't want you to love me
I don't want you to care 
I don't want you wishing that I was there
If you really love and you do truly care
than stop spending nights wishing I was there

Boys are like taxis whenever you need them their not there, whenever you don't their everywhere!!!!! 

I'm not a COMPLETE IDIOT, some parts are missing

if you truly cared for me you would do what is best 
for US!

~*~*~*Can’t Nobody whoop me 'cept my momma*~*~*~

If loving you's a crime, than I'm a criminal.
About to do some time unconditional..
the love I have for you. So please forgive me because 
my heart is true 

I will Forever Love You 
I will Forever Care
I will Forever live MY life Wishing You Were There
and as for long as I live I will neva Walk Away
as long as You Promise me one thing.. 
If You Come to Me.. You will stay 


Strutting Our Stuff Shakin' Our BoOtYiEz, Me n My 
GiRlZ, R LiL Cuties 

Dawn to dawn dusk to dusk life's too short so party we 

candy is sweet but my kisses are betta 

I can be ur Hunny, I can be ur Wife, But where the 
heck is my life?

Girls are better than boys
We all know it
Boys try to hard
But they still don't show it

Don’t Upset me I'm running Out of places to hide dA 

dang girl, you got an onion damn good it 
makes me want to cry! 

always be yourself because those who mind don’t matter 
and those who matter don’t mind

Sexy boy, you so fly, I wish I could give you a try, 
but my man's at home waiting for me 
by the phone, sorry can't get my groove on! 

<3 Love isn't finding a perfect person, it's seeing an 
imperfect person perfectly <3 

2 luvers 2 be 2 gether 4 ever = 10der love

normal people worry me

If u luv someone don't be afraid to tell them becuz it 
just might happen

^ to all the girls that can’t Compare^
^no one Said Life wuz fair^

Love can conquer anything
Accept for my fist
So before I take a chance on you
I gotta make sure u ain’t here jus to get me pissed
So if ya gonna get with me don’t break my hear
So then I wont have to tear yours apart

If someone gives you so-called good advice, do the 
opposite; you can be sure it will be the right thing nine out of ten times.

*Someday You Will Be Sorry, Someday When You’re Free, 
Memories Will Remind You, That U Could Of Been Wit Me* 

You can't defeat your Fears, if you don’t put up with 
the Tears!

I don’t lie my mouth does it 4 me

sexy, sweet, hard to beat
pretty kewl rule this school
knock um dead with you’re looks 
were popular and got them hooked

sweet as candy
hotter then fire 
I’m describing the boy 
that I admire 

If You Blame Others For Your Failures, Do U Credit 
Them For Your Achievements?¿?

Some people get lost in thought
because it's such unfamiliar territory

I told my dad I stopped raising hell and he called me 
a quitter !!!! 

In life, only one person gets to shine, so move outta 
my way, you're blocking my light!

True Love Cannot Be Found Where It Duzn't Exist, Nor 
Can it be Hidden Where It Duz!! 

Every1 Knows That I'M Shy, And I Could Barely Ever 
Approach A Guy, But I Want to Find A way 2 Get u 2 
Notice Me, And I Want to Get Wit u, As u Can See!!

*~* I Only get P-m-S On the days That end with Y*~*!!

Shakin’ My BoOtIe..Movin' my hips Making u Drool n 
Lick Ya Lips Bet no otha girl can Tease you Like This 

they say true love hides behind every corner.... well 
I must be walkin' in circles coz I can't seem it find 

I don’t chase 'em...just replace eM!! 

Trying to be popular isn’t being true to urself, but 
it just comes naturally 2 me & my gurlz!!! 

And there you are..holding her hand..and I'm 
lost..trying to understand... 

Tell me now, Tell me quick do u want me to be ur 

*¤God Made the land¤*God made the sea ¤*God needed a 
*PRINCESS*¤So he made *ME*!!!!! 

My trust is Like a Mirror Once it’s Broken 7 Years Bad 
Luck...U broke My trust So Now ur in Trouble

a stupid mind is a terrible thing to waste 

I am who I am today because of the choices I made 

IF I HAD THE LETTERS "HRT" I could add "ea" to 
get "HEART" or "U" to get "hurt" But I rather use "U" 
to get "HURT" than have a "HEART" without "U"

I'm sure you've heard that behind every great guy 
there's a great girl...
Well have u heard that behind every great girl is a 
guy starring at her behind* 

*U n I are not to blame.... sometimes we just go 

Is their such a secret place the land of tears?

For every minute you spend angry, you lose sixty 
seconds of happiness.

A woman still remembers the first kiss long after the 
man has forgotten the last

Just when you think things can't get any 
worse.....they do. 
But....I've learned that life is like hourglass sand. 
Sooner or later, everything hits rock bottom, 
but all you have to do is be patient and wait
for something to turn everything around. 

¿is this somethin' that’s Gonna Last or End far 2 fast?

Boys wrap ur arms around me, 
n let me hold u tight, 
in the middle of the evening
ill make you feel alright 

Many Nights I’ve Cried from the Things U do, felt like 
I could die From The thought Of Losing You

I didn't mean to hurt you,
But your sexy when you cry. 
Maybe I really loved you,
HaHa!!! Aren't I cute when I lie??? 

I’m in love with the one man I can’t have 
and I have the one man I cant love....... 

You Be good
Ill be Bad you 
Get wit me you'll be glad 

you'll never see the stars if you are always looking 


My mother told me not to talk to strangers. I never 
talk to myself anymore. 

Experience is the worst teacher; it gives the test 
before presenting the lesson 

A stranger stabs you in the front. A boyfriend stabs 
you in the heart.
A friend stabs you in the back, But best friends don't 
carry knives!

An open mind is good.................. so is an open 
window, but we keep a screen over it to keep all of 
the bugs out.

*I luv him, o yes I do, he’s for me not for u, and if 
by chance u take my place, I'll take my fist and smash 
your face!!! 

Guyz~If they do something right, they neva do it 
again. If they have to do something again, they neva 
do it right.~

You can complain becuz roses have thorns, or you Can 
rejoice becuz thorns Have roses.---

~*If u mess with the best, you'll go down with the 

TGIF~ Thank God Im Female 

I no @ Graduation Day Im Gonna Cry its b/C I no I 
Found Friends DaT R True Till I Die 

~*~*Friends are 4ever,
Guyz are whatever, 
When worst comes 2 worst,
My girlz come 1st!*~*~

"I just realized it's so lonely being free"

When my last teardrop falls,
I will stand tall,
And keep all our memories, 
And all of what used to be. 

¤I Have A black Belt In Shopping¤

(Name) and (name) were born ta shine 
while da rest of yaz are borderline 

You took the "L" outta LOVER and now its "over"

I play the game. I Play it Smart my energy comes from 
da Heart I use my head I move my Feet don’t mess w/ me 
I'm 1OO% Athlete! 

Treat me like an angel and I'll be your lil devil! 

Go find a straw, cuz you suck!

You told me not to talk to you 
So I told myself not to cry
But not talking to you for dayz
Just makes me wanna die! 

Tell me that you love me 
Tell me that you care 
Even if you're lying, 
That’s what I need to hear

I think it's weird when I love you,
I think it's weird when I care
I think it's weird when I want you, 
when you don’t even know I am there

~*~ Don't turn your back on your friends... Because 
it's the best target. ~*~ 

I'm Blonde, what's ur excuse?

~*Internet boyz*~ 
*They Seem All hot N fly* 
~*But guess WuT*~ 
*they all Tell lies*

*Learn the rules...then break them*

Cry your heart out, let it all go. Cuz remember, after 
every tear, comes a rainbow!

- lower the lid, ladies present.....a wet behind is 
most unpleasant! 

****an error isn’t a mistake until u refuse to correct 

Can I get directions to you heart, I'm kinda lost in 
ur eyes. 

*Surgeon General Warning* 
*flirting Wit Me May Lead 2ExTrEmE infatuation *
*& in Some Cases Unbelievable pleasure* 

Try not to let your mind wander. It is too small to be 
out by itself. 

Girls are like fishes you gotta know where the best 
ones hide.

It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to 
be nice!

When I Was younger I played wit DaT I’m 
older I Got my boyz 

First a Fire, Then a Flame; I'm a Chick No Man Can 

I heard there was a fire in your heart
I guess it soaked through your skin because you are so 
damn hott 

If a man stands in the middle of a forest speaking, 
and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still 

..Cancel My Subscriptions..
..I'M over ur issues..

*You’re as fake as that padded bra your wearing *!!!!!

*Life was so much easier when your clothes didn't match and boys had cooties*

If you don't know where ur going, any road will take u 

*~~If My Love For you Took The form of water... I'd Be 

*Where is the good in Good-Bye?* 

..*Be Sexy...Be True...Be Wild...Be You*..


Don't look where you fall, but where you slipped.

The phone goes greeen greeen, so I pink it up and I 
say yellow you there? 
Orange you a lil shy to answer?? 

The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets 
the cheese!

Poof! Be Gone!
Your Breath Is Too Strong!
Poof! Come Back!
I Found A Tic-tac!

little kids say they love someone but
they don’t mean it like teenagers do.....

Why do guys like hurting girls feelings?

Your jealousy is my energy, ever wonder why I am so 

Gurlz Are Great, Guyz Don’t Deserve us 

Don’t Look Down On Anyone Unless You’re Helping Them Up

u told me u loved me but u lied 
u told me u'd be there and then I cried 

sum guyz are like gum, they lose their flava.
othas are like ice cream, you save'm for lata

the road to success is always under construction

I love you but I'm not in love with you 

My imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental 

its only funny until someone gets hurt...then its 

Moving too fast is like going over the speed limit ~
~ there's a chance you might crash!!!! 

How many hot, rich, funny, sweet guys are there out there?
......two, but they're dating each other! 

You say you hate me,
And I know that it is true,
But why cant I stop thinking of you!

Don't judge what your small mind cannot comprehend.

I thought that U+ME=Never, but it turned out that it 
meant 4ever

u know what? u need to call 1-800 get-a-life and stop 
revolving around mine!

If I kiss him will he stop talking? 

Why do free thinkers all think alike?

~Roses r red
Violets r blue
Suga iz sweet
but revenge iz 2~

Do you come with an instruction manual cuz ur 
confusing me!

..::It Takes Both Rain And Sunshine To Make A Rainbow::

Women are stupider than men, because we date them.

Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.

Does the noise inside my head bother you?

I Went From Candy and Toys
2 Cellphonez and boyz 

Can I borrow you library card because I’d like to 
check you out!

~*u Don’t Deserve Me
I Know That It’s True, 
but I Want u So bad..
WuT Do I Do*~

~Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow; we must 
fail in order to know. 
Sometimes our vision clear only after our eyes are 
washed away with tears.

You! off my planet

Yes, girls are right.
Men are a bunch of dogs.
A lot are really cute! 
Tons of fun to play with
We keep all of them company.
And without us they would
be miserable and bored.

I love not being you :)

Always remember you’re unique, just like everyone else!

* being with you is like fallin' thro a deep dark 
hole, but in that hole I find something special, a 
treasure to behold*

Just cause your not paranoid, doesn't mean they're not 
out to get you!

It's not "When Wild Animals Attack!" 
It's more like "When Stupid People Get Bit!" 

When the officer says: "Gee son you're eyes look red 
have you been drinking? respond:” Gee officer your 
eyes looks glazed. Have you been eating doughnuts?”

Life is like the number 8, it goes on and on and has 
its turns.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, 
but when I looked at yours, I couldn't say anything! 

If u didn't have feet would u ware shoes? Then why do 
u ware a bra???

this isn’t burger king u cant have it ur way 

There are a lot of fish in the sea...but some of them 
are sharks

**Judge your boyfriend on how he treats your best 

if someone says something back to you, say
" I've heard better comebacks from a turkey sandwich" 

Love is like money, everyone wants it, its great when 
you have it, but it
disappears really fast!

~Day by day, nothing seems to change but pretty soon, 
everything's different~

Don't look for the light at the end of the tunnel, go 
light it yourself.

I should call the police cuz you stealin' my heart! 

I was With Him so long, I grew to be so strong,
now were not Together, I'm Weaker Then Ever

I knew the something was wrong when my imaginary 
friends would not play with me 

*Today I Love U More Than Yesterday, 
but Not as much as Tomorrow* 

*~Don't ask God for a easy life, 
ask him to make you a strong person~* 

I'm not crazy!!... Im a teen!!

You're just jealous cuz the little voices talk to me

If love is fun, why aren’t you smiling?

ur life is just like a math book, u both have problems 

judge me all you want. just keep the verdict to 

~!~*~*~!!The scariest Thing in you Life is To Wake Up
When Ur old N Realize You Never Really Lived~!~*~*~!~

Isn't having a smoking section in a restaurant sort of
like having a peeing section in a pool??

~* don’t be so open-minded That Your Brains Fall Out~*

Four important words in life: CHEAT, LIE, STEAL, 
DRINK. If you CHEAT, cheat death. If you LIE, lie 
about your age.
If you STEAL, steal someone's heart and if you DRINK, 
have one with me!

Boyz r great........ Every gurlz team needs a water 

I believe in dragons,
good men, and other fantasy creatures!

My heart is lost~ I’m off 2 find it. 
once I do, I gotta bind it. 
cuz if I don’t then it'll be a mess 
my luv 4 u will pour out and then there'd b less.

*Sometimes I dream about being carried off by a big 
giant squirrel. 
Does that make me a nut?*

*~LoViNg HiM wAsN't ThE pRoBlEm, 
GeTtInG tO cLoSe WaS ~* 

NeVer Underestimate the power of BEST FRIENDS,
especially when they're TOGETHER 

if at first you dont suceed maybe failing is your thing

~*~ Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
Life is short
so PARTY we must!! ~*~ 

~*! Thats what u say,
now what are u thinking?!*~ 


WhY r So MaNy GuYz PLaYaHz?
Do ThEy ThInK tHeY cAn WiN tHaT wAy? 

God made special people
and I am one of them~~~ 

~*~EverOne Deserves To Feel Pretty... 
So Leave Me Alone~*~

If I kiss him, will he stop calling me names???? 

i'm so great, i'm jealous of myself

jUsT bEcAuSe i LiVE iN tHe cItY 
dOeSn'T mEaN i'M nOt wIlD!

i love rainbows i love rain 
i love u and ........... 
um i forgot the rest but i think ur hot

i cRiEd tOdAy.. nOt bEaCaUsE i mIsS yOu.. 
oR eVeN wAnTeD yOu bUt bEcAuSe
i fInAlLy rEaLiZeD iM gOnNa bE AlRiTe wItH oUt yOu

Life doesnt suck totally...
we just havent gotten to the good parts yet... 

When your ready to look into the eyes
of true love, it turns its head 

Mistakes are made, you pay for them..
then you go and do it again 

I planted some bird seed. A bird came up. 
Now I don't know whut I should feed it.

-:- If HeAveN iS MiSsIn An AnGeL 
ThEn I MuSt Be aLiVe -:- 

DiD iT lOoK LiKe I cArEd?¿?....
OoPs LeT mE tRy AgAiN!

Why do BOY bands sound like GIRLS?

7/5th of all people do not understand fractions.

Why do they call it 'French Kissing' 
if Americans do it the best?¿?

LoVe Me NoW, oR lOvE mE nEvA,
bUt If U lOvE mE, lOvE mE 4-eVa


*if ur HeArT is in ur dReAm, 
then no request is too extreme*

~*~Dont hate this girl, hate that one~*~

*.:.Don't flatter yourself....I was looking at your 

live free, die proud. 
have fun, play loud! 

-It's ok to care about what you look like, 
but obsessing over it can make little flaws seem huge- 

Dont interupt me when I'm talking to myself.

The voices in my head don't like you.

**guyz are nottin without their gurlz, 
gurlz are everything without their guyz**

My BoYfRiEd SaId ThAt If I CrUsHed 
On 1 mOrE gUy He'Ll LeAvE mE!¡!
mAn I sUrE aM gOnNa MiSs HiM!¡!¡

i might be sexy 
i might be sweet 
but without you im incompelete 

Hey look on the bright side... 
not everyone hates you as much as i do..

~~~**Cry me a river, build me a bridge, 
then do us all a favor and jump off it!!**~~~ 

OMG! You killed (name)!!! How much do I owe u?

~Hello, have we met b4?- Oh thats right I've seen ur
picture in the dictionary beside DANG!~

There's a lot of fish in the sea
But you're the only one 4 me

Not all guys are players, but all players are guys,
and their favorite game is to make you cry.

kute enuf to make you look twice 
sweet enuf but not too nice 
alil crazy but not too wild 
the kinda grl that`ll make ya smile

Sry if there was any repeats.

