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Bring Area Sewers to Environmentally Responsible Development


May God Bless America!





We are looking for volunteers to go into the neighborhoods, meeting and explaining the issues to the people.


Murphy is still in need of Engineering Studentswho need a grade or project for class. Murphy is a teacher of environmental law at

Widener University.

Email her for futher information.


We will keep you

updated weekly (Mondays)

and you are welcomed to leave a message.

Ms. Jennifer Murphy, consulting attorney at .........

Ms. Jill Cantor, Intern, Third Year Law

Why we are here


is here to serve the community as a line of communication and to keep you informed with the situation of the recent flooding. We also will inform you to the legal aspects of our complaints.


also looks forward to posting opinions, comments, and if you need to express outrage, then that too.

We are not here to solve the areas sewer problems alone!

We all flooded together, we were all mistreated together, and we must all help to solve this problem,...


We are here to help, not to do it for you.

We will supply legal information concerning the flooding problems as we get it from our legal consultant.

ATTENTION: IF YOU OR ANYONE THAT YOU KNOW WHO IS SUFFERING FROM IMMUNO-DEFICIENCY DISORDERS, (I.E. CANCER TREATMENTS, HIV/AIDS, ETC.), SHOULD CONTACT ASAP, concerning your health and the possibility of a group action suite against the city because of the special dangers to this group with raw sewage running into your home. IF you feel more comfortable speaking to an attorney, then wait for further instructions. IF you do email, all information is confidential. No names asked.

The Legal Issues

The city and water department are facing violations of The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 62 Statute, 1155, 33 U.S.C. and Statute sub section 1251. This law tells the states that they must not cause environmental harm, in this case, to the Delaware River (or any river) and that any "Nuisances", which means the spilling of sewage water along the way to arriving to the sewage treatment plant, is a violation. The nuisances is what is happening to our basements. Also, when it rains, our PWD sewage treatment plant opens a flood gate and allows untreated sewage to flow into the river.

The other problem is that South Philadelphia has only one line for both sewage and rain water run off ( the water that runs in the street empties into the sewage line). This is also a violation of the law. The following maybe another reason why we flood only when it rains. We can assume that all the recent building of malls, parking lots, (covering up what was earth, grass, and weeds) didn't help the stress on this single line system. Instead of the water sinking into the earth, it now goes into the single lined sewer system. This is partly why two lines are law and needed, one line for sewage, the other for rain water run off.

We residents haven't done anything wrong. The above law states that this problem was supposed to be corrected by 1986! There is no shame to the residents that do flood.


Mission Statements.......................................................................................................Front Page

Legal issues...................................................................................................................Front Page

Flood Emergency Procedures.......................................................................................Emergency Page (Red)

Photo by tork Thank you.

Update for October 10, 2005...make me a BASERD sign up forms...Letters for Federal Reps................................................................................................................................Page 10

Update for October 3, 2005...Corperate address for letters.......................................Page 9

Update for Sept. 26, 2005..............................................................................................Page 8

Update for Sept. 19,2005...Health Risk of Sewer Floods............................................Page 7

Update for Sept. 12, 2005 ..Updates from our consulting attorneys ............................Page 6

Federal Representatives................................................................................................Page 5

First Legal Review with Ms. Murphy; Esq...................................................................Page 4

"Flap" Issues, Street Cleaning......................................................................................Page 3

Address for Mid Atlantic Law Center, Widner University...........................................Page 2

How BASERD Came To Be;..Jennifer Murphy's water saving, money saving hints..

THE NEW "Back Page!"

Have your emailed comments here(anonymous, named or screen name)on
(only with your permission will your comments be published).


"...I am putting you in charge of the fish, the birds, and all the wild animals." -Gen 1.28

Front page

aug.27, '05

Emergency Page




In order to service the community better, we need as near as an accurate number of residents who experience flooding from the sewers as we can obtain. If you have access to internet, please bring it upon yourself to ask your neighbors if they have flooded in their basements during the rain. This will help Ms. Murphy to present a detailed estimate to the city and, if need be, the court. In the end, it will help all us victims of flooding. Let the neighbors know that you are not reporting their names, you are only reporting numbers. Report the information to and

Your e-mail should look like this;



Flood reports for 100Blk.Sigel Street(Date of flooding)

e-mail contents:

Number of homes flooded.....40

Number of homes not flooded..8

Number of vacant homes.........2


Most homes report about 6 inches of water, then say whatever you need to say (please be nice).

Thank you.


May this crisis bring us closer together, along with a resolution. If you are over 45, you can remember a time when only one to three people on a street had a phone, and those with a phone took messages or ran to get people when an important call came for a neighbor. The neighborhoods were closer then.


Also, let flood victims know that they should clean the basement with bleach and water after the flood recedes . For every 9 cups of water, 1 cup of bleach should be added. Clean the walls and anything that comes in contact with the contaminated water, if possible, with the same bleach solution. This will kill germs, mold, and almost anything that can make you sick. And make sure you don't "track the crap" upstairs! After the bleach cleaner is dried, and the smell is too strong, rinse your mop head well and mop again with your regular cleaner, using half the amount of your cleaner. Take as many pictures of each flood as possible. STAY HEALTHY!!!



A prayer for self-dedication.
Almighty God, ever closer to you, draw our hearts, guide our minds, fill our imagination, control our wills, that we will be totally yours, and used for your will, and always to your glory and to the welfare of your people. Amen.


October 24,2005

All is quiet. And that is good.

Check out the "New Back Page" for suggestions on how to save water, saving money tips from Murphy.

Hold on to your hats, the winter heating bills are coming. It's the 70's, all over again, minus the gas lines. Keeping the thermostats lower will only work if you seal those cracks around your windows and doors. There are many different products on the market to help you keep those nasty drafts out, and keep the warmer air in.

Insulating spray foam. This works great, but you almost need a degree in applying it. It is flammable when wet, it gets all over the place, some how. And it stains most surfaces. It works great for filling any holes you may have around windows and doors. And when it is dry, you can shape it with a razor or knife.

Chalking. If it has been more than three years since you re-chalked the windows and doors, you need to check it. Do not re-chalk over the old chalk, as this only makes a sloppy looking finish, and will aloud the new chalk to crack where the old chalk split. There is a gadget available which makes it easier to remove the old stuff, permitting you to get a better seal on your work.

Foam, Felt, or Rubber Seals. These products are great for sealing doors and windows. They are inexpensive, yet vary in price. They do not, however, take the place of chalking or filling holes.

For door ways, close the door and stand outside. Unravel the product and measure the how much you will need. Cut it. Again, with the door shut, attach the strip to the door frame, butting it secure to the door. Repeat this on all sides. When finished, go back inside, close the door, and examine the area where the door meets the frame. You should see no light from the outside. If you do see light, you need another layer of stripping on top of the stripping you just applied.

For windows, you can do the same, but from inside the house, though it isn't always pretty. You need to make the choice. Do you want a pretty window, or the draft. Or maybe you just want to weather strip the windows up stairs and in the back of the house. Think about it.

Another help for drafty windows is to hang heavy or insulated draperies. Or layer your window treatments, using your creativity. Tightly bunched sheers, then a good heavy drape will help with drafts and looks great!

And attack this energy crisis (though it hasn't been called this, officially) from all angles. The way most people are lighting their homes is sooo…20th century. Look into the "compact florescent lighting", you know, those "coiled" light bulbs. For the amount of light you get from a 75 watt light bulb, you can be burning only 17 to 23 watts. If nothing else, think about using them in the basement. How many times did the kids go down there and leave the lights burning for a couple days? Or you left the lights on and blamed the kids?

These bulbs can not be used with a dimmer switch, and they are a little pricey. They won't solve the problem of shutting out the light, but you don't have to change these bulbs for years, and it's better to burn about 20 watts of energy for days than to burn 75 watts.

I also found the two corporate mall addresses. The letter is found on page 8. And if you haven't already, send your copy of the letter to your Federal Representatives, found on page 10. Also, sign people up with Ms. Murphy by email or have them fill out and mail the form into her. That form is found on page 10, also.

Have a good week, and pray for a little rain. Happy Birthday, Tony.

A little PS. I've been working on some "Javascript" to allow you to see the backgroud color as you would like it, unsuccessfully. Email buttons to Ms.Murphy are also in the way.

Wendy's International, Inc.
4288 W. Dublin-Granville Rd.
Dublin, OH 43017
Investor Relations
Best Buy Co.,Inc
7601 Penn Ave S.
Richfield, MN 55423


October 17, 2000

I pray everyone made it through last weekend safely and healthy. I didn't realize how many people flooded, and, at first, I thought everyone would be O.K. as it was not raining all that hard.(I was lucky and had no sewer water, but I know my luck will run out)

Do not forget,

report how many homes flooded in your street

to the lawyer via email. Look for her email address on the flood emergency page with red lettering. Try to keep your information consistent to the way requested on the page. That would be a great help to Ms. Murphy.

Let me remind you, that sitting there, looking at this screen is not being helpful to solving your flooding problems we all are experiencing. This page can not fix the problem, unless you copy and sign your letters, make the phone calls you need to, and network with your families, friends and co-workers about BASERD. It's not hard or a lot of work. BASERD is here to help and guide you, not to do it for you. You are the only one that can fix the problem in your house.

It is highly recommended you do not sit there, look at the screen, then complain to people that your basement floods with sewer water when it rains, threatening your health, and ruining your things. This is what one calls a victim.

Think of it like this, we all are victims of the floods. If you sit there and be helpless, you are the worse kind of victim. Now, like a home invasion, the city comes into your home, robs you, and wrecks you home. If someone came busting through your front door, would you not have the right to protect yourself and your home? Would you not do what ever it takes to protect yourself from this invasion, again, even if all you could do is call the police and do what they recommend so that this wouldn't happen, any more?

Think of BASERD as the sewer police. Think of Ms. Murphy as the chief of the sewer police. Now, do what is being recommended.

The rest of you...


I told you last week that I would have two more corporate addresses for you for the businesses on the malls. I discovered this afternoon I have misplaced them in my computer files, and I don't know how to find them. My buddy Bart, the computer wiz, went to Las Vegas with his girl friend for a week. So, I'll look for some more addresses, and he can find the files when he returns.(My html skills are way better than his.)

For now,


Pass this web page address to everyone, and sign up with Murphy, the chief of the sewer police. And sign up those with out computers or internet access with Murphy. (See page 10)

Have a good week!


There is a real opportunity here
for great and worthwhile work,

even though there are many opponents.

Corinthians 16:9. 

(The scariest opponents could be looking at you when you look in the mirror...Think about it. Get all your good work done.)  


Inglesia de Bamb : Puerto Rico. Usted sabe, intenté conseguir este cuadro cerca de dos me alineo de aquí, y no puedo. Se dibujó al texto inglés de la biblia. Le estoy dejando la derecha donde está.



He sets a time for love and the time for hate, the time for war and a time for peace. What do we gain from all our work? I know the heavy burdens that God has laid on us.
Ecclesiates 3:8-10

Update: October 10, 2005

Yooo, South Philly,

Looks like the drought prediction was wrong. Just pray we don't have a mess to clean up, again.

We are all part of Philadelphia's dirty little secret. Take Charge!!

I have done more research into the area in which we live.

According to the 2000 US. Census,
there are 48, 573 people living in zip code 19148. Out of this, there are 19,157 housing units, 13,726 home owners.

There are 32,680 people living in zip code 19147. Out of this, there are 17,715 housing units, 8,177 home owners.

There are 45,647 people living in zip code 19145. Out of this, there are 21,234 housing units, 12,062 home owners.

There are 35,783 people living in zip code 19146. Out of this, there are 18,025 housing units, 7,571 home owners.

The total population for Philadelphia is 1,517,550, to the US census for the year 2000.

The total population for these four zip codes is 162,683. This is almost 10 per cent of the population of Philadelphia.

Looking at the income levels of our area(some of us cheat), I estimate that about 1/3 of us have been blessed with computers, and less have an internet connection.

While canvassing the neighborhoods, what I heard from you, is that, roughly, 9 in 10 flooded.(those with the ying-yang to admit to it.) I estimate that 7-8 in 10 flooded, total, in the four zip codes listed above.

With the list I've have seen, the response to the web page numbers, and the little canvassing that has been done so far, I'd say you all get an A- in home improvement 101. I'm very impressed. What, with how busy we all are, living our lives.

This week, concentrate on Building and network. Give a copy of this to people with the same sewage overflow problem as you, that don't have access to the internet. Please remember, you don't have to have flood problems to be a part of this. So it is OK to give these out to your sympathetic friends or family. Only, one needs to be over 18 years old, (this includes the kids over 18 that won't move out or can't) and a resident of Philadelphia, PA. So that includes your loving aunt and uncle in the Northeast, etc.

This is a paper saving idea, in this job. On one sheet of paper, you can touch three people!

(Remember, left and hold to highlight over page, right click, select copy, pull up word, select paste, print.)

So, just copy these letters, and distribute:

------------------------------------Copy below-------------------------------

Name(print)______________________________________________ 0 no computer access
Address(print)___________________________________________ 0 no internet access
Philadelphia, PA (Zip code)19________
Phone(opt.)________________ please check applicable

Dear Ms. Murphy,

Please add my name to the list of people who want to make changes to the problem of sewer overflow being experienced in South Philadelphia. I feel that the sewer system is inadequate and needs to be made legal. Make me a BASERD, too.

Thank you,


Mid Atlantic Law Center, Att: Jenifer Murphy, 4601 Concord Pike, Po Box 7474, Wilmington, DE,19103.


Name(print)______________________________________________ 0 no computer access
Address(print)___________________________________________ 0 no internet access
Philadelphia, PA (Zip code)19________
Phone(opt.)________________ please check applicable

Dear Ms. Murphy,

Please add my name to the list of people who want to make changes to the problem of sewer overflow being experienced in South Philadelphia. I feel that the sewer system is inadequate and needs to be made legal. Make me a BASERD, too.

Thank you,


Mid Atlantic Law Center, Att: Jenifer Murphy, 4601 Concord Pike, Po Box 7474, Wilmington, DE,19103.

-------------------------CUT HERE---------------------------------------------
Name(print)______________________________________________ 0 no computer access
Address(print)___________________________________________ 0 no internet access
Philadelphia, PA (Zip code)19________
Phone(opt.)________________ please check applicable

Dear Ms. Murphy,

Please add my name to the list of people who want to make changes to the problem of sewer overflow being experienced in South Philadelphia. I feel that the sewer system is inadequate and needs to be made legal. Make me a BASERD, too.

Thank you,


Mid Atlantic Law Center, Att: Jenifer Murphy, 4601 Concord Pike, Po Box 7474, Wilmington, DE,19103.

-------------------------Copy above--------------------------

This should fit on one page.

You're not getting away that easy this week....

Here are the addresses of our federal representatives. It is good if all our letters look the same. This says we are operating as a unit, and serious. However, change what you want, and read your own or this letter carefully. I have special instructions in this letter.

By the way, you can recycle most ink cartridges. Sorry.

Federal Represenatives Addresses

Senator Arlen Specter (PA)
Republican from Pennsylvania.
Main District Office:
600 Arch St., #9400
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Phone: (215) 597-7200 Fax: (215) 597-0406

Representative Robert A. Brady (PA 1st)
Democrat from Pennsylvania.
Main District Office:
1907 South Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA 19148
Phone: (215) 389-4627.Fax:(215)389-4636

Senator Rick Santorum (PA)
Republican from Pennsylvania
Philadelphia offices
Phone: (215) 864-6900.Fax: (215) 864-6910
One South Penn Square, #960
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Make a follow up call about two weeks
After you mail your latter!


Copy below


Your name

Your Address

Philadelphia, PA (your Zip)

Representatives' name

Rep's address

Philadelphia, PA 191 zip

Dear (Congressman or Senator),

There is a sanitary sewage problem in the four zip code areas of South Philadelphia, a total population of 162,683, all part of your districts. Let us try to explain what it is like to have raw sewage from the municipal sewage system, which is inadequate and illegal, run through your home and destroy your home while endangering your health and that of your loved ones, mostly American, all human.

Please know that the City of Philadelphia seems to be in denial of the problem, and probably needs investigation behind this issue. The problem lies within the Health Department and the Philadelphia Water Department.

Our one line sewer system can no longer handle the good progress of the area. They put the city of Philadelphia in the predicament of facing shutting down the future building, as it nor the Commonwealth can afford to fix the problem. Please see the Federal Water Pollution Act. Please take time and look it up.

Every time we are flooded, our basements fill with at least six inches of sewage. It destroys our belongings, and threatens the health of us and our hard working families. For weeks after floods, our homes fill with a foul odor, and some have symptoms of mold allergies.

Please make sure you take note, this is not merely a problem with sewage overflow running onto our lawns, we don't have these. This is actually invading our homes. All American's should feel safe in their homes. We feel threatened.

This makes the problem a sanitation emergency, and attention needs to be placed on the problem.

We must have money from the Federal Government in the form of grants. We have already alerted family and friends around the country to ask the assistance of their federal elect, in order to make it easier for you to get approval for money and to shame you as not to over look us.

Again, we expect no delay in this matter. We respectfully ask you for prompt action and money for the city in the forms of grants, as not to, eventually, put our builders out of work.

(Delete this sentence for Santorum) Those with lips firmly planted on Bush's bottom should beware what side their bread is buttered on. Pass it on. We have family and friends all over the state. Non of them want to see us suffer with health problems or financial bourdons.

Thank you,

(Your signature)

(Your Name typed)



Copy above


Next week we will work on more letters to the mall giants. I dug up two more addresses this week.

Have a great week South Philly!!!

page 9

He sets the time for finding and a time for losing, a time for saving and a time for throwing away, a time for tearing and a time for mending, a time for silence and a time for talk.
- Ecclesiastes 3.6-7

October 3, 2005

Para leer en español a

Quisiera tener una página en español e italiano, pero tenemos que esperar el dinero para comprar Web pages. Tengo una cita con un grupo, y los estoy pidiendo el dinero para esto.Pediré a Congresso de Latinos traducciones semanales de esta página. Esperanzadamente, podemos hacer esto en solamente algunas semanas.

Deseamos a toda la gente implicada, cada una junta.Para su hogar, salud, y familia.


Leggire in Italiano

In italiano colto vorrei avere una la pagina de l'Italiano e la Spaniola, ma dobbiamo aspettare i soldi. Ho un appuntamento con un gruppo e li chiederò i soldi.La volontà di io, allora, è necessitante un traduttore. Sapete di uno?

Desideriamo tutta la gente coinvolgere insieme, tutta. Per la vostre sede, salute e famiglia.


Network, Network, Network!!!

O.Kay, This is one of those "ain't nothing happening" weeks. And that could be looked at as a good thing. It looks as though we may be in for a little drought. God is good to us. I know He knows when to stop.

Just make sure you make your calls and write your letters. I have revised the letter from last week to make it easier to manipulate to your likening. And let them know you are a BASERD!

Look at this as a home improvement project. Your not swinging a hammer, but, in a civil way, you are making your home better and protecting your health by being involved at some level. This is good, and your spouse won't complain about the dust. You also won't hear, "When are you going to get that 'crap' out of the way?"

However, you may now hear things like, "When do I get a turn to use the computer", or "Computer hog", or "When ya gettin' off that d#mn thing." Can you ever win?

Being with and spending time with your family is important. But, for the sake of everyone's health, balance this out. Most things you need to do for this project won't take more than a half hour, tops.

If you know people that don't have a computer or aren't on line, please share this info with them. Or, you may suggest they go to the free library and use the computers there. The workers will help them find this page and help set up pages to make letters.

Ikea seems pretty concerned about this mess. Business is done very different in Europe. Most companies are very much aware of environmental impacts, over there. I hope Ikea brings that attribute with them to the United States.

Now, a sewer break (a good kind). For those interested,start your own web page, to communicate with family and friends far away, will give you a page for free. Start by going to . There are many other web sites that explain "how to" for free. With time and patients,(and you will make may mistakes, think about this page) you can have a web page for all to see, targeting family and friends. Just sit in front of the computer, put on some music from the music sites, relax, and learn a new thing. Html has come to me somewhat easy. Any questions, email me. I'd be gald to help you through it if I can.

I will try to have new addresses for you to write to next week.

Scroll down to last weeks update for letter writting campaign. I tried to make it as easy on you as possible.

Have a good week!!!


So you would like to write a letter, but you think you're not good at it.

I'm not that good, either. For this, you can follow a few instructions and write to these corperations. Highlight the letter (left click and hold over the entire letter) I wrote last week. Right, the other right,click on the mouse. Hit copy. Pull up your word program screen. When the screen appears, make sure your cursor is in the upper corner of the page. Right click then select paste. Erase what you don't like, put the address of the company you are writing to at the top, yours first, your name at the bottom, print, sign, and its ready to go. Use the same letter for each company, changing the letter head. They will never know. That's it!

Adrdresses for some corperate offices in malls
Home Depot
2455 Paces Ferry Road
Atlanta, Ga 30339
Lowe's Companies, Inc
PO. Box 1111
North Wilkesboro, NC 28656
Bank of America
Environmental Initiatives
PO. Box 37000
San Francisco, CA 94137
Ikea North American Services, LLC
Attention: Environmental
496 West Germantown Pike
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462

p. 8

Tip...Go to Click on Philadelphia or look at all the places this person has been. Some really good photo work. You will see some Philly shots at Christmas on this page. Already have permission. Some shots of Ireland, too, Two Street. The email address is for the artist is there. Ask him if he could bring back some Philly favorites for us (he had to shorten his display of works because angelfire shortened our spaces.) BELLISIMO TORK23

One more note...

Where is my mother's family home, Where are you Second Street?

Donde Estan?

Dicen Sinnoritta Murphy que quiaran hacer mas bien de una viva! Email ella a dias y dice "quiero mas bien servico de la sewers".(Escrito con un accent. Lo siento)

Dond`e Lorro sonno? Devanno parlare essere capito. Non aqua de sewers in la sua casa, no piu. Dice "BASTA"! Scrita MS.Murphy il email posto a giorno. (scrito en acento. Mi dispiace.)

Let's go 5th Street, 7th Street, and where is Grey's Ferry?

Ms. Murphy just gathered another list of members, and I haven't seen but two addresses in the area of Second Street. Email Ms. Murphy to get on. If we ever get money for mail outs, you may be left out.

September 26, 2005

On behalf of the residents and all concerned about the flood problems, I am writting letters to all corperate businesses in the new malls to request help on this issue. These letters will be modeled after this one I have sent to Ikea.

Feel free to do the same.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----


Your name

Your address

Philadlephia, PA (your zip)

Company's name

company's address

company's city,state,and zip

RE: Welcome NEW Neighbor! Problems with our sewer system in South Philadelphia.

Thank you for choosing South Philadelphia as a location for your store. Many of the residents are happy to have you.

However, all the recent building in our area have had a negative impact in this region. Please go to for much more detailed information.

We understand that this situation is not your fault. We are not pointing the finger of blame at your business, but we feel the need to inform you of this matter. We also understand what institutions are to blame.

Our sewer system is very much out of date, (The design is 100yrs old.), and we residents haven't had to give this system much thought. That is, until all the new building was completed and our homes filled with raw sewage in constant medium to sudden hard rain falls. This problem started in Aug. of 2004. The legal problems started in 1986, before your time here.

Still, we are happy to have you. But, this puts us in a difficult position of asking you to voice an opinion about this dilemma to the city leaders. We understand that this company was probably not aware of the health hazard, unknowingly and unforeseen at the time of building, but it exists, and so do we.

We were able to obtain a consulting attorney to represent us, and as you, now also a member of the community, have the opportunity to voice your opinion. You may contact her for more legal information, concerns, and actions brought against the city.

Please be advised that contact will be made to other businesses in both malls (your location and the mall on 24th Street).

Thank you,

Your Name

Your phone number (opt)


Your email


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

...He sets a time for sorrow and the time for joy,
the time for mourning and the time for dancing,
the time for making love and the time for not making love,
the time for kissing and the time not for kissing.

...Ecclesiastes 3: 4-5.

(I am working on getting the captions right. Soon. A time for everything.) October 1, 2005...LOOK, I DID IT!! I'm Sorry if you are trying to read this page while I am learning html.

There are some that feel the need to tell me that I should appologize for what I said about the health department worker. Here goes: I am sorry if I offended you, the reader. I am so sorry for so many things. I am sorry that we live in a city where sewer floods occur, while most city officals keep their heads up there bums so they don't have to see. I am sorry that the city can't count us at all. But, for the person who answered the phone in the health department, what she has said, I can't appologize for her or her actions. I only wanted information that she was paid to provide. I am just a BASERD, just a part, making the city's nightmare of dealing with our flooding and health issues come real. That is what they get paid and elected to do. They did ask us for the job, did they not?

As with many things, you must read between the lines, here, on this page. If a phone number is listed, you might want to call (and help tie up lines.) If a web page is listed, you may take a look, see. I can only count the number of people that emailed Murphy to join this penny less, rag-a-mop community organization, all volunteers (No paycheck here, unlike some in the H.D. of Phila.) You can't be counted if you are silent, you will not make change as an observer. Go make some noise. Murphy, a few others, and myself can not do it alone. And come January, you will be paying for the same old same ol'(taxes).

Let me also let you in on a secret. We have supporters all across the country now. I have learned this through some emails recieved. They think this problem is disgusting, especially because the sewage is running in our homes, not in our front yards.

When I go to sell my house, I'd like to be able to say to the buyers," and we just had a complete new sewer system installed."

Have a good week!!


He sets the time for birth and the time for death, the time for planting and the time for pulling up, the time for killing and the time for healing, the time for tearing down and the time for building. Eccleseiastes 3. 2-4

September 23, 2005

I got the word from professor/ Dr. Friedman's office at HUP, that I should call the health department on the issue of diseases and toxins found in sewer waste water, as he insinuated that the health department should start doing their job. No argument from me.

So, taking his advise, the health department was called. I was refered to the Environmental Enginering Department - 215-685-7343. Word from that office was I was the only one that flooded, she didn't know what floods I was talking about, and the bee-atch hung up on me when I started quoting law about what that department's job is. Nice city services. This is what -your tax money buys. So I called Diccico's office, and this wonderful woman named Pat suggested I go on line for that. And here it is, straight from the Federal Govenment's web page. I'm still checking around for more details.

The following list is from the EPA That was a mouth full. You can find more at that address.

By the way, "SSO" means "Sanitary Sewers Overflow." Please also know, this list does not list all hazards.


What Health Risks Do SSOs Present

Because SSOs contain raw sewage they can carry bacteria, viruses, protozoa (parasitic organisms), helminths (intestinal worms), and bioaerosols (inhalable molds and fungi). The diseases they may cause are shown in the table below and range in severity from mild gastroenteritis (causing tomach cramps and diarrhea) to life-threatening ailments such as cholera, dysentery, infections hepatitis, and severe gastroenteritis.






Chlorea, salmonellosis (food poisoning),

typhoid fever, bacillary dysentery, gas-

troenteritis (including diarrhea and

abdominal pain)


Hepatitis, meningitis, pneumonia, fever,

common colds, paralysis, encephalitis,

gastroenteritis, diarrhea, respiratory



Gastroenteritis, acute enteritis, giardiasis

(including diarrhea, abdominal cramps,

and weight loss), dysentery, toxoplasmosis,



Digestive and nutritional disturbances,

abdominal pain, vomiting, restlessness,

coughing, chest pain, fever, abdominal

pain, diarrhea, anemia, weight loss,fever,

muscle aches, nervousness, insomnia,

anorexia, hookworm disease, taeniasis


Allergic reactions (such as asthma),

Legionnaire's disease

People can be exposed through::::Sewage in drinking water sources.

Direct contact in areas of high public access such as basements, lawns or streets, or to waters used for recreation. At least one study has estimated a direct relationship between gastrointestinal illness contracted while swimming and bacteria levels in the water(1). Shellfish harvested from areas contaminated by raw sewage. One study indicates that an average of nearly 700 cases of illness per year were reported in the 1980s from eating shellfish contaminated by sewage and other sources. The number of unreported cases is estimated to be 20 times that(2). Some cases of disease contracted through inhalation and skin absorption have also been documented(3).

What Other Damage Can SSOs Do?

SSOs also damage property and the environment. When basements flood, the damaged area must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to reduce teh risk of disease. Cleanup can be expensive for homeowners, and muncipalities. Rugs, curtains, flooring, wallboard panels, and upholstered furniture usually must be replaced.

A key concern with SSOs which enter rivers, lakes, streams, or brackish waters is their effect on water quality. When bodies of water cannot be used for drinking water, fishing, or recreation, society experiences an economic loss. Tourism and water front home values may fall. Fishing and shellfish harvesting may be restricted or halted. SSOs can also close beaches. One 1994 study claims that SSOs closed beaches across the nation that year for more than 300 days(4).


Ms. Murphy also sent us this: (received 9/26)

What are the public health effects of surfacing sewage?

Sewage can contain pathogens, or disease causing organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. Some of the common diseases that can be transmitted by sewage include bacterial diseases (E. coli poisoning, salmonellosis, shigellosis, typhoid, cholera, and bacterial dysentery); viral diseases (polio and hepatitis); and protozoal diseases (amoebic dysentery, cryptosporidiosis, and giardiasis).



September 19, 2005

Ms. Murphy and the Mid Atlantic Law Center at Widner are still looking for enginering students who need projects to work on for a grade. Jennifer Murphy's email address is on the front page,for all interested.

I'm sorry to report, I could not get an interview with an at Jefferson, at all. So I have called the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and spoke with a Doctor Friedman's secretary. I have been calling him every two or three days. It will be easier for me to deal with Penn, and I beleive I will have a short interview with him for a report next week. I might try the health department, but not after that office turned its back on this part of the city.

It has been a slow week for the sewer police. And thankful there hasn't been any heavy rains. And, I hope that the city doesn't think, "If we sit on it long enough, maybe it will go away."

In the meantime, give Dicicco's idea of street cleaning another thought. I really don't like bringing the subject up, and I'm afraid people might see me on the streets and throw rotten fruit at me, but someone, or a group of you, may come up with an idea that would make it possible to accomplish cleaner streets and sewers.

However, think of the sewer system as a full bath tub, and your body as the trash collected in the streets. When you slide into the tub, the water spills over the sides. This is displacement. Especially, if you think about being that plastic bottle. The plastic takes up space, and the air inside the bottle takes more.

I am be no means saying that, this is the reason for the spillage into our homes. But it could be a contributing factor, no matter how big or small. But the community needs to do all it can to try and prevent this leekage, into our homes.

We all get a break from the congress/senate speech this week, but you know where the numbers are.

Everyone, make it a good week!

P.S. sorry this went in so late this Monday (and if you missed it this week, you didn't miss much).


img "....'Love your neighbor as you love yourself."Matteo 22:39

It's time to call your representatives!!!

***It is important to get everyone you know to call their congressperson and Federal Representatives, even uncle Arthur, who moved to California to become a hippie, Aunt Loretta and Uncle Freddy in FL., Aunt Jenette in N.J., and Aunt Helen on Moore Street. Call them and tell them that you have sewer water running in your basement, and we need the help of their congress people and senators. This will help Brady, Spector, and Santorum get the help they need in securing money from the Feds to solve this problem. We need the money and support from those offices, also, because, OUR CITY AND STATE IS BROKE!! (I think I saw Rendell at the welfare office, trying to apply for aid on behalf of his many dependents. Street was also waiting to be called with a good argument for a case worker).***

September 15, 2005

Our consulting attorney just got back to us, as promised. This is what she has to report.

I have not yet received a copy of the Philadelphia Water Department's Report. They are unable to release it until the Mayor's office releases it. It is my understanding it is in the City's counsel office. I will let you know if there are any new developments. in the meantime, Jill is working on information you can give to citizens during storm events. Let me know if you get any seepage from these Ophelia storms!


Jenn wrote:

September 13, 2005

This just in....A word from our intern, and I beleive she is going to kick butt if she has to. Make that name for yourself, girlfriend!

Bring Area Sewers to Environmentally Responsible Development


What We Are About-

We are a community based group made up, primarily, of residents in South Philadelphia. We and our neighbors have been suffering from a very serious problem for many years, at the hands of our very own City. Whenever a major rain system comes through our area, our homes flood. Not only do we find rainwater inundating our basements, but they are also overwhelmed with raw sewage.

This may be hard to believe but we assure you it is true. You are probably thinking, how on earth does something so awful happen when there exists new advancements in technology, or even in just basic sewer systems? Well, that is what the sewer systems are- basic. Let me explain.

Under the City of Philadelphia exists a vast network of sewage pipes that are thousands of miles long. Because Philadelphia is one of the oldest cities in the United States, its pipes and the system of pipes itself are rather old. Philadelphia has what is called a combined sewer system (CSO). This means that sanitary wastes (from our toilets and sinks) along with storm water runoff (rainwater going into sewers at the end of your street) run all together in one pipe. In many other cities who have newer systems, there are pipes that carry only sanitary waste, and other pipes that carry only storm water runoff.

The problem with the combined pipes is that when we have a significant rainfall the pipes cannot carry the water away from the streets fast enough through the combined pipes to the area treatment plants, which lack the capacity to hold it. The sewers become flooded and the water has no where to go. The city devised a system of combined sewer overflows but they are not working; during a heavy rainstorm, the rainwater and, more importantly the sewage is flowing right into our basements, up through our own toilets, sinks and floors!

This sewage contains bacteria, in addition to other contaminants that wash off the streets and into the sewers. Because the water is flowing from all over the City toward the waste water treatment plant in South Philadelphia, the brunt of the pressure is on the pipes under the homes in South Philly. In addition, our homes are built very close to the pipes below us, so it doesn't take much for this water and sewage mix to come up through our basements. The property damage due to these floods is immense, not to mention the incalculable health risks that we face from the sewage seeping into our homes.

We believe that the City must change the sewage system to ensure that this problem does not continue to plague us and other residents any longer. We need everyone to get involved and help spread the word about these issues. We also need to reach out into the South Philadelphia community and let these troubled residents know that they are not alone, that this problem is almost running rampant. We must ascertain an estimate of the residents affected by this problem so that we can tackle it head on with the City. For now we will try to work with the City Water Department, and, if need be, the City Health Department, to solve this problem. But if we believe that the City is not acting fast enough to rectify these problems then more serious action will need to be taken to help prevent even further loss of personal property and potential health complications.

Please join our fight!

- Jill Cantor

I told you she'd be cool!

And now, a word from our consulting attorney:

We have not forgotten about you. I have yet to receive the report from the Philadelphia Water Department that I am expecting to review and analyze. I have contacted them to get more information re: whether it was completed.

Additionally, by next week we will be sending you a good bit of information to add to your website.

Have a good weekend.



Could it be heating up in the water department? The boss lady has spoken.

Have a good week.


#28. In times of conflict-- O God, you have bound us together in a common life. Help us, in the midst of our struggles for justice and truth, to confront one another without hatred or bitterness, and to work together with mutual forbearance and respect. Amen.

Update for Sept 5, 2005.

Hoping everyone had a good labor day weekend.

A healthy neighborhood is one where everyone co-operates to achieve progress by caring for neighbors.

We don't have enough money for hand outs for everyone so, if you would be so kind as to give this information about this site and its address to family, friends and co-workers, that they may be able to have knowledge as to what is going on.

It can't be stressed enough, the importance of networking. If we hope to get this issue resolved, we all need to talk to our neighbors. This is the computer age way of activism for change. Another plus using computers would be the saving of paper, hence trees. This also beats the days in the street, demonstrating and risking getting arrested. Not that I'm above that, and would recommend this if need be, but it is your decision. If most do decide to demonstrate, it will be well thought out, SAFE, and ORDERLY. And it won't be at Broad and Shunk, but at the offices where the people responsible for our situation work. Remember, along with the Philadelphia police, the fashion police will also be there, so decide what it is you will be wearing now, and avoid the last minute dilemmas of deciding. The fashion police usually judge upon first sight, and judgement can be devastating.

We have received word that there was hundreds, if not, a couple thousands of letters to MALC being returned from the Wilmington post office. It would have been more helpful if the post office in Wilmington forwarded our request forms to Mid Atlantic. What I am hearing is, that all did a great job at networking. I'm feeling very good about all of you. You feel good about all of you, too.

As with any political process, if they only hear from a few, they think there is no problem. Remember,the city has down played the flooding, reporting isolated incidences. So, the people listed below are left ignorant as to the flooding severity. So your problem doesn't count, unless you make noise. It's a great cover up, thanks to city hall and PWD.

Now, we need to start calling the political leaders, all the leaders in federal office. The money for these repairs needs to come from some place ( perhaps all those infrastructure projects slated for Iraq), and for us to pay more for water than Las Vegas, a desert city, here in Philadelphia, is not a good choice. If that happens, people will start smelling bad.

Another point to be made, a project to repair the sewer system will be great for our local economy. These men and women working on this are going to eat lunch here, buy from our stores, etc. Young men and women will be able to get jobs, and the "old heads" already working for these companies will have steady work for quite a few years. We all win.

Again, call our representatives to get financing for this needed repair!

Congressperson Robert Brady........215-389-4627

Senator Arlen Specter.....................215-597-7200

(This is the guy with cancer. Tell the phone worker to wish the senator well.)

Senator Rick Santorum..................215-864-6900

Call Soon!

Tell the phone workers that you feel that the sewer system is illegal and needs repair. The city needs money to do it, lots of money. Share with them the damage done to your property, the health hazard this poses, and the fact that you rent or own the property you live in from top to bottom, all the things you lost, and you don't want the terrible smell of sewer water in your house. Then pose the question, "How would you like it if this happened in your house and your neighborhood?" Most of these phone workers are nice and don't bite. Should you have a problem, get the name of the worker and e-mail me the details. And you don't have to give them a history lesson on your life.

Now, go and take these numbers to your neighbors that don't have computer. It's the only way we can get new, safe sewers. (HINT for those using the computer with a printer, COPY AND PASTE THE NUMBERS TO FILL A PAGE, THEN PRINT). Call soon.


Email with your thoughts, opinons, or suggestions.


"He has set the right time for everything. He has given us the disire to know the future,but never gives us the satisfaction of fully understanding what he does". -Ecclesiastes 3:11. Please remember the victims of Katrina.


Important Update: August 23, 2005

RE: Consultation with Mid Atlantic Law Center; Ms. Jennifer Murphy, Esq.

Our meeting with Jennifer Murphy, Esq., from the Mid Atlantic Law Center, went very well today. We covered a wide area of subjects regarding our concerns with the flooding of our homes, while breaking bread.

The possibility of coming to a settlement with the city, state and related agencies, while a law suit is sitting in a federal court judge’s docket would make it difficult for her to investigate our complaints. Those we are holding accountable for our flooding problems know that the possibility of a law suit is very real. This is because officials heard of the noise, saw the request for legal representation and instructions from BASERD. The officials then decided to open some type of dialogue with the people in the community. This has happened over the last two weeks. (Note... the recent article in the Review).

This will give the complainants (us), and the attorney time to investigate the city’s plans, failures, and intentions. We need to hold them accountable of all these actions, or inactions, and give all involved a chance to investigate. If we then don’t like what we see and hear, we can prepare for further action. We have a right to defend our homes, health, and families.

The Department of Environmental Protection is also having its shoulders tapped. It is clear to them that they are being held accountable and we are demanding a change. Quickly!!

The Philadelphia Health Department will not escape tough questions. We want to know why it remained silent and inactive after the floods. This is also a health issue, let’s not forget. This was contaminated sewer toxins coming into our homes. They will be investigated as to why they had no response to the past HEALTH EMERGENCIES.

As of now, Ms. Murphy has requested reports from PWD, the city, and D.E.P. of PA. This may take a few months for the agencies to complete. Murphy also seems very optimistic that the city will now start to correct this problem, legally. Yet, she also seems willing to bring concerns to a federal civil courtroom as a last resort.


The wheels of justice move slowly. We need to wait and let this good woman do her job. We need to be on our guard and keep a watchful eye on this, our situation. And always be ready to down load or receive request forms in the event we need them.

We also discussed Murphy’s contact with the Sierra Club. This is also an environmental group that is nation wide. It sounded, to me, that they aren’t very happy with what has been going on here (so people all over the country are talking). They will be getting to us ideas, suggestions and tips on water conservation for us to practice at home. These items will be posted as soon as received.

As far as compensation for flooding damage, as I have discussed with many on the street, MAELC (Widener), can NOT sue for damages, only for the right to receive proper water/sewer services. For those who feel the understandable need to sew for damages, we need to organize, together, find, then hire lawyers, and get that going.

In the meantime, keep all items in your basement ABOVE “flood stage” Don’t even think about restoring your living spaces, for those of you that used this area for that, until the water department and city is finished, what we will call phase one of, the separation (rain run off and sewage need to be separate) projects line.

On a personal note, I am willing not to seek compensation for flood damages to my home and belongings. We all will flood again before much of the physical work on the sewer lines are complete. As long as there is proper legal, physical work being done and I flood, I’ll deal with it, knowing that an end to flooding is in sight.

But what I object to is the way the city treated us after all three floods. We received NO help from the city . PWD choose to get defensive, and treated us as if we did something wrong. Depending on what operator you got when you called to complain, you received a different excuse for what happened from each. One “ #*a @” even tried to make believe that I flooded because I flushed my toilet too. The complete city and state got very dysfunctional, as if our homes, health, and happiness didn’t matter or count. I am not paying taxes and water bills to be treated like this. I’d rather go see my family for treatment such as that, and they won’t poop and pee on my floors, then wreck my things.

Now would be a good time to start calling our Senators Santorum- 215-864-6900, and Spector- 215-597-7200, along with Congressman Brady- 215-389-4627, to tell them the city needs money so you won’t have to live with raw sewage running through your house. Explain to the worker the floods and smells. If you would like, remind them that our president is going to have to stop spending money on the Iraqis and his delusions of grandeur,of a friendlier Iraq; and start spending time and money with the people he thinks he is leading right here at home.

I am willing to give these investigations about six months from Sept.1. If I don't see some type of work being done to make these sewers legal, and the authorities sound as they are in an unreasonable stall, I think it might be time to see a judge.


Engineering Students- That need a project to work on for a grade with Ms. Murphy for this case and others. Lots of contacts ro be made. Rubbing elbows will be a plus.

Concerned residents wanting to make a difference- Sit on a committee representing your area. Usually no more than one or two hours every other week. Satisfaction as a reward.

Canvas People- Meeting South Philadelphia residents and explaining what this is all about. Hand out leaflets.

Go To : For updates and the latest info

Contact Jennifer Murphy, Esq., our law consultant at



#62 Lord, make us instrumensts of your peace. Where there is hatered let us bring your love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.Amen.

August 19, 2005

RE: South Philadelphia Review (8/18/2005, pp 1 & 10) and statements made about the "Flap"

It is possible that these "flaps" will cause more harm than good. Water is a very powerful force, and when it is under pressure, it is capable of breaking rock. If many put this item on their sewer pipes, what was a 6 inch flood in the basements will become a 12 inch flood for those who could afford this the least, ie. home owners that are seniors, disabled, poor, etc.

PWD have our basements as sewage holding tanks (And they ain't paying rent!!). If you add up all the water in homes that flooded, six inches, twelve inches, ("just damp"), you would understand how much water the system couldn't't handle during the floods.

If enough people on a one block area install the "flap," there will be problems of water pressure in the lines possibly causing the pipes in the streets to break; still causing problems for the basements near the breaks. And the least of us who just can't afford to have a "flap" installed may see water up to their eyeballs in their basements.

Now, take a look at the homes that are equipped with the "flap". No sewage water from your home will exit your line until the street line begins to clear. This will take a long time if enough people installed this gadget. All the roof and yard water flowing to the drain from the yard and roof will become trapped in your sewer line, until the street line is clear, flooding your basement with this water. Oh, and please don't flush the toilet during the rain.

It seems as though the present problem is about denial of the Federal Water Pollution Act. And it will continuously be brought up until the problem is solved. They can dig holes until the cows come home; a legal sewer system is the best system for our health, and the environment.

I must give the politicians an A for effort. At least now they are communicating. However, we must ask that they give this a lot more thought. We must support them when they do the right thing. Another issue brought to the table in this article was trash in the streets and sewers. DiCicco is correct about wanting the streets to be clean. We have to stop complaining about moving our cars for street sweepers. The city needs to specify the expected hour of street cleaning.

E-mail, write, or call your federal representatives and tell them we deserve a proper, legal, safe system to replace the mess we have now. If we are in Iraq to help those poor people with their systems, then there should be money to help us in Philadelphia. And remind them, this is also a matter of public health.



RE: The mail in request for representation forms

I'm am very sorry for this mistake. The zip code I receive from Clean Water Action for Mid Atlantic Law was misquoted to us. This is why you are receiving them back in the mail.

The correct address is:

Mid Atlantic Law Center, ATTN Jennifer Murphy 4601 Concord Pike PO. Box 7474 Wilmington, DE 19803

An apology is expected in the South Philly Review from Clean Water Action.



August 15, 2005

Two of us are sick and could not meet with Jennifer this week. Our meeting will be on Tuesday, August 23, 2005.

Currently, we are having resistance from the residents west of Tenth Street. They do not seem to trust the proposed solution as much as they trust those responsible for flooding their homes. As for me, if someone forced their way into my house, then pooped and pee'd on my floor, I wouldn't take too Kindly to them.

For all the people that tried to look up these laws on the internet, let me save you time. It's not there very clearly, as the internet is provides only summary of law. You need to go to Jenkins Law Library (831 Chestnut Street) and look up the actual legislation. This was an initial hindrance in acquiring legal representation. Most legal centers only hold materials which deal with their respective specializations. How many attorneys do you know who specialize in sewers?

Thank you.


How This All Began

When we got hit with the first flood in August of ‘04, like most other people, I thought it would be a one time thing. Oh, I was mad and upset, I lost things in my finished basement. But I thought it wouldn't happen again. I forgave, even though tiles came up from my floor and my rug was ruined.

Then we got hit again, just a few weeks later, in September. I got mad again, but thought that the city didn't have enough time to fix whatever the problem may have been from the first flood. Again, I forgave, but wasn't happy. Little did I know that the city had more excuses than a minister in ‘una casa delle brutanelle."

On June 6, 2005, when we got it again, but this time I was sick. I couldn't clean this mess up again. I had to hire somebody to do it for me, because everyone was disgusted with their own basements, and I dared not ask for help.

I thought to myself, when is someone going to take care of the problem. Then, through listening to everybody complain, I realized no one knew what to do about these sewer floods.

I took my sick rear end to the law library. I was shocked at what I was reading. I asked my friend Bart, to go with me to see if I was reading the law correctly. I called Penn Legal Assistance. I found out there was nothing wrong with my reading skills, and was told I should read more. At some point, I thought that we should give the city more "crap" than they were giving us. No one in the United States should have to live with the city's sewer system running through their homes, literally.

And with the help and guidance of a few friends and family, BASERD began.

One of the first things I yelled when I opened the cellar door to find the third flood was, "Bastard," like many did. Bring area sewers to environmentally responsible development. The E makes it look more presentable, polished, however, when the word is spoken, it sounds the same. This why there is no T in BASERD.

This is my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Thank you.



For a little peek, I was reading about those water saving showers. I will tell you, some of those water saving shower heads are a lot to be desired. Most can pee faster than the water that comes out of those things. Many of the hand held showers are nice.

Still stuck on showers? Close the pug while you shower, and try not to let the water line reach the midway point of the tub.

Love a bath? Fill the tub not more than half way, and only fill it when you need some alone time, when the kids aren't awake.

Which brings me to the kids. Bath all the toddlers at the same time. They have more fun, and you get that responsibility out of the way at the same time. (How dirty can they get if you rag them down all day long?)

Those new "one gallon flush" toilets aren't bad. I had to replace mine 6 months ago. They have a ½ gallon reserve for flushing when you need it. Just hold the handle a little longer.

And the literature reminds you that the toilet is not a trash can. Also, it is the number user of water in your home, with baths and showering following.

Washing dishes, dishwasher or hand washing, NEXT week

Oct. 17, 2005

" Hand Dishwashing:

" Scrape, instead of rinsing dirty dishes; or wipe them with a paper napkin (used for the meal); or soak in a small amount of water.

" Use disposable food service items.

" To conserve water when using:

" -a double sink: use one sink for washing, one for rinsing;

" -a single sink: wash in the sink, rinse in a plastic dishpan;

" -a sink spray attachment: rinse dishes after stacking them in a dish drainer.

" Automatic Dishwashers:

" Look for water efficiency, as well as energy efficiency when you buy a dishwasher. Some energy-efficient dishwashers use only 8-10 gallons of water for a regular cycle.

" A basic or "stripped-down" dishwasher uses 11-14 gallons for a regular cycle. The more convenient a dishwasher is, the more water it uses. For instance, "Extra Scrub" features (for pots and pans) use an additional 10-14 gallons of water. "Rinse" features use an additional 3-5 gallons of water.

" Run the dishwasher only when it is fully loaded.

" Wash large pots, pans, and baking equipment by hand in the sink.

"MY 'TAKE' ON THIS" Hand washing vs. the dishwasher.

I have actually tested my own dishwasher vs. hand washing dishes, using the same containers to messure how much water I was using in both applications.

The winner of the what uses less water contest was my dishwasher. This was true even though I turned the water off and washed a bunch of dishes, then rinsed the dishes all at the same time.(I didn't leave the water on while washing, then rinsed one at a time.)

I don't think I would spray the dishes down after stacking them in a dish rack because, I perfer not to have a head on my glass of water.

WARNING: Some dish detergents are 'really' difficult to rinse the soap off. You don't want to be wasting water (and money) to rinse off the dishes.

I would recommend a dishwasher to anyone that is considering one. But, as the article states, you need to do a little comparison and educate yourself about what it is you are about to purchase. For a little more money, you can buy a product that will pay for the extra expense in only a few months with the water and electic saved.

And, It has been my experience, never use the "dish dryer" option on the dish washer. The dishes are still wet after the cycle is complete, and the dishes come out just as dry if you keep the door shut for an hour or two after the cycle finishes.

I feel the 'dry cycle' is a waste of elctric and money. Don't use it!

The Garbage Disposal

" Garbage Disposal or Grinder:

" A garbage disposer takes a substantial amount of water. You can minimize its use by disposing of the garbage with other solid waste in the family trash or bury it.

" A solid waste compactor offers the home owner a better way to dispose of garbage than grinding it through the drain.

My Take

Yo, Murphy... Where do you think we live? Bury? Where? If we take it to the park, we may run into a body. This is South Philly.

Do what Grandmom did. Put it in plastic and sit it in the freezer.

Next Week:"If Flooding Has Already Occurred". Some tips on what we already may know (or not realized)



Emailed Thoughts, Comments, and Critics.

Recieved Oct. 13, 2004

Julia wrote-

To the authur of Baserd's web page;

Thank you for the use of this page and all conerns requarding our flooding. It does contain much information that must require a great deal of research.

However, I would appreciate your language to be a bit more civil, as I am trying to teach my teen and pre-teen how democracy works. Just remember, younger eyes view this, also.

Thank you


- - - - - - - - replies:

I was unaware of the varying age groups reading this page. At times, I am in the company of pre-teen like adult friends when I write this, and that goes for me as one of the pre-teen like adults.

I now understand the reponsiblity of this page, and as I learn more, I will conduct myself accordingly by going through all I have written, and all I will write and comment on.

But, always remember, a true BASERD always uses capital casing to spell BASERD

Thank you for recognizing the serious work and research that I bring to everyone. I will work to make this a family friendly page.