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Welcome to bee world

Bees are the coolest buggy things in the whole wide world!!!!!! Isn't it fun to watch your friends or someone who you can't stanned look like their going insane when they see a bee? Every tuesday my class, along with the 6th, and 7th graders get to go to Shelly Ridge. Shelly Ridge is a forest, proserved by the girlscoots for educational uses. Anyway, my friends and i eat lunch on a hill, a little ways away from the forest. We are sitting there eating our lunch when a bee comes along and my friends go crazy. It looks like a dance. There arms are flying in all directions, while someone yells "IT'S IN MY CONTAINER!!!" If thats not worse enough more bees join and my friends start to throw some of their lunch on the ground in hopes that the bee will want to eat that instead of the candy and jelly sandwitches that they were looking forward on eating. Don't get me wrong, my friends are the best, but at lunch things can get a little crazy.

How To Draw A Bee

1. To draw a bee you must first draw an ovel.

2. After that you must draw a triangle to the bottom of the ovel, but the two ends of the triangle must contect to the two different sides of the ovel.

3. After you have done that you must draw a circle on the oppisite side from where you drew the triangle.

4. After you have completed that you must draw two small lines about a centemeter apart and long on each side.

5. Attached to the two different lines are ovels, but be sure that after you have drawn the ovels that you erase the section of line between the two different lines.

6. After you have done that you must draw two more lines on the top of circle that you drew. At the tip of each of these lines there is a never ending circle.

7. In the center of your ovel make evenly spaced out lines reaching from the bottom to the top of your ovel.

8. Now we are ready to start coloring. You can color your bee how ever you wish, but i perfer to use black, yellow, and gray. I usally start by coloring in the stinger black. (Also refered to as the triangle part.)

9. Then you do yellow, black, yellow, black, all the way up to the end of the lines.

10. Once you have completed that you can color the circle in yellow.

11. Next are the wings. The wings on a bee are usally clear, but i personally think that the wings would look better colored in then left white so I color them in gray.

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