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Vote Becky Barrett Toomey for Recorder of Deeds
Becky Barrett Toomey
Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds
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This corner of BeckyWeb is devoted to informing Allegheny County Residents about some of the issues involved in this campaign. Rather than just present an online resume, I thought it prudent to give you my take on what ails this row office and how we can improve Allegheny County. Whether you are a Democrat, Republican or hold no party affiliation, we all can agree that these row offices can be better managed. Perhaps by shedding light on some of the issues, we can set a course to correct what for too many years has been wrong.

1.Mismanagement and Poor Leadership

Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds candidate, Becky Barrett-Toomey, an office manager from Bethel Park, raises questions and concerns regarding the mismanagement of the office of Valerie McDonald-Roberts, current Recorder of Deeds. Ms. Roberts' office has apparently received one or more complaints by several title search companies, their agents, realtors and/or title lawyers. These complaints, it seems, indicate a gross mismanagement and/or lack of knowledge on proper procedure by Ms. Roberts. State administrational review by the Pennsylvania Land Title Association has taken issue with Ms. Roberts for failing to properly dispense with duties required of her office. The outcome of this review could cause undue risk and liability for the aforementioned title agencies/agents. Currently a survey is being drafted by PLTA on issues of interest regarding the backlog of Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds as a direct result of numerous complaints. Allegheny County was on the executive agenda for September 16th at 9:30am, according to the PLTA executive vice-president Pam Croke and Laura Fox of PTLA's title issues committee. Results of that review recommended a survey be sent out to all agencies involved in the land title insurance industry because Ms. McDonald-Roberts was unable to rectify this internally.
Ms. Roberts has ignored repeated requests by these agents to meet and discuss their concerns regarding inaccuracy and misindexing of records; file/volume document misuse; possible violation of Pennsylvania statute and grossly preferential treatment in favor of particular title search and lending companies. Becky Barrett-Toomey says that this is exactly the kind of problem she suspected would arise under Ms. Robert's administration of the office. Aside from the obvious lack of professionalism, Ms. Roberts has been consistently uncooperative with the business and legal entities that require her services. It is time for this office, along with other Row Offices, to be cleaned-out. Professional, business-oriented leadership is required for this position. In the two years she has been in office, Ms. Roberts has demonstrated her lack of administrative leadership and integrity. (Press Release 9/5/03)

2. An Outdated system

Less Expensive Government
Row Office Reform could save the County as much as $15 million per year. Now is the time, with tight budgets, for row office reform.
Effective Government
No one really knows who all of the row officers are or what they do. Too many row officers and their employees do similar jobs, causing confusion and waste. We cannot afford all of these salaries. We need effective government, run by professionals, instead of politicians.
Modern Government
Allegheny County has a reputation for being old and outdated in its thinking. Row offices were created in the 1830s. It is time to consolidate county government and make Allegheny County more attractive to new businesses and new jobs.
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