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2002 Game Photos Gallery #3
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Barilar swings with obvious power (blurry bat) at this pitch with his Happy Gilmore swing which rejuvenated his season.
Scorekeeper Ronnie Walker is shirtless for this shot.
Todd takes a very nice looking cut at this pitch and admires it as it flies over the roof for his first career homerun.
Too good
Barilar is so good in the field he can take a break for a sippy in between pitches.
Zim and Harp
Someone strategically positioned in the bushes takes this shot of Zim stepping on second as Harp goes for the ball.
He still has his shades on, but this actually isn't perverted! He just takes a big healthy cut with those 20" biceps at this pitch.
President Fetus knows the rules, and he knows that bunts are illegal in the AWBL, yet he still throws down the fake for the first pitch of this at-bat.
This team looks destined for a championship. Leader President Fetus looks at the battlefield while Barilar steps up with Happy Gilmore. Harp and Dinger watch on.
Face Plant
Heath is not bending over for a ground ball, but performing a diving face plant into the green well.
Stu and Kayla take a break to sit back and enjoy a wonderful AWBL game.
Nice Rip
Harp drills this pitch off Zim, like most batters do, into deep left field and ends up with a triple.
Anyone who can think of a caption good enough to describe this unbelievable picture can send it to President Fetus.
Between Innings
This would be another TV Timeout, but we take a picture of it. Team Barilar heads to the plate while Zim takes the mound to pitch.
So much action.
There is so much action taking place in this picture that if I began to describe it, it would take up the entire page.
Zim can't control himself and throws an epileptic fit before crossing homeplate after his homerun.
Damn Close
President Fetus really wishes he would have caught this, because he ran so far and it would have been play of the year material, but instead resulted as an inside-the-park homerun for Zim, how embarassing.
Go Todd!
Todd plays softball, so he has trouble in the AWBL. Ronnie is explaining to Foster why everyone thinks he's such a flamer.
Dinger waits for a fly ball to come his direction while Kayla gives us a lesson in posture in the backround.
Heath can't just stand in the field and wait for the ball, he must dance and grab himself in private places.
Cover your eyes
Small children should not view this picture because of the obscene gestures being performed during this postgame celebration. You must admit, those are some nice celebrations though.