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Introduction to Augustinian Life




The "Society of Saint Augustine" is a community of Roman Catholic men and women  seeking to live a vowed life of Chastity, Poverty and obedience according to the tradition and spirituality of Saint Augustine and the Holy Rule of life which he wrote.  This Rule of life, the oldest western monastic rule, has been a means of sanctification for countless Christians since Augustine’s time.  Augustine’s way of life, focusing on Love of God and love of neighbor, calls the believer to live the Gospel in community, experiencing the truth of Jesus in intense spiritual and human friendships.

Augustine did not start a religious “order” (as we know them today). He wanted to extend the gospel to community living calling Christians to unite with God and one another in a unity of heart and mind. He referred to those who responded to this way of life as “Servants of God”.  In fact, “Servant of God” (Servus Dei) was the title by which they adressed one another.

As a result, within our spirituality it is imperative that extend Augustinian "community" to those with whom we work, or live. By their very "nature" Augustinians stress the importance of building and extending "community". No one is an island. Human beings are "made for one another". Thus, we work to unite with other like minded "servants of God"and using the Rule of Augustine we strive to help others to better live their respective Christian vocations.  These “servants” form the "Society" of Saint Augustine, either as members or as lay affiliates and it is hoped that in our gathering together as Augustinians we will be aided in the life of Christian perfection as we offer ourselves to God according to the spirituality of Saint Augustine.


But, what is the Society of Saint Augustine? Who are we?

We are Christian men and women who have consecrated ourselves to living the Gospel of Jesus according to a particular spiritual school. We do this in order to enrich their Christian lives. We shape our lives by living the love of Christ according to an approved “Rule of Life. As Augustinians we seek God by striving to become holy in their chosen way of life. By integrating their prayer, work, and sense of Christian community, we hope to manifest Christ's presence in society.

 Saint Paul tells us that each member of the Church has a special function to perform. Many "augustinian minded" servants are called to the married state and the raising of a family. Some of us are called to the single life in the world and others to the life of a priest or religious brother or sister.  Together we live in the world, doing what we can to bring the world to God by being witnesses of Christ by word and example to those around us.

 We concern ourselves with striving to be what we are: “the people of God”. Our prayer life flows from this awareness, so too our willingness to offer (‘oblate’) ourselves for the service of God and neighbor to the best of our ability. Many of our number are or "affiliates". They do not take on a new set of religious practices or normally live in a religious community (though they may).  font>


The Rule: A Guide for Augustinian living

We promise to lead an enriched Christian life according to the gospel as reflected in the Rule of St. Augustine. In this way we share in the spiritual insights of Augustine.  After a time of preparation, which culminates in an act of Profession (or Oblation) the candidates become professed to live according to the holy Rule of St. Augustine. This promise affiliates us together as a community of like minded servants of God and commits us to apply to our lives the characteristic Augustinian principles; love of God and love of one another. Each of us recognizes that we are to strive after fidelity in our lives, worshipping regularly with other Christians and supporting the social and educational apostolates of their local parishes as well as that of the Church as a whole.

 In accord with the teaching of Augustine, we practice moderation manifested in many ways:  the use of material goods, concern for neighbor, and in the way we temper and direct our desires. This fidelity to Christian life provides a needed example of genuine Christianity and a stabilizing influence for good on all around us.

 In the spirit of the Gospel, we Augustinians are called to commit ourselves to a continual conversion to Christ. Sin and any attachment to it is incompatible with a serious following of Christ. Through this deepening of the baptismal promise, members and affiliates of the Society of Saint Augustine are free to put on Christ and to allow him to permeate our lives. In this way we recognize that in all the phases and events of our lives, we are in close union with Christ and participate in his very death and resurrection. As men and women, committed to living the Gospel, Augustine's way, we pursue continual conversion of life.

 In the spirit of obedience, members of the Society of Saint Augustine strive to discover and maintain our proper relationship toward God, our families, and the civil and religious society in which we live.

 Aware of our own spiritual poverty and need of God, we “servants of God” come to realize that we have no other reason for being, except to be loved by God and to love and seek him in return. This is manifested by love for one another. (“Love God in one another, whose temples you have become”) Rule of St. Augustine.

 In loving obedience to God's plan, members of the Society of Saint Augustine develop a deep reverence for life, seeing it as a precious gift from God. We defend those who because of age, health or race are defenseless and attacked. Seeking integrity of life, personally and together with other Christians, the members of the Society of Saint Augustine work to promote Christian family living. We take care to seek out opportunities for the practice of charity and warm hospitality to those around us.

 Augustinian spirituality is a tremendous gift to the life of the Church.  Those called to it find therein a master chart for living the Gospel in the world and making present the Kingdom of God. 

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