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Our Chapel at St. John House


Our House Prayer Schedule

The Apostolic nature of Parish life requires adaptation to this schedule.
However, the "sanctification of time" is of paramount importance in these days.
This, therefore, is the "general" rule of prayer.

5:30 AM  Rising

7:00 AM  Lauds

8:00 AM  Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,
8:45 AM  Terce

Assigned tasks / Office hours
Parish Ministries

11:45 AM  Sext


Office hours / Hospital Visitations / Parish Ministries 

3:30 PM  None

5:15 PM  Serotina, followed by Vespers

5:30 PM  Vespers, followed by dinner


Parish Meetings, etc. (when applicable)

9:00 P.M  Matins and Compline.


6:00 AM  Rising

7:30 AM  Lauds with the The Benedicta Tu  
(Marian Devotion; after the Divine Office on Saturday)

9:00 AM Terce

10:00 AM  Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
11:45 PM  Sext
 3:00: PM  None /  Parochial Confessions
4:00 PM Vigil Masses
5:30 PM  Vespers
 8:00 PM Compline



** The Sunday morning cycle revolves around the cycle of Parishes Masses.

5:00 PM Vespers

9:00 PM Compline

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