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Picture Gallery Two


Note:  It will be easier to view the pictures if you right click and select save target as, and then view it on your computer.


01 –  Aboriginal Mask at the Aboriginal Art Museum.

02 – My Host family and me at the Suao cold water springs. We went bathing there and it was very cold.

03 – Picture from the HuaLien Harbor.

04 – Movie of Ryan, Chewing Gum, Judy and Feeder (host parents) playing drinking games.

05 – Really bad drunk Karaoke Movie.

06 –  Warning to all of you who would bring drugs into Taiwan (R.O.C. = Republic of China = Taiwan)

07 –  The craziness of ShinJuKu, Tokyo.

08 –  Mike and Me on Massage Chairs.

09–  Crazy Sky near Jared’s House.

10 – Advertisement for Troy in Shinjuku.