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American Civil War
Books, Magazines, and Articles
of Interest

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Advance the Colors!: Pennsylvania Civil War Battle Flags, Vol I.
Author: Richard A. Sauers
Publisher: Capital Preservation Committee
Copyright Date: 1987
ISBN: 0-8182-0090-1

Advance the Colors!: Pennsylvania Civil War Battle Flags, Vol II.
Author: Richard A. Sauers
Publisher: Capital Preservation Committee
Copyright Date: 1991
ISBN: 0-8182-0155-X


The Battle of Olustee and the Olustee Battlefield Site: A Brief History, Volume I.
Author: Olustee Battlefield Citizens Support Organization
Publisher: Renaissance Printing
Copyright Date: 1992, 1995

Blockaders, Refugees, & Contrabands: Civil War on Florida's Gulf Coast, 1861-1865
Author: George F. Buker
Publisher: The University of Alabama Press
Copyright Date: 1993
ISBN: 0-8173-0682-X

Civil War Journal and letters of Washington Ives 4th FLA. C.S.A. (4th Florida Infantry)
Author: Jim R. Cabaniss
Publisher: Jim R. Cabaniss
Copyright Date: 1987

Colours of the Gray: An Illustrated Index of Watime Flags From the Museums of the Confederacy's Collection(Some Florida Unit Flags included)
Author: Rebecca Ansell Rose
Publisher: The Museum of the Confederacy
Copyright Date: 1998

Confederate Florida: The Road to Olustee
Author: William H. Nulty
Publisher: The University of Alabama Press
Copyright Date: 1990

The Confederate Roll of Honor: Southern Casualties at the Battle of Olustee
Author: Russell A. Alexander & David J. Coles
Publisher: Olustee Battlefield Citizens' Support Organization
Copyright Date: 1997

Dickison and His Men (2nd Florida Cavalry, CSA)
Author: Mary Elizabeth Dickison
Publisher: Courier-Journal Job Printing Co.
Copyright Date: 1890

Discovering the Civil War in Florida: A reader and Guide
Author: Paul Taylor
Publisher: Pineapple Press, Inc.
Copyright Date: 2001
ISBN: 1-56164-234-7

Far, Far From Home: The Ninth Florida Regiment in the Civil War(9th Florida Infantry)
Author: Gary Loderhose
Publisher: Guild Press
Copyright Date: 1999
ISBN: 1-57860-097-9
LCCCN: 99-71528

The First Florida Cavalry Regiment C.S.A. (1st Florida Cavalry)
Author: Charlie C. Carlson
Publisher: LUTHERS
Copyright Date: 1999
ISBN: 1-877633-43-7

Florida Cowman (Florida Cow Cavalry)
Author: Joe A. Ackerman, Jr.
Publisher: Florida Cattlemen's Association
Copyright Date: 1976

Florida During the Civil War
Author: John E. Johns
Publisher: Univesity of Florida Press
Copyright Date: 1963
LCCCN: 63-17302

Florida Under Five Flags
Author: Rembert W. Patrick
Publisher: University of Florida Press
Copyright Date: 1955
LCCCN: 55-11901

Florida's Army: Militia/State Troops/National Guard 1565-1985
Author: Robert Hawk
Publisher: Pineapple Press, Inc.
Copyright Date: 1986
ISBN: 0-910923-34-5

J.J. Dickison; Swamp Fox of the Confederacy(2nd Florida Cavalry)
Author: John J. Koblas
Publisher: North Star Press
Copyright Date: 2000
ISBN: 0-87839-150-9

"The Last Wildcat": The Short Record of T.B. Ellis, Sr.(3rd Florida Infantry)
Author: Thomas Benton Ellis, Sr.
Publisher: The Genealogy Society of Hernado County
Copyright Date: 1998
ISBN: 0-9669244-0-1

Men and Arms: Sketches of the Commanders and Units of the Olustee Campaign
Author: David J. Coles; Olustee Battlefield Citizens Support Organization
Publisher: Renaissance Printing
Copyright Date: 1995

Pensacola During the Civil War: A Thorn in the Side of the Confederacy
Author: George F. Pearce
Publisher: University Press of Florida
Copyright Date: 2000
ISBN: 0-8130-1770-X

Tampa Before the Civil War
Author: Canter Brown, Jr.
Publisher: University of Tampa Press
Copyright Date: 1999
ISBN: 1-879852-64-0

Texas and Florida: Confederate Military History, Vol. XI
Author: Gen. ClementA. Evans
Publisher: The Blue & Grey Press
Copyright Date: 1998
ISBN: 1-56799-552-7


From Auction Block to Glory: The African-American Experience
Author: Phillip Thomas Tucker, PH.D.
Publisher: Michael Friedman Publishing Group, Inc.
Copyright Date: 1998
ISBN: 1-56799-552-7

Men of Color
Author: William A. Gladstone
Publisher: Thomas Publications
Copyright Date: 1993
ISBN: 1-57747-010-9

The Sable Arm: Black Troops in the Union Army, 1861-1865
Author: Dudley Taylor Cornish
Publisher: University Press of Kansas
Copyright Date: 1956, 1987
LCCCN: 87-50106


The Battle Atlas of the Civil War
Author: Editors of Time-Life Books
Publisher: Time-Life Books, Inc.
Copyright Date: 1991
ISBN: 0-7607-0409-0

The Battlefields of the Civil War
Author: William C. Davis
Publisher: SMITHMARK
Copyright Date: 1991
ISBN: 0-8317-0702-X


