Susana Amundarain's paintings on view in the Studio Theater lobby as well as the main lobby upstairs.


Somna M. Bulist ~ Valentine Stigmata
composed and performed by Somna M. Bulist, harp
Mary Elise Grandelis, vocals
Excerpts from "the Cross"
Invocation to AURIEL and Invocation to GABRIEL
Breath*"AURIEL of the North" Welcome the Black Tortoise
*Breath realized in collaboration with A.C. Goldston-Morris, 2001.

Denise Pullen ~ Happy Birthday, Baby
written and directed by Denise Pullen
Setting: a small hospital in Erie, PA
Reenie: Lisa Davis
Larry: Jim Auld

T. Foley ~ licence
a video by T. Foley
I had never before seen a blow-up doll. I was shooting a series of black and white still portraits when my friend brought her in as a prop. I was fascinated by her. She had eyelashes and large, old-fashioned babydoll eyes which opened and closed. Someone designed her that way. Then I touched her. This first meeting with her, this consideration of her, compelled me to make a video of her. I wanted to give her the doll's life she never had. I wanted to liberate her from her destiny of passivity.

Stacee R. Walters ~ Heart Candy: Eyes and Ears
In three movements
Choreographed and performed by Staycee R. Walters
This excerpt from the second movement
Costume and set design by Staycee R. Walters
Audio design/production by Staycee R. Walters and Herman Pearl
Audio Engineer: Herman Pearl
Videographer: Chris Ivey Video editing: Staycee R. Walters and Chris Ivey

Wen Hwa Tsa'o ~ Pei Pei's Wedding
a film by Wen Hwa Tsa'o
This film documents the filmmaker's sister, Pei Pei, on the day before and the day of her wedding. Pei Pei lives in Taiwan.
Pei Pei's Wedding was shot in H1-8 video, edited and outputted to Beta SP, then transferred to 16mm film using Four Media Company's state-of-the-art system.
The film is in Mandarin with English subtitles.

Autumn Ayers ~ Loose
1. Not rigidly fastened.
2. Free from restraint or obligation
3. Not dense or compact in structure.
4. Not chaste: lewd. 5. Slack Written and performed by Autumn Ayers
These songs are part of a larger work-in-progress inspired by children's books about the lives of the virgin saints.

Gams on the Lam
Get Lost

Created by: Leslie Noble John Plummer
Directed by: John Plummer
Clowning Consultant: Avner Eisenberg
With original music by The Gonsermachers
Costume Design: Katrin Naumann
Headpiece Design: Lauren Unbekant
Lighting Design: Kendra Lawton
Sound Design: David Kobernuss
Production Manager: Kendra Lawton
The Gams:
Diva...................Patricia Buckley
Waifer.................Leslie Noble
Trouble................Lauren Unbekant