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Hello! Whiskers's Petz Sites will be closed for awhile. I'm just about done
with the remodel, and I'm uploading files now. The new Whiskers's Petz Sites will
be wonderful, you sure won't want to miss it! Meanwhile, you have to look at this. :)
It'll probably take me a few days for everything to be uploaded, a week at the most.
Let's hope it's up soon!

*** NOTE ****

Whiskers's Petz Sites will be up by Sunday, probably Saturday. I'm having
major problems with my calling cards, and I need to work on the Random Adoption
Center Petz. If you are in Kaliedoscope Petz's Turkey Hunt, go to the bottom of the page.

Whiskers's Petz Sites is almost done! Write now I'm checking it over
for mistakes and uploading last minute files. I'm also wrestling with my
Top Sites List. As soon as its done, it will be posted! Awards for the
first Petz Shows will given out as soon as the remodeled site reopens.

Click here to go to Crystal Petz, the next stop on the Turkey Hunt.