
/* Cross browser marquee script- © Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com) For full source code, installation instructions, 100's more DHTML scripts, and Terms Of Use, visit dynamicdrive.com */ //Specify the marquee's width (in pixels) var marqueewidth=330 //Specify the marquee's height (in pixels, pertains only to NS) var marqueeheight=20 //Specify the marquee's scroll speed (larger is faster) var speed=6 //Specify the marquee contents var marqueecontents='YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR ALL OF YOUR MINI-LOADER NEEDS!!! GIVE US A CALL!!! KANGA IS A CONTRACTORS #1 EMPLOYEE!!!!' if (document.all) document.write(''+marqueecontents+'') function regenerate(){ window.location.reload() } function regenerate2(){ if (document.layers){ setTimeout("window.onresize=regenerate",450) intializemarquee() } } function intializemarquee(){ document.cmarquee01.document.cmarquee02.document.write(''+marqueecontents+'') document.cmarquee01.document.cmarquee02.document.close() thelength=document.cmarquee01.document.cmarquee02.document.width scrollit() } function scrollit(){ if (document.cmarquee01.document.cmarquee02.left>=thelength*(-1)){ document.cmarquee01.document.cmarquee02.left-=speed setTimeout("scrollit()",100) } else{ document.cmarquee01.document.cmarquee02.left=marqueewidth scrollit() } } window.onload=regenerate2

Welcome to Kanga Loaders Of New England. Let us show you how to save time and money and increase your competitive edge with one compact, multi - functional machine with attachments available for every job!!!

Kanga Kid
Kanga Attachments
Kanga Specifications
Kanga Back Hoe

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