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The Chipmunk Theory!

Hey, and welcome to SNOK's very own STORY PAGE! You see, we have this big on going theory, Hanson and the Chipmunks are one in the same!

Remember Alvin and the Chipmunks? Yea you do! That cool little cartoon with the chipmunks who could sing and their dad (or what ever you wanted to call him. He seemed like a very good canidate for a petofile!) Dave! Yea that one. Now think of Hanson and compare!

If I could, I'd draw a ven-diagram for you, but that wouldn't make much sence since they're so alike! And line them up! Ike is like Simon, the smart one! Zac is like Theador, the cute, pudgy one! And Taylor, well, he's like Alvin, the concided one getting everyone in trouble. Yep, they're definetly one in the same, if not distant cousants.

So what's all this have to do with eachother? Well, we here have decided to take it upon ourselves to show you what it would be like if Hanson really were the Chipmunks!

Before we get started, I must warn you, the chapters are very long, but the story moves. I just figured I'd let you know before hand, since sometimes you don't want to get into something so long. Just picture this almost like a giant soap opera that we've managed to have influence in. ENJOY!!!

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The Chapters:

Characters - Suggested, since this is a parody!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four - Unfinished.
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