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The Visitor


I went to a nursery to see the faces and when I got there, the children were not.  It seemed everybody in the nursery was gone aside of the caretakers.  Could it have been that the parents of every child who was at this nursery was not working.

                Every man and woman who worked there stared at me with an emotionless expression upon his or her face.  What had I done?  Ah, yes.  I was the peculiar man who came into the children’s nursery.  What kind of person did they think of me as?  I went over to the desk at the front of the building and asked:


“Why are there no children here?”


                She replied with a very tongue in cheek answer that brought out the annoyed child in me that she had most likely brought out in everybody who walked into that office:


“What?  Here to take a peak and put to reality your dreams.”  I quickly responded with which was clearly a lie.


“I thought my nephew was here.”  She grinned and started laughing out feverishly.  She quickly told me to come with her and led me to a tightly sealed room.  The room looked the type that policeman used to interrogate a criminal.  A busty woman walked in the room.  She started approaching me (at first I thought to shine a light in my eyes).  The woman forcibly tied me down and told me that it would be all right.  The only description I could give this building was:  Concrete, sterile, with no windows.  I then knew…