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Life In a Department Store


I once came upon a man who lived in a department store.  He was a very strange person who would voluntarily only come out at night.  The only person the man had ever spoken to was his mother and he neither fully remembered nor acknowledged this fact.  The time he would spend not in the store was in vents sleeping and listening to the light music from inside the store.

            He once saw a woman in the lingerie section of the store that he thought of as a dream.  He had never seen a person he wanted to love, that he wanted to meet.  He always thought of that moment as it had never happened and that he saw the image in the electronics section.  But he never noticed the urges any human being should have.  He was mostly interested in the cookery section; I believed he liked the shiny material and not the actual activity of cooking until one night.  He went to the cookery section with his tattered childhood blanket and picked one the non-stick pans.  He plugged the pan into a wall and took a type of animal he had probably found in the ventilation system.  The way he cooked the animal was as if he was trained in this field, the way he threw spices, the way he moved the pan, and the way he lightly added oil to the animal.  This Neanderthal of a person was cooking a meal and nonchalantly went back to his bed of lint and went to bed.

            The next night when he emerged he looked more frazzled than usual and emerged from the store.  He walked around the barren and cold parking lot and simply waved his hands.  He slept outside that night underneath the shade of a dumpster lid.

            The next day he wandered the diminutive town looking for someone to recognize him and wandered into shelter.  He retired his frayed attire and got a new outfit.  Wandering around the town for a miniscule amount of time he eventually went back to the store.

            He is now the chief security guard at that department store.  He still lives in that vent.  He has also picked up a hobby over the 8 years he has worked there, writing about his past…