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An Unintelligible Life


“Fries or no fries?  Would you like to biggie size that?  Is that all?  Thank you, come to the front window”.  The time I spend here I could have been somewhere else I could have been at home on insurance fraud.   Paid while sitting on my couch eating corn chips and watching the ‘Price Is Right’.

The same people, the same fat monotonous people asking for their grease injected burgers and their roach infested French fries.  And me the pale absent minded high school dropout who never paid attention to his English teacher when he told me:


“If you stay this way you either be pumping gas or scooping fries in 5 years!”


                And I simply responded:


“The only thing I need is my car and my girlfriend and I’ll be a millionaire in a year!”


                Well, when the car rusted over, her mother forced the girl into rehab and all I had left was the mind in which I had abandoned years ago.  I am here now and all I want are those precious yet pithy moments called high school.  I want those days back and I want to have the education I never had.  I want to be able to read.  I want to be able to express my feelings without having someone to say them to.