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This section isn't going to be a show off of all the people we know or all the bands that we have played with. This section is going to be a heart-felt thank you to everyone that has made a difference. We could mention every person that we know, and every band that we have ever played with but in reality we don't like everyone, and we haven't liked every band that we've played with. This page is for all those people that drove for an hour into the boonies to see us play in a barn. This page is for the people that have REALLY been our friends and not just when we had guitars on. This page is for the people that supported us back when we didn't know what the hell we were doing and told us that we were doing great even when we might not have been. This page is for every band that stayed and watched our set no matter how lame the show was, cause God Dammit we stayed. So to the people that deserve to be thanked, you know who you are and you already know how we feel because we continually express our love for you. Thank you...
