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A rare peaceful moment.

I was once told that everyone has a tale that they would like to tell. A tale of whom they are, their trials and tribulations. Some people are more then willing to give up their tale, others like to tell their tale in a riddle; a riddle to make you think and try to understand. Either way a tale is something that must be told to the person who is willing to listen but most importantly try to understand the story.

I too, have a tale, in which I would like to tell. In telling this tale I hope that the people closest to me will have a better understanding as to who I am and why I think the way I do. This is my tale. So pull up a chair, sit back and relax.

My name is Shortie Darkken, daughter of Dark Wyzryd, future wife of Pezler the Polychromatic, Wizard Most Wild. I appear to be a mere young woman about the age of 20, a curse and a blessing in disguise. Physically I cannot mature much older then this. My real is age is something that no one knows for I will not tell. I am not a mortal; I am a witch by birth. Descending from a long line of powerful witches and warlocks that perished unjustly in their times.

My childhood was anything but normal; I grew up in a broken down old two-story cottage in the middle of the woods. I was an only child and spent most of my days wandering the woods making friends with the animals that inhabited the place I knew best. My woods were filled with harmless animals and mystical creatures. It held paths of all kinds, paths that branched off the main one leading you into un-chartered parts of our woods. One of my few goals back then was to learn where each and every path leads. I was a lonely child, no one ever braved those woods that we lived in, and so I had very little friends.

In those woods I had my grandest adventures. Each day I would pretend to be someone different. A traveler who lost his way, an angry teenager running from his cruel parents, a prisoner escaping from the horrible trenches of jail, a child who wandered off too far into the woods and lost her way. During my adventures it was just me in those woods alone, not a soul around to disturb me or even corrupt my imagination. My imagination took flight back than and sometimes got the best of me. My imagination was as free as bird and soared carefree high into the sky to distance lands.

My parents were anything but normal. My mother was a powerful witch. Legend has it that she was the most powerful one descending from our family tree. She was a beautiful lady whose eyes sparkled with every smile, but she used her powers for evil instead of for good. My father was a mortal man who fell in love with my mom when they were only kids. He was a tall dark handsome man with a short explosive temper. He was rarely home; he spent his days working on a local farm and his nights roaming the bars getting drunk and picking up countless women. On the occasions that my father was home he would constantly fight with my mother and I about anything and everything. There were even nights in which my father would lose his temper resulting in a fight breaking out.

When I was old enough my mother tried her best to show me how to use the powers that I was born with, but I refused to use them in the evil ways I have seen her use them. To torture someone for his or her own personal gain I didn’t want to do. There were very few things that my mother succeeded in showing me, but the knowledge that I had once had was soon lost over time. Not lost entirely just forgotten due to the lack of usage. My mother made sure to explain to me that the powers whether I choose to use them or not, I will never lose nor anyone can take away from me.

My mother, Samantha, was a kind woman who rarely ever lost her patience with me. She would sit me down and explain to me things slowly, this wasn’t because I was dumb, it was because she wanted me to commit it memory and never lose it. Ever since I was a small child my mother would always warn me that people would dislike us because we were different. As first I was unable to understand this until one night. I remember the events of that week as if it just happened.

My father had come home from work early one day around noon, to surprise my mother and I with gifts. He had managed to save up enough money to buy the three of us horses. They were beautiful white creatures, gentle and obeying. My father patiently spent the day teaching me how to ride. He never lost his temper when I wanted to give up and stop riding. Eventually with them by my side I got a hang of it and for the next four days, the three of us rode through our woods. Taking the paths that I wanted to learn as a child.

We had spent the week together, the three of us, something that we had not done before. My father had promised us that on Saturday we would go visit my grandparents who I had yet to meet. I was 15 years old and never set eyes on my grandparents nor knew their names; the trip was long over due to me in my mind. Early Friday night we settled into bed, my parents in theirs and I in mine. I could not sleep that night so I laid there in bed restless for hours before I decided to get up and go outside. I had decided that I was to go for a ride in the woods since that usually tries me out, so I went to my trusty horse Starlight and saddled him up and took off. I rode through the woods quickly taking each path that was unknown to me. I rode with the warm breeze hitting my face the sounds of those spirits I was told about whispering ever so clearly to my soul. It was one of the first times that I have felt true happiness.

While I was out riding, my parents were sleeping soundly in their beds. The three of us unaware of the events that were to take place next. While I was out riding there was one path that had caught my eye, I had never noticed it before, it looked darker then the rest of the paths that night. It was a full moon out and I could easily navigate around but this path was dark and I couldn’t figure out why. So unwisely I went down it. The souls were restless is all I can say and even that is an understatement. They screamed in horrifying pain with each step my horse took down that path, he was frighten and I tried my best to keep in control so I could keep going down that path.

I was not to know what took place next until many years later. I was fighting my horse trying to get him to go farther down the path but he resisted and those voices told me to keep going. It intrigued me and I wanted to venture farther down there. Riding my horse I soon figured out was going to be a losing battle so I dismounted him and he shot out of that path like a bullet that comes screaming out of a gun to his helpless victim. Everything in front of me seemed to have come alive the moment my feet touched the ground. The branches seem to swing down and try to grab me, roots of the trees seem to come out of the ground and wrap around my ankles. Whatever was going on in that place I knew I had to get out and I had to get out quick. I looked around frantically searching for my entrance but I couldn’t locate it. I started to scream for help but I knew that my parents were not going to hear me; I was too far away from the house. Once I realized my attempts at screaming for help was useless I stopped and listened, there had to be a way out of there. At first I could only hear my racing heartbeat but as it slowed I heard voices. They seemed to be all around me; some were talking, some were yelling, others were crying. I dropped to my knees ready to give up when a shadow passed over me. It seemed to be walking down the path reluctantly I followed behind.

While I was following behind this unknown shadow, it leading me down this unknown path, my sleeping parents were ripped from their beds. Six village men had broken into our house and taken them before a heartless judge who was to decide their destiny. I never knew what happened that moon light night when they were taken from me; nor do I care. The tales that I have heard will haunt me for the rest of my life. The old man sentenced my parents to death. They were to burn to death at sunrise, he granted my parents one final wish. It being that a letter from them was to be sent to me after they were gone.

Exhausted and dirty I had finally made it out of the path that seemed to have sucked me right in, that shadow had lead me out. Once I was on the main path again the shadow was gone and I ran as fast as I could back home. I had decided that I would tell my parents first thing in the morning what had happened, it was only a few more hours until we had to get up and I didn’t want to disturb them. I climb into bed unaware of what had just happened and fell into a peaceful sleep.

A boy knocking on my door awaked me the next morning. As I stood at the door rubbing the sleep from my eyes, he handed me a black box and a white envelope. "This is for you, its from your parents, you are to open it when I leave. But if I were you I would think about getting out of here" and with that he left and I was not to see that boy again until years later. When I knew he was gone I went to the kitchen and began to read my letter.

Dearest Daughter,

We love you and always will. Remember the lessons that we taught you. Don't be afraid of using your powers even though you do not understand them now. You will in time, just don’t be afraid.

In the box that you were just given you will find the history of the witches of our family and the knowledge that they had. All have been sentenced to die a horrible death for their belief. It also contains my locket and a pendant of your grandmothers, a ring that your grandfather had given to me on my wedding day. Always keep these close to you. By the time you finish reading this letter they will have gotten to your father and I.

There is so much that I want to tell you, things I have neglected to teach you while I had the time, but you are smart dearest, I know you will learn our secrets on your own. I am sorry that I have failed you, I wanted nothing but the best for you.

Shortie, you must leave now and never come back. GO! Pack only your clothes and the little money that we have and leave. Do this for your own safety and protection.

Daylight is beginning to break. My time is rapidly coming to an end. Don't forget the things that you have learned. Don't be afraid my sweet daughter for I will be with you always. Split a piece of wood and I am there. Lift a stone, and you will find me. Go now and search for parents that will be able to love and provide for you like we were unable to do.


Mom and Dad

When I was finished reading my letter I folded it up and slipped it inside the box next I did what I was instructed to do. I packed what little clothes that I had, our money, and the few pictures of my parents that I had and I left. I knew there was no time for weeping until I was out of that place. I went out to Starlight once again and saddled him. We took off together. I was drawn to town for some unknown reason. A crowd had form in the center of town; curious I dismounted my house and unknowingly slipped amongst them until I was able to look at what captive their attention.

I froze dead in my tracks when I seen what it was they were watching a small man yelling about witchery and how it had corrupted their town. Slipped in by the cracks when no one was looking. “Now is the time,” he said, “to rid this town of the devil’s work.

With that he left the platform he was standing on and my parents tied up were being dragged into the middle of the circle. I stood there terrified, my knees shaking, my heart was racing, I had to help my parents, I couldn’t let them die. But how? I was a mere child they would easily over power me without any problems. I watched as my parents were tied to the wooden stacks moving up as close to the platform as I could get. I slipped my hood over my head in case someone was looking for me I tried to remain unknown to anyone. The crowd was loving it they were chanting “BURN THEM BURN THEM”, the chanting got so loud I had to cover my ears in hopes to block them out. When they were tied to the stakes, the same small man walked in front of the platform with a lit torch in his hand.

From this day forward there will be no more evil in our village. We can rest easily at night knowing our families will be safe, our loved ones will not be harmed.” With that he turned around and lit the hay and wood piled at my parents feet, the fire went up instantly. The flames dancing up farther and deeper into the pile of wood. I looked up at my parents; my mother’s face was stone cold showing no emotion what so ever. Some how she knew I was there and turned to look at me amongst the crowd, she smiled at me, the reflection of the flames dancing in her eyes as her clothes caught on fire and burned her body right in front of my eyes. Her voice came to me in a soft whisper ”I love you dearest daughter. Go now before they catch you….” With that she closed her eyes still keeping the stone cold expression upon her face. I turned to my father who was staring at me, he tried to act brave but I could see right through his mask. I could see the pain and fear in his eyes. He looked at me his eyes filling with tears and smiled softly.

I have witnessed many deaths after I watched my parents burn. Some more horrific and cruel then others; but to watch someone burn would have to be the worse. The stench of their burning flesh, the screams of agony and pleas for help, their charcoaled unrecognizable bodies and the way they smoke long after the fire is put out. All those things stay with you for life. The stench remains in your clothes, your hair, and your nostrils for weeks. Never wanting to leave, turning your stomach, the images waking you at night and keeping you awake night after night until you feel like you are losing your mind.

I never wept while I was there, instead I stood there brave, and unafraid of what could happen to me if I was found there. I would have stayed in that place forever if it was not for the loud caw from a raven flying overhead and that messenger boy who spotted me. He placed his hand on my shoulder as I stood there watching them. ”leave”, he said ”they will come for you next”. I turned to look at him but he was gone, I searched the crowd but didn’t see him again.

As quickly and quietly as I slipped into the crowd I had slipped out. I found my horse right where I left him earlier only this time he had company. A raven was sitting on his back. As I approached my horse the raven sat there ruffling his feathers not moving. He seemed determined to keep his seat even as I untied the rope. I stopped, looking at the raven, he stared at me for a moment then let out a loud deaf deifying caw flying off my horse. I stood there trying to regain my composure “where did that thing come from?”

With that I took off, I rode into the next town. I spent the rest of the day there riding around. When night came I went back to my town I was drawn there for some strange reason. It was a full moon just like the night before, brighter though, the air cooler with a little breeze. I rode out to the town square where my parents were killed that same day there was still smoking rising from the platforms. Small sparks were flying up into the crisp night air as I stood there weeping finally.

”Momma…Papa…. I will leave…. and I will not come back until I know it is safe….” I stood their watching the grayish black smoke rise slowly the smell sickening me but I didn’t care. I stood there for hours, Starlight watched me from afar as I wept. I mounted him as the sun rose in the horizon.

Starlight and I rode away from that town unaware of where we might go or what I was to do next. Only to be greeted by the cruel hard world.

I wandered aimlessly at first spending my money quickly. Wandering from town to town. I spent nights in dark alleys, taverns, deep in the woods. I didn’t care just as long as I had a place to put my head. Food. Now that was another story. Since I was careless with what little money I had, it didn’t last long and within six months I was broke. And I mean BROKE. I had not a cent to my name.

Luckily I had befriended the owner of the tavern I was staying at so when my money ran out she offered me a job and a place to stay.

Rose was not much older then I. She had inherited the tavern when her father was killed during the war and she was running the place by herself; together with help from her surviving Uncle Louis. During my short stay there Louis had showed me how to fight with a sword. He believed that everyone needed the knowledge to protect him or herself. I ended up staying with Rose and Louis for almost two years; when I had saved enough money I had left again with my trusty companion Starlight.

My relationship with Louis was much more complex then most outsiders would think. During the day he was a cruel and heartless boss who always found fault in my work. But when I would retire to my bedroom after a long day’s work he would be there shortly after. Knocking gently on my wooden door to let him in. We would spend hours together just him and I as Rose slept. At first he became a father like figure in my life, there to offer me advice to teach me new things. He was gentle and caring. Understanding and patient everything that my father wasn’t. He had bought me my first sketch book and had showed my how to draw. Something that caught on quickly. Before I knew what was happening Louis was suddenly more then a father figure to me.

It was my second winter there, Rose was snowed in at another town where she went earlier that day to get supplies. The tavern was empty like it always was during the winter. It was just Louis and I nestled together in front of the fire place trying to keep warm in front of our small pathetic fire. As the slowly passed the fire died down and the closer we cuddled together as one. They say body heat is the best way to keep warm and boy are they right. His kisses started slowly first down the side of my face and my neck before I knew what was happening he was on top of me slowly undressing me. I was scared and frighten I didn’t want this to be happening. I told him no and tried to stop him but before I knew what was happening he changed. It seemed as if a monster took over his body and his mind. He wasn’t my sweet Louis anymore he was someone else. The more I struggled the worse it got for me. He raped me that night. Took advantage of the situation at hand. From that moment on I was afraid to be near him. Afraid to be alone with him. I tried my hardest to stay away from him. The tension between us grew with each passing day. He stopped coming to my room after I finished with work. We fought all the time and he would become violent towards me. Finally I couldn’t take it any longer and decided that I had to leave.

I left them first thing in the morning one cool July morning. It was just starting to get light out, everything was still covered in the sweet dew from the night before, and the world was yet to be polluted by life. I mounted Starlight sadly leaving with the money I had saved and what little things I came with. Nothing more; nothing less, I wanted to stay with Rose for I loved her dearly and she had become the sister that I had always wanted but I knew it was time to go. I wanted so badly to honor my parents’ last wish, for me to find parents that loved me.

So once again I was alone in the cruel world, it was just my horse and I. What a team, right? A mere child of 17 and her pet all-alone left to take care of themselves. I was smarter this time around. I spent money only when I had to. I went days without eating. Spending as little time as possible in one place. I was like a fugitive on the run from the law. I never once looked back at the places I had left behind. I just kept going. In each and every town that I stopped in I would always see a raven, whether it was when I first got to the place or when I was leaving. He seemed to be following me I thought to myself but I was paranoid.

For almost twelve years I traveled aimlessly. Staying short periods of time at places. I would stay a few days sometimes weeks. Rarely did I stay more then 3 months somewhere. I worked at every town I stayed at. Meeting various types of people. Demons, vampires, elves, angels, messengers, freed slaves, killers, you name it and I met them. I watched their cruel killings, the way they feed off of their innocent victims.

I listened to their tales of death and love. Crime and deception. I listen and witnessed the killings night after night but I was rarely even frightened.

I wanted to give up so many times during those twelve years. I was old enough to be out on my own. Why did I need parents? Why did I need someone to love me? I had lasted this long on my own I didn’t need anyone or anything. I never considered myself strong nor weak. I barely escaped death each night in the places that I worked at. I was cold and heartless. I hated my parents for putting me in a situation like this. I resented other girls who had families to love them and take care of them. I hated the fact that I was on my own but I was not about to give up my freedom for anyone. I was independent and that was something that I was so proud of. While I hated those girls who had the parents that I never had I also envied them in ways. I wanted someone to hug me someone to love me unconditionally. Someone to be there when I was awaked at night by my dreams. But at last I had no one. It was just me and I wasn’t sure how to act if I had someone else in my life.

I had been working at the Flying Blade Inn for eight months when I came to the realization that maybe I no longer needed to search for new parents. I was going to stay at the Flying Blade Inn, rough and tough as it may seem but I felt I belonged here. For the first time in my life I had what you called real friends. People, who cared for me, people who were willing to help and were there when I needed them. I couldn’t have been happier. So after a little bit of pondering and convincing myself that I was to stay here I made a deal with the keeper of the Inn. I could stay rent-free if I worked there. I didn’t regret staying there at all. I made many new friends and very few enemies. Each person I met temporally filled a void in my heart and most importantly quieted my soul. I was content for once.

Until one beautiful crisp spring night when I ran into the boy who gave me my letter the day my parents were killed. I would have never of recognized him if it wasn’t for his sky blue eyes. I had gotten off of work early that night and just wanted to be alone. I was making my way out of the Inn sketch book in hand when he bumped into me. I smiled looking up at him and was about to say sorry when he stole the breath out of my body. I was stood there shocked as if I had just seen a ghost.

”Pardon me ma’am” he said to me as he walked to the counter leaving me standing there speechless. I followed closely behind him as if some sort of magical leash was pulling me tugging at my heart. He turned around and looked at me when he didn’t see anyone working behind the counter. ”Do you work here?” he said to me. His voice poured into the air as sweet as honey, it was as if music had fallen upon my deaf ears for the first time. I was flabbergasted; all I could do was nod. I checked him in still staring at him then showed him to his room. I purposely gave him the room next to mine; I wanted to make sure that if he wanted to talk I was there to listen. A sneaky game I was playing yes I know but still I had to.

As I turned to leave his room he grabbed my hand and turned me around quickly so that I was facing him. ”You don’t remember me, do you?” he smiled sweetly at me and I nodded again still unable to find my voice so that I could speak. I knew who he was how could I forget my messenger boy? He asked me next what I had planned that night and I simply told him nothing. So he asked if he could accompany me, ”Sure why not, I’m not going anywhere really. Just away from here.” He dropped his bags in the middle of his room and followed me.

We decided to take the horses that were in the stable. I mounted Starlight and he mounted Blondie and together we took off. We didn’t ride real far just to the end of town stopping at the lake for the horses to rest before heading back.

We sat side by side as he told me the tales of the endless witch chases that he had encountered in his travels, his training to become a mercenary, his journeys. We talked for hours the longer we talked the closer we became. We sat in silence and watched the sun rise together. I had watched the sun rise countless times before that morning but it was different sitting there next to him. It was as if the world was born all over again in those very moments. It was simply breathtaking.

Exhausted we rode back to the Inn together in silence, returned the horses to their stables before wearily heading to our separate rooms. He paused at my room watched my unlock my door, and when I turned around to say goodnight he asked if he could kiss me. I nodded because he took the breath away from me causing me to lose my voice again for the second time that night.

His kiss that night felt like dew on rose petals in the morning. It was soft and sweet leaving my body aching for more. He smiled sweetly when our lips parted then went to his room.

I remember not seeing him at all the next day or the day after that. By the third day I was convinced that he had left. I spent the whole day at work depressed walking around as if I was in some kind of dream. I should say nightmare really a never-ending one. How could I be so depressed over someone when I didn’t even know his name? After work I retired to my bed early that night hoping to escape all thoughts of him and his kiss.

It worked for a little while I was drifting off to sleep when there was a gentle knock on my door. I rose out of bed grumbling wondering what that person wanted. There was my mysterious guest standing at my door smiling at me sweetly inquiring if I would go back to the lake with him. “Of course I don’t see why not.”

We walked to the lake again and sat there for hours side by side. I found out that his name was Chris. He had been wondering about me since the morning of my parents’ deaths. Hoping and praying he might run into me some day. He had found me beautiful that morning he woke me up something he said he could never get out of his head.

I would like to say that we spent the night talking side-by-side but that would be a lie. He smiled at me in the moonlight and my heart melted into a puddle. He took me in is arms and my body melted. Things were awakening inside me that I had never felt. His passionate kisses brought my body alive in ways I never knew existed before that night. My body was aching for his touch. My lips were yearning for his kiss. He looked deep into my eyes brushing his lips lightly against my earlobe sending shivers throughout my body. He whispered in my ear “My dearest Shortie, let me make love to you tonight.” My only answer was a sweet and passionate kiss that left us tearing each others clothes off hungrily. He made love to me right there on the dew covered banks of the lake. Our bodies became one that night as he filled me with endless pleasure and ecstasy. We danced the dance that only lovers danced concealed only by the shadows of the darkness. When we were through we laid in each other’s arms watching the sun come up, our bodies sweaty and weak from the lovemaking that was just had.

After that second night Chris and I became nearly inseparable. He showed me things that I never knew before. He was beautiful in every way. His touch was gentle, he was kind and understanding, and his smile melted away all my troubled thoughts. He was strong tall; he had blonde hair blue eyes. He was my teacher, my friend, my life but most of all; my sweet lover. Life took on a whole new meaning. We planned to be together forever to start a family and move out of the Flying Blade Inn.

Life was great there and with Chris by my side but my past still haunted me. At nights I could hear my mother's cries and her words of warning. I could see their faces when they were burning, the smell of their flesh, and their charcoaled bodies in the moonlight. I tried to ignore them but it didn't work. Until finally one night she came to me and told me to leave. To pack my things and to go find the parents that were to love me like they were unable to do.

At first I was unable to leave Chris, I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life running. For the months that I was with Chris I didn’t have to worry about having to take care of myself, being free from that pressure was wonderful. I became so relied on Chris I felt lost without him near. Night after night my mother would return to me in my dreams telling me to leave. She wasn’t going to give up and either was I. I didn’t want to run anymore why didn’t she see I was happy? I eventually gave in and got the courage to do what I dreaded most. Leave the one that I loved and in the middle of the night I left him with only what I came with and the money that I earned. I left a note for him explaining that someday I would be back when I found the parents that I was told to go look for and that my love for him would never end or die out. I kissed his cheek tenderly the morning that I left. He looked so peaceful when he slept like an angel almost; I held back the tears as I walked away from him shutting the door noiselessly behind me. I crept out of the Inn like a thief in the night terrified of being caught by anyone but yet secretly hoping someone would stop me.

I walked out to the stable to wake Starlight once again and there sat on his back was a raven. I was in no mood for this game with the bird so I shooed him away with my hand. He cawed loudly at me ruffling his feathers. He must have thought that he was cute or something but I was not about to play a game with some silly stubborn bird. So I grabbed my bag and I left......

This page is a work in progress. I add more stories and details as I can. As of October 10, 2002 I have added parts to the first part of Shortie's Story and almost completed the second part. Hope you enjoy.
Look for more updates soon!

The Tale Continues.....

Photo Ablum
Sketch Book
Demetri's Death
Raven's Woods
A Letter To Grandfather
Vampire Tales
Guest Book
Vamprye Tavern
