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Feminist Rage Manifesto

Transferred from the Minellas napkin on which it was originally composed by Catherino and Laurel.

This list applies to males mainly, though I am sure there are points applicable to both genders. Let me know.

  1. Thou shalt not simply stop calling, and exepct us to disappear.
  2. Thou shalt not have a small dick
  3. Thou shalt not assume that girls aer only out for the dreaded Relationship - girls often JUST WANT SEX.
  4. Thou shalt not be a tease.
  5. If thou art flirty online and promise to call, thou shalt call.
  6. Thou shalt NOT resort to calling us "needy" every time you feel you're losing the argument.
  7. Thou shalt mention me to your mother.
  8. Thou shalt not ditch your best friend for some girl who has hurt you, does hurt you, and continues to hurt you.
  9. Thou shalt not tell me you love me, then use this as a reason why you can never see me again.
  10. Thou shalt fuck us, us, and only us, and not others behind our backs.