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Pics from Florida!

Hello there! So I remembered I had a website, and though I still dont feel like publishing my life on here so that undesirables can read it (ahem) I decided to put some of the best pictures from my vacation on here. As you may know I did also go to Europe...but for now here's Florida. My wonderufl sister has a digital camera and took all the ones on here. As you can see some are pretty silly, and not the most flattering of yours truly. Still I wanted to show how much fun we all had, so they're going up. I may end up adding more or even putting Europe pictures on...but for now here they are. Enjoy.

This is Deri and my cousin Adam at dinner after quite a few cokes...

Cara, my craziest cousin

Mother and I enjoying the carousel in Fantasyland

The scariest brother in the world

All the cousins

Waiting for TestTrack at Epcot

Cuddles rock

My Nanny and Grandad

