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"i swear, the whole world population of men shares like one set of testicles." -- katie

"well...i will let you get back to your star trek and your drinking alone, and i to my sharpening of green pencils..." -- nicole

"It's like temptation island..." -- Katie, describing Pittsburgh

"J'ai fait ce que j'ai voulu. Tu étais tout juste une pierre. Des pierres, il en faut pour faire des routes, sans ça comment pourrait-on se choisir un chemin ?" -- Simone de Beauvoir

"appearance contributes to reality." -- john f. kennedy

"dress for the weather my love, jupiter is a cold, cold place." -- nicole

"Quelle insatiable vanité d'amour-propre!" -- Marivaux

"Look, little BUNNY foo foo went hopping through the forest, etc... little RABBIT foo foo was shot and stewed for dinner while eating crumpets." -- Erika

"Je te le dis encore, le Ciel te punira, perfide, de l'outrage que tu me fais; et si le Ciel n'a rien que tu puisse appréhender, appréhende du moins la colère d'une femme offensée." - Molière, Dom Juan

"Did you perhaps by any chance call my house mad raving drunk?" -- Kelly

"you just gotta watch your fingers with him..." -- jane, on being drunk with jeff

"oh, i like having a connection to porn in someone's mind, even if it IS in a platonic friends kinda way" -- Nicole

"Pourquoi nous faire horreur de notre être? Notre existence n'est point si malheureuse qu'on veut nous le faire accroire. Regarder l'univers comme un cachot, et tous les hommes comme des criminels qu'on va exécuter, est l'idée d'un fanatique. Croire que le monde est un lieu de délices où l'on ne doit avoir que du plaisir, c'est la rêverie d'un sybarite. Penser que la terre, les hommes et les animaux sont ce qu'ils doivent être dans l'ordre de la Providence, est, je crois, d'un homme sage." -- Voltaire

"What the heck is whammo and where can i get some of it?" -- Katie

im like paul revere, except my horse is a jet pack." -- Deri, talking about advanced math:

"if the horses were jet packs, im not sure who would have won." -- Deri on the American revolution

"do you remember the good old days when whammo meant herpes and all was right with the world?" -- Jeff

"i support love, goddamn it, fully support it like a fucking underwire bra." -- Nicole

"i saw it with mr. mull, and it grossed me out even then." - katie, on the crucifixion of christ

"did she get it in nazi germany?" -- vicki, on how in hell russian bitch managed to get a PhD

"Hélas! Je l'ai connu, cet amour, ce souverain des coeurs, cette âme de notre âme; il ne m'a jamais valu qu'un baiser et vingt coups de pied au cul." - Voltaire

"you were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
you shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.
ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
but let there be spaces in your togetherness,
and let the winds of heaven dance between you.
love one another, but make not a bond of love:
let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
-- (kahlil gibran)

"excuse me, but what does BU teach anyway? fuckin diamond appraisal?" -- v. bitter communist homeless man on T

" il prefere la plus orageuse liberte a un assujettissement tranquille..." -- rousseau

"yogurt is better than sex." -- Annie

"Oh...that was a beep, I think. Yes? Yes, it was a beep. Well ok then..." -- Nicole on voicemail

"Marriage is the finish line of comedy." -- Jackson

"Yes, I have it written down. Hence, it really happened." -- Yevgeny Zamyatin

"wait, what kind of socks do gay people wear?" -- Katie

"Des coups de poing me seraient moins fâcheux que toute cette raison..." -- Isabelle de Charriere

"i was like, "oh heavens to betsy! the gel!"" -- Annie

"I wonder if there's someone with the screenname "myuterus"" -- JAne

"wasnt she supposed to be beamed back to her home planet at the end of the seventh grade?" -- jane

"and then there was john, who asked me to the junior prom on his graphing calculator." -- erin

"yeah im really attracted to him because he's very sarcastic and negative..." -- lauren

"See! being white pays off..." -- Emily

"haha, yeah, i've had a few i got stung by a bullet ant...apparently it's the most painful insect sting and a guy last year in the program cried when he got one...but dude, it was nothing compared to cramps!" -- Leigh

"baby, you still don't bore me." -- lauren

"'re not a douchebag. you're a translator." -- k

"pat burrell learned to hit a single...i think his parents should put it in his baby book or something, because it's quite an achievement for him." -- deri

"he is playing hard to get...and there's nothing to get." -- Gladys

"well you do have a weird armpit..." -- deri

"well, until then...careful of the bobby pins." -- Matt Saunders

"The ebb and flow is what we can count on to disturb and confound and invite new disturbances so the energy does not stagnate." -- Shep

"...especially in the US where its virtually impossible to cross the "too pushy" line." -- Dad

""wait, so this means that levy is officially on your resume...?" -- jane

"I'd rather have you around, thank you, so we can survive the impending political climate together..." -- Kelly

"just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have." -- Hermione, Harry Potter 5

"You've always been big on the psychological drunkenness." -- Jane

"every time i talk to you you've "just been drinking with your friend becca"" -- jane

"he's our biological weapon." -- mother, about brother

"and whats that movie where its whatsit bueller's day out?..." -- mum

"its like the show 'everybody loves raymond' but its everybody loves deri instead..." -- deri

"...oh its ok, chrissy hynes is singing in japanese again..." -- mother, after a protracted pause

"I call it "The untimely demise of spongebob"." -- Vicki, on her newly painted room

"its not really that ridiculous though..." -- john, on his dream that he was spiderman

"the intense thrill of the journey consists precisely in the unforeseen." -- mariano azuela

"The answer my friend is living in the Ham." -- Emily

"i mean it was just like high school again! i wasnt cool enough for these people! the people with the guitars wouldnt talk to me!" -- rubin

"There were still deep welts on his forearms where the brain's tentacles had wrapped around him. According to Madam Pomfrey, thoughts could leave deeper scarring than almost anything else..." -- HPV

"Aww...your vagina is the UN." -- Vicki

"I think it must be something in our genes that makes us keep putting ourselves on the line." -- Nanny

"As long as you're not talking to the curtains, you're still one up on deri in the sanity department" -- Vicki

"I only managed to accuse one person of being a communist - but she was chinese, so bonus points for me!" -- Vicki

"when you're this good looking people think you're gay, but you're actually english." -- jude law

"it means you have batteries up your ass, and that perturbs me." -- anonymous for his own protection

"I just had this vision of you sitting in your chair with all sorts of blank papers all over you and you throwing them up in the air and shouting british phrases." -- Emily

"perhaps i am a prude. but i'm a ROCKIN PRUDE." -- Katie

"at some point the trophy will evolve and develop human emotions and then where will he be? does this make any sense to you??" -- dr. sandler, the new dr. gallant in my life

"oh catherine, you're a teapot." -- mother, in response to my account of my psychiatric evaluation

"You're like a rocket scientist -- cool, detached and smart enough to change the world. It's a great time to stop dithering over whatever's been holding you back and just get busy." -- Yahoo horoscope, 12-10-04

"It's a hard world where half the people say you should not dress as a man and then other half want to punish you for dressing as a woman." -- Flora Sandes

"you're breaking up with me over wawa and a handfull of tortilla chips?!" -- Katie

"even if i hated you id probably still be your friend, just for sentimental reasons." -- amy

"catherine, you'll never figure anything out." -- matt saunders

Emily's post ski-day away message: Oh Ski Day.
-catherine missing the bus
-catherine falling down the mountain head first
-hooligans throwing snowballs from the ski lift
-the sketchy chairlift that nearly ejected us
-'cuz i got high' ringtone people
-assman telling me 'there's no yawning in skiing' a la tom hanks
-team leader 1 hating me; team leader 2 LOVING catherino
-Pat the guy from England/Austrailia/Ireland/Oh wait, no, Holland
-Free dinner watching douchebag preteens get fed by their parents
-REALLY loud Stepford wives
-the tubing girl nearly tipping over the edge
-seeing some guy ski between some bushes below the skilift and us wondering how he knew that there was snow there

"Que s'est-il donc passé, sinon la fuite des années?" -- Claude Levi-Strauss

"Dude, we want to do that to a duck tour one day - we're gonna rent an mit sailboat, dress up as pirates, and board it" -- Vicki

"good job sweetie, you've made it to like, 0.75 base!" -- lauren

"I would have made an awesome cave man." -- Johnny

"we're coming up with ACTIVITY DATES so we're not just going out." -- erin

"unless he shows up with a gun or a ring. then, freak out." -- amy

"i think he's been watching too many gerard depardieu movies..." -- katie
