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Here are some pages that I hope will be helpful for everyone with Webtv.

Clickable Links

html help


Backgrounds & Images & Bars & Lines

Printables-Return Address Labels,Cards etc.

House Plants

Gradcolor & Audioscopes

Midi Sites

Welcome to my web site.I put these pages together mostly for the new people on webtv.I know that when I first got on my webtv I had no idea what html was or where to go to learn what to do.I hope that these pages will help you get started.For those of you that have been on line for awhile I am sure that there is something here for you also.If you like the buttons I have used on most of my pages then you should visit "~Mystigal".She has alot of very cool things for you to use.I hope that you enjoy your visit to my web pages.Most of all remember"have fun"I know I had alot of fun doing them.

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