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Click on ships for more personal links.

Greetings beings of the Alpha Quadrant. We are a symbiotic spiecies from the sector of space you call the Delta Quadrant. We first encountered your various races onboard a ship called Voyager. We have discovered that we can enter your bodies thus controlling you. We have found this stimulating to us. Hence are travels to your sector of space. We have already infultrated several of your races.
Mass Domination is Our Goal!
This is an image of us in our Environmental Suits
One of us taking over a Drazi alien
This is one of our troopers, a "Hellion".
We are on tour and coming to a Solar System near you!


Game Site
Dirty Jokes
Dice roller

Well we hope you found the links enjoyable stop back soon.

Live Long and Prosper \\//

Things you need to know about our clan!

War times: E.S.T. 11:30pm till 3 or 4 am Mon. - Fri.
Members of


  • Admiral :There is only one
  • Commodore :There is only one
  • Captain :There are five
  • Commander :There are five
  • Ensign :There are many

Rank Advancement

  • We are new there are many openings
  • But this is how it will go
  • Ensigns need to win one None Rank to be eligible to challenge their Commander
  • Commanders need 2 None Rank wins to challenge their Captains
  • Captains need 3 None Rank wins to Challenge their Commodore and The Commodore needs 3 non-rank wins to challenge The Admiral
  • Rank game: when you're trying to Advance in rank. The CHALLENGER has to choose a alternate race to challenge with

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The Games
  • Rank games vary abit
  • For the Adm And Cmd: the Galaxy is Large,Many,Hard,Random Events On
  • The challenger has to take out the Adm or Cmd to assume their Rank
  • For the Cpt: the Galaxy can be Medium,Many,Normal,Random Events On (There can be 2 Rank games going on in one battle)
  • The challenger doesn't necessarily have to beat the Cpt to obtain his Rank just out last him.
  • Non-Rank games need only to have 3 to 5 players and be recorded. Size of Galaxy doesn't matter
  • Anything goes Except cheating and gangin the computer.1 on 1,1 on 2,2 on 2,3 on 2. NO 2 ON COMPUTERS

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The Rules
  • Listen to your superiors
  • We do not tolerate Quiters
  • Cheaters never Prosper

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The Treaties
  • Non aggression : SFC

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The Line Up
  • non-rank:Small,Many,Hard,on Turn 9
  • Players:"" of the United Federation-"" of the Romulan Star Empire-"" of the Klingon Empire-"" of the Cardassian Union-"" of the Ferengi

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The Results Section
  • Players:"" of the United Federation is a-"" of the Romulan Star Empire is a -"" of the Klingon Empire is a-"" of the Cardassian Union is a-"" of the Ferengi is a
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