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Winter Break in Egypt

A group of us (Jane, Angali, Gwen, and myself) spent our winter holiday bartering our way through Cairo, Luxor, and Dahab.  Here are some pictures and our journal entry.  As usual, click on the pictures to see a larger version.

1/14/00 - Journal entry

Jane_and_Charlie_Brown.jpg (43123 bytes)  Jane on Charlie Brown the camel.  So this is my competition ... a single-humped, double-kneed, slightly gaseous desert animal.

NYE 2000 in Cairo.jpg (68570 bytes)  New Year's Eve 2000 in TGI Fridays.  Yep, there is one floating on the Nile in Cairo.

Valley of the Kings village.jpg (58077 bytes)  A small village outside of the Valley of the Kings

Jane, Heather, Jonas on Bikes.jpg (58646 bytes)  Jane, Jonas and Heather (PCV Bulgaria) on bikes in Luxor overlooking the Nile

Colossus with donkey.jpg (34118 bytes)  The back of Colossi of Memnon (60 feet tall) outside of Luxor

felucca boat - Luxor.jpg (22511 bytes)  Felucca boat ride on the Nile

dahab.jpg (77844 bytes)  The "hippie" town of Dahab and the Red Sea

Jane and Anj chillin in Dahab.jpg (89423 bytes)  Jane and Angali chilling out in Dahab sun in a "Bedouin" style restaurant

Rick with water pipe.jpg (67420 bytes)  Me taking a puff or two of the "Shee-Sha" (the local tobacco made from molasses)