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Life in Chashka

So this is beautiful Chashka.  The large gray rectangle in the bottom right is a greenhouse with tons and tons of tomatoes and peppers!  There are 1700 residents living in the town.  There are 3000 residents living within the entire region:  1000 people in Melnitza, a Macedonian Muslim village, and the remaining people spread out over 14 smaller villages including two Albanian speaking communities.

I think tobacco is the most important crop in the region, however, we have also seen many fields of watermelons, tomatoes, cantaloupes, peppers, onions, garlic, corn, and wheat.  Many families own chickens and sometimes a pig or a goat.  There are also shepards wandering the hills with their flocks.

Here are some more pictures.  Click on the pictures for a larger version.

Yufki Making.jpg (65167 bytes)    Our neighbors Dona, Vukitza, and Lena making "Yuffki" (a type of pasta) for the winter

Chashka Chickens.jpg (24475 bytes)    The neighbors chickens and roosters (our alarm clock)

Jane_and_Tzena_with_Kitties.jpg (53105 bytes)    Jane and Tzena (our downstairs neighbor) with the new kitties Bojan and Bojanka

Jane_Tu_Tune.jpg (28175 bytes)    Jane stringing tobacco with our neighbors

Jane and the girls.jpg (49695 bytes)    Jane teaching the girls blackjack (or maybe it was old maid)

Chashka Church.jpg (30498 bytes)    The Chashka church.  Any town that is any town in Macedonia has to have a church!

Chashka Train Station.jpg (51977 bytes)    The Chashka train station ... notice the Cyrillic!

Chashka Train View.jpg (63336 bytes)    Jane, Aunt Margie, and the view from the train station

Mayor and I.jpg (50660 bytes)    Opshtina.jpg (22569 bytes)    The old Mayor of Chashka, Stojan Manevski, and I.  The Chashka Opstina (city hall):  we work on the second floor,  and a family lives on the first floor.

Stara Chashka Resident Pig.jpg (44470 bytes)    A resident pig in Stara Chashka (a different village of 30 people located about 2 km from Chashka)