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What Phi Mu Means To Me

Why did you decide to join a sorority? Why did you choose Phi Mu? What have you gained from going Greek? These questions are often asked of our Sisters from rushees, people intesrested in Greek life, and those who don't understand Greek life. If you're thinking about going Greek or are just curious as to why those of us who chose Phi Mu made the decision we did, here is a look into our thoughts on what Phi Mu means to us...

"To me Phi Mu is my home away from home. The sisters do not care what you look like or what you do, they love you for who you are. Phi Mu is a group of amazing women and I am so proud to a part of it. If you ever need something, someone will always be there for you."
Nicole Kujat; Class of 2006

"Phi Mu means friends that accept you for who you are not who they want you to be"
Mikki Anselmo; Class of 2005

"Phi Mu is always having someone to turn to. It's about always having fun and putting your heart into everything you do. You can't really understand it unless you are a part of it. It's one of the best decisions I have ever made."
Stacy Scott; Class of 2005

"Why did I go Phi Mu? Simply put, I went Phi Mu because it felt like home... a home i never had."
Jen Marino; Class of 2004

"Phi Mu was a place that for four years allowed me to meet some of the people I know that I will be friends with for the rest of my life and the majority of them are not even my sisters. That is what Phi Mu is... a doorway to something bigger than you ever imagined existed."
Amanda Liddick; Class of 2003

"Phi Mu started as something I was going to try- if I didn't like it I would just drop it. But from the visit meeting I attended, I knew Phi Mu was something I wanted in my life. The sisters were so nice to me and made me feel like I was a part of Phi Mu right away. The more I am in Phi Mu and the more I get involved, the more Phi Mu means to me. Phi Mu will always be a part of me, and my Phi Mu times will be my best memories from my college years. I have friends outside of Phi Mu but my best friends are the close friends I made within the sorority. I know that the friends I made in Phi Mu are friends that I will keep forever. I may not see them all regularly but I know we will keep in contact. Phi Mu is something that I always love and always appreciate and I am so glad I joined. It was the best decision I made at this school."
Danette Boyer; Class of 2003

"The reason I went Phi Mu is because of the people. They seemed more real and up beat and more like my personality. I just felt an immediate bond!"
Brittany Gardner; Class of 2005

"I knew I wanted to be involved in activities and make new friends when I came to college, so I figured recruitment was the way to go. I chose Phi Mu because I felt that I could be myself and I could be accepted for who I am. Phi Mu was the first chance I had to be myself and not get criticized for it, which allowed me to grow in ways I never thought possible."
Jen Busillo; Class of 2002

"Phi Mu to me is family. Family are the people that have to love you no matter what and that is what the sisters do. Sisters are girls there with tissue when you are crying, and laughing at all your jokes, even the not-so-funny-ones."
Nell Persing; Class of 2005

"I rushed to meet people. Meeting Angie [Fell] over the summer and having her as my RA helped alot. Seeing all the sisters as I was going through the different nights of rush, everyone seemed different but they all had the same love for the sorority. I relized Phi Mu was different than all the others. That really impressed me and made me even more interested in the bond that I now share with the sisters of Phi Mu! Also, the final night of rush was the clutch for me."
Lisa Tufts; Class of 2005