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    This site is for the benefit of those of us who are researching the Chester/Delaware County area of Pennsylvania.  It is an offshoot of the rootsweb genealogical list, and was requested by a fellow member who thought it would be a good idea to have a place where we could keep all the various sites  we, personally,  have  found helpful with our research of the area.  As time permits I plan to add some general history of the area, and separate, specific  pages, ones that will perhaps add information of our main area of interest  without being exclusive to it (for example a page for PA links), and pages for sites such as bookstores, maps, supplies, foreign research.  I'd also like to add photographs, but I'll  have to see how much space I  have available..  I think a page of personal websites, ones that contain area families will  be helpful, too.  So, send me your sites and webpages, AFTER you check them to see that they still are working.  (it would be nice if I didn't have to test each URL before adding it!)    Email me at  and remember.... this is in the planning stages,  nothing is written in stone, and new pages can be added if there is interest and involvement!   Remember, the nucleus of this site is my own list of favorites, and may not be the same focus as yours, so be thinking about what you'd like to see;  for instance, many of you have German ancestors, which I don't, so I'll rely on you to furnish the data for this page, if you decide you want one.  How about a Swedish page?   Welsh?   English, for sure!  The possibilities are endless, but will be determined by your input!

Early history

Chester and Delaware Cos. URLs

PA listings

General Interest URLs

Bookstores, maps, forms and supplies

Personal web pages


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