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Hi Classmates!

Are you looking forward to the 50th Reunion in 2005?  We all certainly hope so!


It is impossible to believe a half-century has passed us by already since we rock and rolled to Elvis and took such pride in our shiny new cars with all the fancy fins and the glistening metal!

Time has changed us and we can appreciate those carefree days of the past.  Retirement is a welcome visitor or should we call it a permanent guest?

We now take enjoyment in things we never even gave consideration to in the days of our high school proms and football games.  Our grandchildren and our leisure were not even a thought.  But we still enjoy being together and revisiting the days and friends we made in high school.  These are some of the best people in the world and we are privileged to be able to come together and celebrate our wonderful memories.

 Please take time and make plans to be a part of our terrific reunion.  We will let you know the dates so that you can arrange your time and be with us.  We are scattered far and wide but we will be in touch by e-mail for those of you who have it , and by snail mail for those who don't !

 Keep your eyes and ears open for notification we want YOU there!

Class of 1955 Reunion Committee

Page 2-Reunion in 2000

Page 3 - Class Community

Please submit any changes since 2000 in :

Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Email, Phone

in order that we can remain in touch with you and send you all the new information about our 2005 reunion