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The Official Molly Maguire Sculpture Website

A shadow of the gallows frame will subtly appear on, and be part of, the wall behind the sculpture. It will be visible only when the sculpture is viewed from the front. When you stand to the side of the figure, the gallows shadow disappears entirely.

The wall will be extended around the park so the sculpture of the man can only be seen
by entering the defined doorways.

The sculpture will stand on a pedestal of black granite to suggest the coal foundation from which the Molly Maguire saga grew. Educational storyboards presenting historical information in an unbiased manner will be mounted on the stone walls surrounding the courtyard. The sculpture of the woman, symbolizing the sadness felt by the executed men's families and of the victims of that era's violence, will be added to the site at a later time.

Drawings by John R. Collins

The stone wall in back of the sculpture of the man and walls with barred windows to the
sides form a jail yard. Visitors may move around the entire site to read educational
storyboards on the stone walls surrounding the courtyard. The grieving female figure
stands on the outside of a wall that separates her from the condemned man. Viewing the
sculpture from all sides enables the visitor to play all the parts: that of a person watching
this shocking scene, a prisoner behind the wall looking out at the scene, and the
condemned man. Walking quietly among the sculptures in this frozen setting of the social
tragedy, visitors gain an understanding of the vivid pain of all involved.


Mission Statement
with special thanks to Eric McKeever, author of Tales of the Mine Country:

The Molly Maguire saga, begun in the mid-1800's, lives on from generation to generation fueled by guilt and blame on both sides of the controversy, unresolved to the present day.  Among the enduring issues are that innocent, or nearly innocent men, were convicted along with the clearly guilty. 

The Mahanoy City Molly Maguire Sculpture depicts the human tragedy for all concerned.  It commemorates the social tragedy of the era without taking sides.


Advisory Committee

Honorary Chairman: Sir Sean Connery


Edward Lucyk, former State Representative
Neal Goodman, State Representative, 123rd Legislative District
Patrick H. Campbell, author, A Molly Maguire Story
Leo Haley, John F. Kennedy AOH, Pottsville
Kevin G. Kenny, author, Making Sense of the Molly Maguires
Mia Light, writer and graphic artist
Mark T. Major, Executive Director, Schuylkill County Tourism Bureau
Bill O'Brien
Danielle and Stuart Richards, historians

Steve Varonka, author, Molly Justice, Who Were the Molly Maguires,

Breaker Boy Chronicles, Early Coal Transportation and Coal Miner’s Wish

The Borough of Mahanoy City
Jerry E. Teter, Borough Manager
George Krall, Mayor
Patti Schnitzius, Council Person, Chairman of Community Development
Mary Jane Lucas, Council Person

Design Team
Ron Dillman, Prodesign Plus, P.C., Frackville, PA, landscape architect

Alfred Benesch and Company, Inc, Pottsville, PA  
Zenos Frudakis, sculptor  (website: )





This history-oriented educational project is funded by:



Department of Community and Economic Development                          $50,000

Penndot T-21                                                                                          32,616

Schuylkill River Heritage                                                                          20,000

Herman’s  Foundation                                                                             20,000

Department of Conservation and Natural Resources                                           

                    Wildlands Conservancy Fund                                               20,000

  Philadelphia Historical Society                                                                 10,000

 Community Development Block Grant 2002                                              8,877

 Community Development Block Grant 2001                                              1,000

 Schuylkill Arts Council                                                                              1,000



                                                                  Brick Sales                                                  $6,800

                                                                  Fundraisers                                                      437

                                                                  Ghost Tour Income                                       2,242

                                                                  Sales of Tapes                                                  160


                        Total Income Raised                                                                            173,132

                    Total Needed to Complete the Project                                      150,000

Total Project Budget                             $323,132

-  53% of the total project budget has been raised  -

Individual financial contributions in any amount are welcome.

If you would like to make a financial contribution
to this project or help us in another way, please contact
Jerry E. Teter, Borough Manager, Mahanoy City,

For an excellent source of information and history about the Molly Maguires,
we encourage you to visit: